Avenging Angelo (2002) Poster

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An Average Comedy, the Last Work of Anthony Quinn
claudio_carvalho28 December 2003
Frankie Delano (Sylvester Stalone) is the bodyguard of the mobster Angelo Allieguiere (Anthony Quinn, in his last work). Angelo has a daughter, Jennifer (Madeleine Stowe), who does not know her true identity. Frankie was responsible also for her protection since she was born, and is secretly in love with her. When Angelo is killed by another gangster, Frankie gets close to Jennifer, since she would be in danger. Many funny situations will happen when the killers try to murder Jennifer. This movie, although predictable and with some ridiculous dialogs, entertains and works reasonably well on DVD. It is an average and forgettable comedy, but good for some laughs and killing time. My vote is six.

Title (Brazil): "Missão Perigosa" ("Dangerous Mission")
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Stallone And Stowe Star In Quinn's Last Film
CitizenCaine12 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Anthony Quinn had his last role as an aging mob figure trying to make amends with the daughter that never knew him in this direct to video release. The film stars Sylvester Stallone as Quinn's right hand man, who must deliver a message to Quinn's daughter and protect her before it's too late. Quinn's daughter is played by the sexy Madeleine Stowe. Along the way, there's comedy and romance between Stallone and Stowe and comedy between them and the killers trying to get them. Stallone continues a mediocre trend of appearances since his good performance in Cop Land with the exception of Get Carter. Stowe has been seen infrequently in recent years and may be falling victim to Hollywood's failure to produce good parts for women over 40. Quinn adds good support in his brief appearance as a crime figure. The two main problems with the film are that the chemistry between Stallone and Stowe is shaky at times, and the plot is fairly predictable and routine in its execution. Stallone and Stowe do make it watchable though. ** of 4 stars.
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Much better than I expected
marybeth436113 January 2011
Avenging Angelo was dedicated to Anthony Quinn, whose character was killed off in a vendetta for the murder a rival. His daughter, Jennifer was never told he was her father. Her "father and mother" were to raise Jennifer as their own child for her protection. Frankie was her body guard much of her life. In the process he fell in love with her. There was definite chemistry between Jennifer and Frankie. The movie is fairly predictable. One of the silliest moments was when Jennifer decided to "wax" the man who was trying to have her killed. Being at death's door, Jennifer succeeded when she "married him to death". The movie had romance and laughter, and it was a lot of fun if you could overlook the "whacking" of several people who were out to get Jennifer.
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"Everybody's going somewhere!"
uds330 October 2003
If nothing else, the film justifies its existence for the restaurant scene at the beginning, wherein Quinn utters the above line. Short as it may be, THAT scene was cinematic magic, especially if you study Quinn's face as he delivers the words. The briefest of pauses makes you wonder if the reality of that line had momentarily struck him, fatally ill as he was with throat cancer during shooting. He died before the film's release bringing to an end one of Hollywood's most illustrious screen careers - one that spanned six decades. Restricted as the role of Angelo was, it was ENOUGH to say "goodbye" with, and with such dignity too. Quinn "conveyed" more in his ten minutes on screen here than others have amassed in a lifetime. He would have been delighted to be working, up to his last breath, literally. Stallone even, if you really look closely, appears to extend a real reverence to his co-star in those opening minutes.

I think to have any hope of either understanding or even "liking" this film, you would need to be over 40 with a depth and awareness not everyone has. It is NOT a "surface" film. If that is all you can see, you're wasting your time. There is fun, chemistry, humor- subtle and less so....and a decent storyline. Whether you view it as parodying THE GODFATHER (which at times it appears to be doing) or telling a less than straightforward tale of revenge...mafioso style, this film has genuine moments of endearing drama. Many reviewers appear to feel short-changed expecting as they were, THE VALACHI PAPERS 2 or THE CURSE OF DON CORLEONE....nor was this wallowing in the putrid wake of OSCAR, Stallone's last "stab" as it were, at portraying the unfunny eccentricities of "la cosa nostra."

