Lost and Delirious (2001) Poster

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Is there anything more painful than love?
TOMASBBloodhound11 June 2006
Lost and Delirious is an awkward, but strikingly earnest film. The story deals with a love affair between two girls at an exclusive prep school as witnessed by their roommate. Mischa Barton plays Mary, the new girl at school who quickly realizes that the two girls she shares a room with are a good deal more than just friends. Paulie (Perabo) is an outspoken girl with a troubled past, and Tori is a privileged girl from a more traditional family.

The first time Mary catches Paulie and Tori kissing on a rooftop in the middle of the night, she assumes they are only practicing for future encounters with boys. Soon enough, the two are sharing a bed in the nude, and the sounds they are making through the night leave little doubt as to what is going on. Mary accepts their relationship, and the three seem on their way to being good friends. Things take a turn for the worst when Tori's younger sister walks in the room one morning and catches Tori in the nude with Paulie. It's absolutely astonishing to see how fast Tori pushes Paulie away from that moment on. Tori explains that her parents would basically disown her if they found out. She spreads the word around campus that Paulie is actually a sexual predator who crawls in bed with her from time to time.

Tori ends up being a rather unlikeable character as the film progresses. She immediately hooks up with a boy from a nearby school, and openly flaunts the fact that Paulie means nothing to her. We know this isn't true from the start, however. Notice the agony on her face after she walks away from explaining to her little sister how there's nothing between herself and Paulie. She even goes as far as telling Paulie that she'll never love anyone else as much. All this after dumping and ridiculing her! Is this supposed to make Paulie feel better about being dumped? Anyway, enough about Tori...

Piper Perabo steals the show as Paulie. Her character would best be described as dangerously romantic and obsessive. She loves Tori more than could easily be explained here. Her constant public displays of devotion leave nothing to the imagination about how she feels. At one point, she even challenges Tori's new boyfriend to a duel in the nearby woods. There is nothing anyone can do to console Paulie or curb her obsession. At one point, even Mary is taken under her spell until loving memories of her late mother seem to bring her back to reality. Paulie has nothing like that to fall back on. Once she sees that she will never be with Tori, it can only end tragically for her. Piper Perabo needs to be in better films like this one. No more Cheaper by the Dozens or Coyote Uglys, please! This is not your typical film about teen love to say the least. Although this film has a few flaws, you will not soon forget it after seeing it. To see such devotion for one person from another is rare, even in movies. There are sex scenes, and they are handled honestly and tastefully. The film will no doubt remind all of its viewers about their most painful crushes, regardless of whom they may have been for. There are a few minor side plots that may not seem to fit with the central theme of this film, but overall you will likely find it a rewarding experience. And you have been warned: this film will probably depress you.

8 of 10 stars.

The Hound
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It's all in the acting
wondernat21 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Piper Perabo is absolutely moving in this film, which centers around Paulie (Perabo) and Tori's brief love tale, as told through the eyes of Mouse (Mischa Barton), a neglected young lady who is placed in boarding school by her father at the suggestion of her step mother. However, like many lesbian movies made before the Dykefication of (mainly Californian) American society, this is one that has no happy ending, despite the mainly Canadian cast.

Mouse obviously feels estranged from her family since the passing of her mother, and finds quick acceptance and camaraderie in her roommates, Paulie and Torie. Paulie is adopted and feels like she has no real family and is obviously devoid of any spiritual connections with many people in her life, save for Tori. Tori, on the other hand, is very sheltered by her conservative parents, but like Paulie, she also feels like her family isn't entirely who she is.

We then discover that Paulie and Tori are lovers and often make love while Mouse is (supposedly) asleep, thereby lacking the decency to slip a Nyquil into Mouse's bedtime milk so she can peacefully sleep through it all. However, one morning Paulie forgets to crawl back to her bed (!!!) and the pair are caught by Tori's little sister and her posse.