I won't bother rehashing the plotline....enough here have done that. I would simply say that it is a great shame it went straight to video - Quinn deserved way more respect than that, and SO did this film. I agree with the reviewer who offered a 6.6 as being reasonable. Like I said though, you have to be able to look past the plot holes, the uneven direction and the oddball characterizations. Stallone and Stowe handed in some good work here!
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Treeman2221 June 2003
Believe me, nobody wants to see Sly reclaim his former glory more than me, but "Avenging Angelo" ain't the way he's gonna do it. I cringed when I saw it on the shelf in the video store - Sly's second straight to video dud - but I rented this one too. "Eye See You" wasn't all that bad...he's had worse go to theaters...but "AA" is totally D.O.A. Stallone is good, but Stowe is over the top and annoying - she's trying too hard to make everything "zany" and "madcap". And the "wacky banter" - Sly tries to blame a farting corpse on "bloated squirrels stuck in the walls"(???!) - is just horrible.

Many scenes are stupidly overdone - the shoe scene, the shooting the ceiling scene, the adultery scene, all those pointless romance fantasies - they're trying to be funny but that's all they are...trying. In fact, the whole movie is. I watched half of it on fast forward, stopping occasionally to see if it improved. It didn't. Even the climactic fight is lame. Sly's worst.
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Not for me
dworldeater22 September 2021
Avenging Angelo is a direct to video Stallone flick before he made his comeback with Rocky Balboa. I can't blame Sly for trying something different after a decade of mostly bad or unremarkable film work. This is a romantic comedy action mob movie that seems to cater to women. I could see this being well received on the Lifetime network or something. However, if you are a normal film fan or a fan of Stallone's action movies I will recommend to stay as far away from this as possible. It does have a good cast with Stallone, Madeleine Stowe and Anthony Quinn in his last performance. However, this film falls flat with me as nothing really comes together in this really corny and substanceless movie. Sly's performance is actually not bad, but the film as a whole is painful to watch. The mafia stuff is as cliche and unauthentic as it gets, there is very little action and the rom com elements are as cheesy as it gets with some of the lamest, most cringeworthy attempts at humor on celluloid. The romantic elements are as equally clumsy and forced into a film that would be better suited being played in a more subtle manner. If you are a soccer mom or something, this might be for you. But for a man pushing 50, I hated this and found this to be a grating and forgettable watch.
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Nooo! Why why why Sly...
robo85 January 2007
I sure hope this is director Marty Burke's last feature, because unless he had a gun to his head and was forced to follow an erratic script, he's not doing a very good job.

The movie is a mishmash of incoherent, illogical, unfounded scenes that brings it no flow and no credibility whatsoever (not even as a comedy). Stallone is actually pretty good and Stowe tries although she stumbles severely.

I can see some good intentions of making this a romantic comedy, but it just fails utterly. The comedy isn't very funny and the romance isn't really coming across.

Poor Sylvester who just winds up with directors who make crap of his every non-action-movie-attempt. Unfortunately Sly, you and the soundtrack are the best things about this movie!

Rest in peace Anthony!
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Ciao, Tony Quinn
artzau3 June 2003
This was Tony Quinn's last film. He was dying of cancer of the throat when the film was being made and it shows in his weakness in the film. Appropriately, he gets offed and indeed, he was dying and died before the film was released. A grand old man who gave us lots of moments in hundreds of films from bad guys to good guys, always in the character realm. This film with Maddy Stowe and Sly Stallone is a fun film that wanders between being a kind of Prizzi's Honor in the chick-flick mode to a rather slap-stick comedy. However, what the reviewers herein who are panning Stallone with their "he's over the hill" comments seem to miss is that old Sly can do more than Arnie Swartzenegger clenched teeth grimacing action films with usually lousy story lines. True, this film at times can't seem to make up its mind whether to be a black comedy or pratt-fall filled lampoon of the traditional gangster/mafioso genre. No matter. It's fun because Stowe and Stallone are a delight to watch. Although, it does make one sad to know this was old Tony's last film, we should appreciate he worked right up to the last gasp, as it were. Ciao, Tony and thanks for all the good times. You'll be missed.
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More of a female movie
mm-3915 August 2003
This film is a female comedy; I thought it would be a mobster story. My wife enjoyed this film, I thought it was more hit or miss. I believe this film was direct too video. I would not be surprised if this film is on Show case Diva, I would not recommend this movie. But I would give it a 5 out of 10.
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Good clean fun!
roger_nt3 June 2006
I bought this movie for two reasons, first, I wanted to get something my wife and I could watch together and Wal-Mart was selling it for $5.50, and secondly, it was filmed partly in the city where I work, and I saw Stallone standing between two sound trucks, looking just like Sylvester Stallone as I was leaving my office one night. I had always thought I should have a look at the movie.

I expected a grim-mouthed actioner, but having seen some of Stallone's other work I should have known better. The movie is played with a lot of good humour, and fine interplay between Stallone and Stowe. There were a couple of places where I actually laughed out loud, and it's hard to make me laugh.

If you want a movie you can watch on a quiet night with your teen-aged kids and your wife, this'll do fine.
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Uncle Stallone's family entertainment
Sandcooler20 April 2008
Why bother making a Sylvester Stallone if he's not going to be violent or cool for one scene? He's gotten softer than the entire A-Team combined. It sucks to see him trying to achieve his goals just by merely threatening people like a little school girl. You better give me the information I need or I'll obviously keep shooting around you or hold you in some grip, I'll do anything unless it makes you bleed. The story is shockingly uninteresting because I've seen it hundreds of times before. Maybe the mafia just isn't what it used to be. Stallone's character is not 60 years old which would be logical, the face-lifts and the bull hormones are getting painful to watch. You really start to wonder why this movie was ever made in the first place. With no cinema release, it has to get back the budget from DVD rentals, and why would you rent this when you can just get "Rambo III" and actually see the same guy doing stuff that's lots more entertaining? Despite pathetic,it was still a good choice to go back to his two franchises after this because honestly, this is as relevant as the newest Seagal.
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Appreciate it for what it is, not what you want it to be!
Admire31 May 2004
All the comments seem really critical of this film calling it the worst Stallone film ever... You obviously haven't seen many of his films. Treat the film as the light hearted comedy/ romance it was obviously meant to be and stop trying to find the Stallone box office smash you expect every time.

The story could be improved slightly, but as a film dedicated to the life of Anthony Quinn I found it quite moving. Try to remember, not everyone always wants to see long drawn out complicated 3 hour films that leave you wondering what just happened. It is nice just to kick back and watch something easy going. I think to cast Stallone as Frankie in this film was a stroke of genius. Nothing like the films he has done of late which all have him as some burn't out over the hill character. Madeline is always a pleasure to watch if for nothing more than her ability to light up the screen. I gave the film 10 out of 10 for being good within it's own boundaries.
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Who knew Stallone was funny?
jesussavedjoshua9 February 2020
This is a light romp and Anthony Quinn was great in it too. Stallone and his costar are funny too. Keep in mind it's a light comedy and a gangster bodyguard film and you will be all set.
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Only two reasons to watch: Stowe & Stallone
=G=23 May 2003
In "Avenging Angelo" Stallone plays bodyguard to a wealthy woman (Stowe) who unknowingly becomes a mob target. A clumsy and awkward romantic comedy, this film's conclusion is foregone and the journey toward it hard to get into and hard to swallow. Nonetheless, it's sufficiently busy with simple minded fun to make it an enjoyable no brainer for fans of the players or needy sofa spuds. (C+)
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Give it a chance...you might be surprised
sat-elite23 July 2004
Disclaimer: I am not a Stallone fan, . but I readily admit that Sylvester Stallone has made both good and bad films. This is definitely one of the former.

Stallone rarely gets any respect for his acting in the mainstream press, which is accurate rather than biased: if he were an unknown in this role, and had given an identical performance, the press would laud him for his ability to handle subtle bits of comedy interspersed with action and gun-play. But he's Stallone- with all the baggage that this carries, both good and bad- so whilst he should know better, his work in the light hearted flicks is quite often overlooked.

If I were assisting Mr. Stallone's career, I would have suggested putting this out in film, and keeping 'Get Carter' for the nearest black hole. The director of this film works well but should be shot on sight for one scene, where the Merc is accelerating from the garage and the cars behind are happily catching up.

Madeline Stowe has rarely been annoying to me, and in this film, one has to admire her (again) her for her amazing physical shape: she's beautiful, with a figure that a lot of current 20-year-olds round here could never aspire to! She deftly handles both the comic and the pathos of the script, in much the same way as Stakeout 1.

Nice to know that Quinn and Stowe did it again for the last time with a simple story about adultery and revenge rather than a simple story about adultery and revenge.