Tori, thinking of how her parents and family might abandon and disown her, is quick to denounce what her sister saw and chalks it all up to Paulie's emotional imbalance. This has got to be the most infuriating and gut-wrenching scene of the movie when the perpetually closeted girl seals herself into her gilded wardrobe with a perky and half-convincing "I'm boy crazy!" This drove me insane because it almost seemed as though lil sis was about to say, "If you are, I'll eventually think about starting on re-accepting you as my family out of love." Meanwhile, her (bratty) little sister not only spreads the rumor around the school that Paulie is lesbian, but that she is after her very straight sister. Tori even begins a relationship with a boy from a nearby boarding school to assert her heterosexuality. This is because we all know the sure cure for homosexuality is a big obnoxious frat boy penis.

Mouse watches all this and remains friends with Paulie, despite the rumors people are spreading. Although she tries to help her friend, even Mouse can't stop Paulie's near psychotic downward spiral into torturous emotional HELL. My heart just went out to Perabo's acting as I had to endure ever more unbearable uncomfortable scenes of Paulie absolutely losing it in class, at the dining commons, at the father-daughter dance, and right before the climax. Going back to the obnoxious frat boy stereotype, I was kind of disappointed that Paulie didn't clock the moron's chin after he proclaims that he played Laertes in Hamlet. His face was so schmuck-y I really wished Paulie would hit him in principle.

Anywho, the ending is for your viewing pleasure/disgust. There are also some juxtapositions with the hawk and Paulie but quite honestly, that parallel was lost on me... I was "Lost" for the most part because I couldn't understand why Paulie, someone who held herself together despite her fragility, would completely lose it for a closeted girl... and "Delirious" because despite the former statement, Perabo really did do a good job with the insane material she was given.

However, this is why I couldn't give the movie a better grade... it made me too uncomfortable. I felt absolutely embarrassed for Paulie and just hoped HOPED she could just get over herself and Tori. So many scenes are just downright uncomfortable to watch, and I really believe that it's because Perabo got the pain of Paulie down perfectly. While I don't want to dismiss this movie because of the "lesbian movie tragedy" stereotype, I wanted to put it out there in case you're expecting a heart-warming "Saving Face"-ish love comedy.
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A very good movie in spite of obvious flaws
Appaloosa_Stud16 July 2006
What could be more pure and genuine than the serendipity of an honest page from a young girl's diary, spotted with the teardrops she wept as she wrote? The diary belongs to 14 year old Mary Bedford (Mary Brave) as she writes about the heart breaking emotional trauma she suffers during her first year at boarding school. Lost And Delirious is a movie about the purest form of committed love, the kind that transcends all boundaries and causes those committed to devote every fiber of their being, heart and soul, to their loved one. There is no turning back or "getting over" this kind of love; once broken the heart can never mend. Most people will never experience this kind of pure love and, even if the opportunity were there, would never take such a chance with their emotions. If you have ever loved another person so intensely that you felt your life would be over if the relationship ended, you will identify with the character, Paulie Oster, and this movie may break your heart.