Rent it with an open mind. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. Quinn R.I.P.
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Deservedly Direct to DVD
deepfrieddodo27 August 2021
I am a huge Stallone fan, but sadly this is one of Stallone's worst films, if not the absolute worst. Mainly because of the female lead, who is insufferable as a character. Air-headed, entitled and shrill, her developmental arc is non-existent. None of the characters are interesting and all fall on tired clichés. The dialogue is atrocious, everything is so poorly written and random inconsequential twists are added in - 'Hi dear, your father is playing squash. No, actually he's gay' - exaggerated but the jist of it. There's even a full scene presumably meant to be funny about an assassin with flatulence. Throwing in the typical unconvincing (to Brits) posh British accent, it's overwhelmingly poor.

Stallone does nothing wrong, other than make the decision to join this film. Not even sure what the genre is, it's not comedy, drama, romance or action. No wonder it went direct to DVD. Plus, after acting that isn't too cringe-inducing as a whole, in the climax it is atrocious, at least it's over in the space of seconds. An hour and a half building to that. Terrible.
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What a joke....complete waste of time....!!!
esben rose18 June 2003
Stallone and Stowe performs here in this ridiciolous little 1½ hour movie. Its So boring and trys to be funny and romantic and deep at the same time with absolutely no succes....A complete waste of time! I thought it would be a suspense thriller but the FUNNY cartoon like music at the beginning says it all....
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A chipmunk could write a better screenplay than this
MBunge17 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Hey you, the person reading this review! May I ask you a question? Why haven't you written your own screenplay? I ask because there's no way you couldn't write something better than Avenging Angelo. If you never graduated from middle school, you could write a better movie than this. If you've never read anything more complex than a random issue of Highlights magazine, you could write something better than this. If your hands and your feet were cut off and you had to type out the script with your nose, you could still come up with something better than this putrid and cringeworthy piece of misbegotten guck.

I'm now going to describe to you the plot of Avenging Angelo but no matter how hard I try, I will fail to fully convey to you just how terribly written it is. I'd have better luck describing the Sistine Chapel to a blind man or sex to a 92 year old virgin. Anyway, here goes… Angelo Allieghieri (Anthony Quinn) is a very old mobster. He's one of those kindly, gentlemanly mobsters who only exist in fiction. He's also one of those fictional mobsters who has vast sums of wealth without ever really doing anything. In fact, Angelo seems to have only one employee. That's his bodyguard, Frankie Delano (Sylvester Stallone). Now, here's where the story starts getting stupid and yes, the idiocy in this film does begin even before the open credits are finished. In fact, this is the only movie I've ever seen where you can literally tell that it's not worth watching as the opening credits roll. It seems Angelo gave up his daughter for adoption many years ago. He gave her to a nearby family, gave them enough money to make themselves rich and had Frankie watch out for her during her entire life, without the daughter ever knowing anything about it. Then one day, Angelo and Frankie go out to a restaurant to eat and Frankie leaves Angelo alone to go outside and talk a meter maid out of giving him a ticket. While Frankie does that, a mob hit-man named Bruno (Billy Gardell) walks up to Angelo and shoots him. Yeah, that's right. The bodyguard lets his mobster boss get killed while he's trying to sweet talk his way out of a parking ticket.

After his utter and complete failure, Frankie goes to visit Angelo's long lost daughter. Her name is Jennifer Barrett (Madeline Stowe) and she's just shipped her 7 year old son off to military school and chased her husband out of the house at gunpoint after catching him having sex with one of her friends. Frankie shows the overwrought and heavily drugged (I'm not even going to get into that) Jennifer a video recording of Angelo, explaining her true heritage. Frankie sets himself up as Jennifer's bodyguard. Why does she need a bodyguard? Because mob hit men are now trying to kill her (again, I'm not even going to get into it). While their dealing with that , we're supposed to see that Frankie's been in love with Jennifer since she was a young girl and she's falling for him, until another character who makes absolutely no sense at all comes between them and I think you can figure out what happens after that. Oh, and did I mention this is supposed to be a light-hearted comedy? When you watch Avenging Angelo, you'll feel sorry for the actors. Sure, they got paid but there's not enough money in the world to adequately compensate them for being associated with this embarrassment. I wouldn't be surprised if some of them suffer from Post Traumatic Street Disorder from their time on this film. You'll especially feel sad for Anthony Quinn and Madeline Stowe. This was Quinn's final film before he died and it is a tragedy for this garbage to be the capstone to his career. Stowe, for her part, tries so hard to carry this movie on her back. Her neurotic housewife turned mafia princess is the source of most of the story's humor and Stowe is not much of a comedienne at all. She tries to make Jennifer quirky and endearing and all she does is make her annoying.

You can't feel sorry for Stallone, however. He's made so many awful films, what's one more on his hellscape of a resume? He also got to work with Anthony Quinn and he got paid something to do virtually nothing in this movie. Frankie is the stoic, taciturn straight man in this supposed comedy. He's Abbot to Jennifer's Costello, George Burns to her Gracie, Ricky to her Lucy. While Stowe does almost everything she can to get a laugh except play a kazoo with her butt, Stallone mostly stands around with this moon-faced expression.

The most fun you can have watching Avenging Angelo is to totally disregard it as a movie and instead look at it as a low-budget cinema version of "Where's Waldo?" This was a cheaply made film and the cheapness shows up repeatedly on screen. You can make a little game out of how many instances you can spot something in the story that's only there because the producers couldn't afford to not have it there.

This movie sucks. Rent it at your own risk.
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Need To Understand "Stallone Humor" To Like This Movie At All
zkonedog12 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
When reviewing "Avenging Angelo", there really are only about two avenues down which a reviewer can proceed. The first choice is to say that it is a terrible film, devoid of any semblance of plot or point, and filled with stupid little puns and jokes that really aren't all that funny. If you would take this approach, you would probably be backed by most of the American population, as this film never actually made it to cinemas and ended up a "straight-to-DVD" production.

Yet, for viewers of "Angelo" familiar with Sylvester Stallone's "unique" brand of humor, this will be one of the most entertaining (if not all that important) films you ever watch. As a fan of Stallone, I have sat viewed the good (Rocky, Rambo), the bad (Demolition Man, The Specialist), and the ugly (Stop or My Mom Will Shoot!, Shade), and this film fits none of those categories as it is so unique.

The basic plot centers on Stallone's character, Frankie, trying to avenge the death of his "beloved mob boss" Angelo (played by Anthony Quinn in his final role ever before his death). To do so, Frankie vows to protect Angelo's daughter Jennifer (Madeleine Stowe) from the mob scene, but (in predictable fashion) begins to fall in love with her, and (slowly) she with him.

Unfortunately, besides some decent chemistry between Stallone and Stowe, the plot completely fails on pretty much all accounts (it isn't compelling, it doesn't lead anywhere, etc.), thus the likely reason it never went to theaters. In fact, the crucial opening scenes between Frankie and Angelo need subtitles in order to understand, as Quinn's voice is so raspy. Basically, the plot is a complete and utter failure.

Why the four-star rating then? If you have ever seen Sly Stallone on TV appearances (Letterman, Leno, etc.), you know that his "brand" of humor is far different than most actors. Sly will tell a stupid joke ("pooping machine with hooves") or make a ridiculous statement ("snip ropes"), get absolutely no response, yet continue on as if he were Robin Williams or Jim Carrey, providing the REAL humor of the situation. That EXACT same type of humor is played up to its fullest in this movie, and is a complete hoot! Whether it be stuffing a burglar into a wheelbarrow, "farting squirrels" in the walls, or Sly telling Jennifer's boyfriend to "reconsider" before fighting him, you (if a fan of Stallone) will be one the floor laughing.

So if you have 90 minutes to spare, are a fan of Sylvester Stallone, and would like to lighten your mood a bit, this film will be perfect for you. There's no plot to worry about, no high-action to dazzle you, just a good old fashion "bad" movie that is hilarious for that exact reason.
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One cannot simply watch this without feeling bad or annoyed
Rodrigo_Amaro3 March 2012
Nothing less than pathetic, the worst excuse for a movie "Avenging Angelo" has Sylvester Stallone playing Frankie, the bodyguard of a mobster (Anthony Quinn in his final role) who, after the old man's murder needs to protect his daughter (Madeleine Stowe) from eventual enemies. Detail: she doesn't know that her father was a criminal. If this was a drama or a thriller something decent would come out of this. So, this is a comedy and the way the story is developed is just a set of dumb moments after another, schmucks dealing with schmucks and the neurotic woman going nuts after finding the truth about her family.

Almost everything is weak here. Almost. There's four or five moments that are a little funny, takes some good laughs out of us but that's it, no more. For the most part of this, I was anxious for the ending regretting for not walking out of it when I had the chance. It is such a stupid movie that is beyond anything I've seen in the past few months. Silly acting, silly plot and silly humor (best thing of this is when Stallone takes out the truth from Stowe's husband about his infidelities).