L&D is not a lesbian movie about girls being naughty and experimenting at boarding school. If you're not the sensitive type and expect to be inflamed with lust this movie would be wasted on you. Get yourself a pound of fried pork skins, a six-pack of $1.49 beer on sale at the local convenience store, and rent Bimbos From Planet Lesbos instead.
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About the film "Lost & Delirious"
amarinesgrrl14 January 2002
There are few words to describe a movie such as "Lost and Delirious." The most conspicuous being "beautiful." No matter what your views may be on homosexuality, there isn't a person out there who can truly say that they did not feel the tremendous pain that Paulie felt when Tori walked out of her life. Every camera angle, tape speed, background, audio effects...everything...in this movie is absolutely perfect. I've never seen anything like it. The only other picture I can remember of this same artistic caliber would be John Duigan's 1998 film "Lawn Dogs." However, even it does not leave you with the emotional sting that "Lost and Delirious" does. The bottom line is, do NOT rule out this film because of the basis of it's storyline. It is not all about the sexual relations & lesbian activity. It is very much a deep look into the human spirit.
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Nothing too special, but raw and emotional
rafaelacavlina30 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I can say that I didn't really like the concept of the movie. For first 30mins there's literally nothing going on and the next hour it's all about Paulie and what she's going through. I wished there was a little more about Tory's side of the story so we could understand her better. I like the love story though because Paulie's feelings are so real and I was very emotional throughout the movie. Ending killed me. I still think it's little too much. And they were all standing there watching her. If someone immediately started running upstairs I think she would have be saven because there was probably enough time. But just theoretically speaking. Worth watching for anyone interested in matter of love and pain.
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great movie for a Canadian production
SnoopyStyle8 December 2003
Mary "Mouse" Bedford (Mischa Barton) is new to the all girls boarding school. She is befriended by roommates popular Victoria "Tori" Moller (Jessica Paré) and rebellious Pauline "Paulie" Oster (Piper Perabo). She discovers that they are actually in a sexual relationship. Paulie finds an injured hawk and nurses it back to health. When Tori's sister Allison (Emily VanCamp) and her friends find Paulie and Tori naked together, Tori decides to blame it all on Paulie. Paulie is ostracized.

It's greatest asset and worst liability is it's Canadianess. It could have been exploitative but it's not. It's lyrical, dipped in poetry, and coated in adolescent obsession. The ethereal music is more effective than one would expect. The flip side of being Canadian is it's budget. You could see its lower production value through the many prism; the weak boyfriend actor, small post-production problems, and the general lack of polish. Piper Perabo deserves some kind of acting award. She certainly proved she is better than what she showed in Coyote Ugly. Lea Pool really screws up the sword fight. At least kill the wimpy boyfriend. Otherwise, she gives this movie a great moody adolescent feel. Jessica Pare is also terrific in this and Mischa Barton does well being mousy.
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Good but depressing
dee.reid28 June 2002
Warning: Spoilers
"Lost and Delirious" is one of those movies that you may catch while flipping through channels late at night and end up loving. That is exactly what happened to me when I first saw this film. On the cover, I thought this would be another one of those feminist or lesbian type of movies but it isn't. It's actually a beautiful, but tragic love story. "Lost and Delirious" stars Piper Perabo, Jessica Pare, and Mischa Barton as three teenage girls at an all-girl prep school. Barton is Mary Bradford, a new girl to the school. She doesn't have much trouble fitting in, as she makes quick friends with her two roommates Paulie Oster (Perabo) and Tori Miller (Pare). One night, Mary, who can't sleep, walks over to her window and sees Paulie and Tori kissing. At first, she doesn't think much of it, but as she continues watching, she begins to see that Paulie and Tori may be more than just close friends.

This is truly a one of a kind film. I'm not real familiar with any of the three leading actresses past films except for Piper Perabo, who I saw in 1999's "Whiteboyz". She gives the best performance out of the three. I'm also not real familiar with director Lea Pool's past films either but I must say that her direction here is first rate.

"Lost and Delirious" is a beautiful film, no doubt. I've never seen a movie that has ever been more honest in carefully displaying its intentions, which is showing two people in love. Throughout the course of the film, we see Paulie and Tori's romance blossom, but keep in mind that they are not lesbians, they are simply two people in love that just so happen to be girls. Towards the middle of the film, we see their love for each other slowly begin to fade when they are both caught in bed by Tori's little sister after making love the night before. It is at this point, that Tori decides to call it quits to their relationship. Paulie, torn that the only person she ever loved, doesn't return the same feelings, soon begins to descend into jealousy, lust, and violence. This is where the movie really starts to get depressing and the ending shows how far a person will go just to show their love for someone.

"Lost and Delirious" is a very lovely film, in deed but is also very sad at the same time. This is definitely a film that's not for everyone, and I give it a ten out of ten.
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Cute movie. Worth the watch.
kflynn-245518 February 2021
Cute movie. Sweet characters, some funny, some romantic. I thought the acting was good. Character development was good as well. The girls were not underage when nudity was shown. They are 44 and 40 now in 2021... movie released in 2001. So there is no underage nudity. I don't know what that other person was talking about.
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A moving story of first love
stoik7716 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
The movie "Lost and Delirious" was without a doubt one of the best depictions of young love to hit the screen yet. This movie is a must see for anyone who has ever been in love. The story of two girls in love and the social pressures that surround them in an all girl boarding school. Most people would say, "Why do we want to know this story?" I say because it is heartfelt and a true telling of the emotions swirling around same sex relationships. As individuals we all long to belong somewhere, to know that someone loves us despite the horrors around us everyday. To Paulie, this is who Tory is to her. She knows that as long as she feels Tory's love for her, life is worth living. Their love is secret of course because so many don't understand what it means to "just love." Into the secrecy of their relationship comes Mary B. or Mouse, who befriends them both and cares for them each as a friend despite knowing that they are a little more than "friendly." Adding to the confusion of emotions Tory's little sister Alley bursts in one morning to find her sister in a precarious position...in bed with Paulie. From here out the relationship between the two girls is strained.

Tory feels the pressure of her parents's dreams and expectations for her and is unable to acknowledge her love for Paulie fearing that her family will no longer love her and she will be forced to be seen as "not normal" by all her classmates. So in essence Tory chooses to shut out Paulie to avoid speculation and in doing so unwittingly causes Paulie to slowly descend into madness. Paulie of course takes the situation to heart, after all they are in love and that should be enough to overcome anything. But instead she finds herself alone...well except for Mary B. her loyal friend.

I love how the story is so real especially in the connections of the schoolgirls. Let's face it we all went to high school, private or not and it's brutal. Mary B. is loyal. She sticks with Paulie even though the other girls begin to talk about her as if she is "one of them." The classic scene is at the mail boxes, she responds with "Paulie is my friend, so I guess it doesn't matter what everyone else says!" However, she does witness Paulie falling apart and is torn with how to help. You see how hard it is for Tory to step away from Paulie, but the real heart breaker is in how Paulie deals with the rejection of her first real love. She feels as if the world has ended and the sun will no longer shine if there is no more Tory. She tries to win her back, but only causes embarrassment to Tory through her wooing.

If you have ever loved someone and for whatever reason others saw that love as wrong, your heart will break when you see this movie and you will weep. Sadly, Paulie is unable to cope with the rejection of Tory, and Tory is not able to step beyond her own insecurities and prejudices of others to comfort Paulie. So Paulie gives into the madness...the overwhelming grief she feels from the loss leads to her undoing. In the end it is Tory who is left to deal with the love they once shared and all that could have been. Mary B. learns through Paulies' folly how to pull herself out of the madness that can swallow us all if we aren't careful. This movie is moving, your heart will not escape the pain, but perhaps it will teach you too how to pull out of the madness around us all and in turn show us how to love one another. For love just is.
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Interesting, but a little familiar
rbverhoef22 February 2004
'Lost and Delirious' is a nice movie that feels a little familiar. That it does feel that way is kind of strange since I haven't seen a lot of movies that deal with this subject. The movie is about two girls that love each other and share the same room on a boarding school. One of the girls, Paulie (Piper Perabo), is willing to pull that through no matter what, but the other, named Victoria (Jessica Paré), is afraid of what others might say and think. When they are found in bed together Victoria wants to end things and Paulie can't accept that. All this is seen through the eyes of Mary (Mischa Barton), who is their new roommate.

The reason why things feel familiar sometimes is probably because certain scenes are familiar and therefore predictable. At one moment Victoria has sex with a guy named Jake (Luke Kirby) and of course Paulie (and Mary) sees her. There is also a scene where Paulie faces Victoria with their problem in front of Victoria's father. You feel that these things will happen in a movie like this. Still, Piper Perabo's performance does add something to these familiar things. She is slowly losing it and makes sure we believe her.