Wanna see of what a bad movie is like? Watch this! If you don't feel bad at all and manage to sit through the whole thing and enjoy it, well, my bad, sorry. But then go to a doctor and do some head check to see how sane you are. 2/10
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Not the worst I've seen
LuluBeans9 September 2019
This is a cute, fluffy date movie. Sort of. I think Stallone did a very good job acting here. I like him better in this than in his typical roles, including Rambo. The music in this is pleasant.

Now for the reason it didn't get a higher rating by me: Madeleine Stowe was overacting, and it was very grating. I wondered if Stallone was completely acting when he said she was causing him migraines.

It was a silly movie, with more than a few stupid episodes of lame dialogue.
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Bad movie?Thrust me I've seen a lot worse
johnny-088 June 2007
When I looked at other people opinion about this movie I thought that I'm about to look some stupid and dull action movie.Again I was surprised."Avenging Angelo" is a action comedy and every other genre wouldn't fit to this one.This movie is special because of few things.First, this is a last movie of legendary actor Anthony Quinn.Second,I liked Stallone's part in this movie.Lots of people didn't like his comedy "Oscar" but I think that was a great and funny movie."Avenging Angelo" is a bit similar to "Oscar" because Sly is connected to mafia in both films.This movie has some funny scenes but problem is always ending.Ending is the most important part in this kind of movie and lots of them aren't too good.This one is predictable like the others and if you can close your eyes on that part,you will see that this movie isn't that bad.It's OK and that's it.Sly is good in this one but his role in "Oscar" was much better too me.Madeleine Stowe is good and I like her and I think with death of Mr.Quinn world of movies lost another great actor.This movie is also for him."Avenging Angelo" has it's good and bad sides but I think that first people should take a look and then create their opinion.Also I have to say that a man in charge for music in this movie is another legend - Jon Bon Jovi.
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Very enjoyable romantic comedy/drama
Porkchop_Express3 April 2003
After watching this film, I didn't know what category this film would fit at. It's a romantic comedy/drama film. It's a shame that this film was shelved for almost 2 years...it features great performances by Sylvester Stallone & Madeleine Stowe. Some of Sly's latest work has been either a hit or miss..."Driven" was more of a miss, & "Get Carter" was great. It's a shame that more people don't give Sly a chance to act; this film hopefully will show this. Very entertaining indeed. Hopefully, this will be released in some way in the USA soon.
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Not as bad as you might think
Robert_duder10 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of those movies that is infamous for being released during Stallone's lacklustre years. It's not an action movie by any means and you enjoy it more if you go in with the right representation of what it is. This is a black, black, black comedy/satire that actually has some genuinely funny moments but you really have to see this humor for what it is. The chemistry of the main cast leaves something to be desired but the plot line is so silly that it works for this. It's also known for being the last role of Anthony Quinn although it's a very small role. Sylvester Stallone plays a role for wit and charm instead of brute strength and as an enormous fan of his, I can appreciate this role he's trying. It's a little more depth than what you might get from some of his other action roles but not something you'd go out of your way to see him play. I've never been a huge fan of Madeline Stowe but she plays her role decently enough and her and Stallone have average chemistry at best. Stowe on her own though has some really corny dialog and gets most of the satirical comedy on her shoulders and she does that well enough. The film is quite slow which would turn some people off but for an average film it's still worth watching especially if you're a fan of Stallone's or Stowe's as both of them have some great moments throughout the movie. 6/10
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Some People Really Are Born to the Mafia Life
bkoganbing3 October 2007
Madeleine Stowe has just discovered she's Anthony Quinn's daughter. Quinn is a mafioso kingpin who gave his daughter up to another family to raise. Seems he was worried that rival families might look to get to him through her. But he and his devoted bodyguard Sylvester Stallone have served as an unseen presence in her life, influencing events with a hidden hand.

Now Quinn is dead, Stallone brings her the news and this woman who's a cross between Julia Roberts and Diane Keaton wants a little payback.

Believe it or not, it's a comedy and sadly is the last film that Anthony Quinn made. Probably was lucky he died before Avenging Angelo hit the big screen. Quinn should have gone out on something like Mobsters or A Walk in the Clouds. For a man who's career spanned eight decades he deserved a better epitaph.

Sly Stallone too. Sly can be a very funny guy in films like Oscar and Tango and Cash, but the jokes in Avenging Angelo just seem to fall like a dropped curve ball.

For Stallone fans and Quinn completists only.
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