What she also does is changing 'Lost and Delirious' slowly into a thriller but when we are almost there it goes back to the tragic love story again. It is kind of interesting to see. When Paulie would go really mad, instead of just really heartbroken, this could have been a thriller with too many clichés. Instead it is a human tragedy with some clichés that could have gone terribly wrong in the end. Fortunately the movie takes the right turn, or actually no turn at all, which is the way it should go.
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unbelievably, wastefully poor
framboise_200413 September 2004
The worst part about this film is that it did not have to be so terrible.

They had a nice budget, though so do many films; they made it look slick and pretty, and best of all they had the 21st century lesbian-savvy audiences who would embrace a lesbian positive film... and yet the writer and director went out of their way to lift every single redone film bit about lesbian torment and confusion at boarding schools, (you know, the place all lesbian love lives and dies).

This is a theme that has been done again and again and AGAIN in film, but something that viewers-if one uses this voting forum as a clue- cannot seem to get enough of.

Every element of this story was so over the top, excessively phony and contrived that it was painful to sit through. The lead characters say it all: the crazy, abandoned, genius, rebel lesbian tough girl (well, they took a super pretty femme like Piper Perabo and tried to rough her up, but it didn't stick much) seduces pretty rich girl who is destined to betray her.

Watching them every step of the way is character 3, a dopey, well-meaning, wide-eyed, good girl observer. I say 'every step' because she shares her every thought with the audience via the stiffest, most inane monologues.

Her lines seem to have been WRITTEN by a fifteen year old, though they are trying oh so, so hard to sound like how a fifteen year old would really, um, you know, well... talk. "Hearing them (make love) with their noises was um, you know, like, well... okay!" she says about her 2 wanton roommates, who roll around in the bed next to her.

Later she asks Graham Greene- the accomplished native American actor who is completely wasted in a roll as a gardener (!) "Is it wrong to care what people think?"

Sorry, but is she a teenager, or is she age 7?

Granted, Piper Perabo (as Polly the tortured dyke) & others do an okay job for the horrible lines they are forced to utter. Perabo has a nice energy level and is obviously very comfortable in front of a camera. She would do well in a decent project, so this is in no way a criticism of the acting.

But this story is SHAMELESS in perpetuating every single stereotype about lesbians all rolled into one character. They couldn't stop with her (Polly) being an angry, crazy-passionate, secret genius who finished math problems for the speechless teacher. Oh but that's after she argues with the teacher who dares accuse her of "gabbing".

"That's a word THEY (males) use against US (women)!" she says, stomping out of the classroom.

Is this ALL the writer could come up with? Or maybe we should ask: Why stop there?

Poole and co. went on and made Polly a poetic dark child who communicates with wild hawks by screaming their name in the woods.

Cue the slow motion, sci-fi, Xena atmosphere!

Then we have her writing to her birth mother... (most lesbians are love-starved orphans, in case you were in the dark).

Then we have two teachers (one uptight, one a zany type with loose neck ties) who hover around all of the action (the school looks awfully big for just 2 teachers)... and give dark child/ seductress/bird girl tense looks. Hmmmm. I wonder if something well, you know... um, FUNNY is happening between these TWO TEACHERS??????

There is simply no excuse for something this poorly done. Heartbreak happens, but surely the writer and director know that lesbians exist in much more sophisticated times than this schlock.

I cannot reveal the ending out of respect to those who force themselves to sit through til the end, but if you are not laughing, I can only guess you are crying. And not for the right reason. And I don't mean the wimpy make out scenes.
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Three Kinds of Misery
philmphile-128 September 2004
Warning: Spoilers
It could be called THE THREE FACES OF ANGST.

Watching LOST AND DELIRIOUS zaps you into the utter miseries of adolescent anguish, and even those who haven't been to boarding school will relate.

Moreover, each lead teen exemplifies a different type of misery although all have identity issues. Take the narrator; Mouse is her dad's pet name for her. Mary Bedford, also known as Mary B., gets the label 'B for Brave' by her older, dashing dorm mate Paulie. But afraid to take on the Brave mantle, Mary calls tells the Indian landscaper she's 'In Transition,' a fitting name for a pubescent teenager. Mary represents the anguish of detachment, leaving home for the first time though only about fourteen. Her mother died of cancer three years earlier and stepmom is envious of the bond between Mouse and her father. Hence she arrives at school and awkward outsider. Not only does Mary exude the New Girl vibe, but she soon finds herself witness to an extremely passionate relationship between her roommates, the adopted Paulie (short for Pauline), and the religious Victoria. After awhile, Mary finds their mutual cooing comfortable, evidence of their confidence in her as a trusted friend. The girls also bond through imaginary letters written to their parents which purge their repressed feelings. For instance, Tory air-writes to her mother whom she both despises and idolizes.

Unlike Mary and Paulie, Tory has both an older brother in a nearby boy's academy and a younger sister here at Perkins. When the sister discovers Tory in bed naked with Paulie, Tory starts a campaign of disavowing her love. Yet this is no ordinary crush soon blown over. Tory, who initiated lesbian sex acts several times, continues to room with and unintentionally tease the despairing Pauline. Both girls are homophobic in both speech and attitude. They do not consider themselves gay at all, but sharing in a special unity. However, to squelch rumors of their homosexual behaviors, Tory starts dating Jake, her brother's friend, and bragging about it, blaming Paulie as the unclear, unrequited lover. Her misery stems from self-denial, and deep-seated fear of being gossiped about and labeled. Anyone who has come out of the political or sexual closet knows how labels stick. Above all, she fears being disowned by her family.

Paulie has no such fear because her birth mother wishes to remain unfound and her adopted mom has emptiness behind her smiling eyes. Even the teachers can see Paulie's torment. Her affection for Tory soars beyond all teenage crush. This is a pure passion which exceeds rationality. Reading Shakespeare and cavalier poetry turns Paulie into a knight of yore, and she challenges Jake to a duel for the love of her lady. Despite this and her other tomboy tendencies, she cannot accept the lesbian label, either, but she's willing to put up with whatever others say as long as she can continue the fleeting bliss known all-too-briefly. In Pauline we see the ultimate misery of desire denied. With the firm confidence of youth, Pauline cannot imagine ever loving so deeply, so freely again. A realism pervades the strong performances of LOST AND DELIRIOUS that echoes the depressing state of adolescent anguish. The clear delineation of separate but joined misery by the three young leads make this film not a downer, but a celebration of truth--and film-making at its most intimate and revelatory.
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Lost and Delirious ** (R, 103 min.)
FightingIrish20 October 2002
Mischa Barton, Piper Perabo and Jessica Pare share the screen in this powerful, but lacking coming-of-age film. Mary (Barton) is a lonely and depressed girl who has lost her mother and is now being shipped off to boarding school. She moves in with the nice and beautiful Tori (Pare), and the pleasant, but also somewhat odd Paulie (Perabo). To her surprise, Mary gradually finds out that not only are Paulie and Tori involved in a lesbian relationship, but a very fragile one, indeed. Strong, realistic performances from everyone in the cast help get the film going (and it is pretty good up until the first turning point), but it becomes seriously (and deliriously) confused after a while. Perabo's performance is good for the initial section of the film, until everything goes to hell, which just about sums up what happens to the girls' characters and the plot.
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Pretty much horrible
maraudertheslashnymph4 November 2006
Young lesbians looking for films about themselves deserve so much better than this movie. So does anyone else who watches it.

The first problem is that the dialogue is unrealistic. These characters launch into what they think are beautiful poetic speeches that no real person would be able to make up off the top of their heads. The scene where the three main characters are reciting letters to their mothers is particularly bad; the first has written hers ahead of time but the other two spontaneously create drivel that some scriptwriter must think is particularly deep and intriguing.

The second problem is that we're never really shown what's so, so great about the love between Tori and Paulie that Paulie will go through the lengths she does for it. I'm sure fans of this movie will claim that "it's true love!", but the film leaves us to infer this instead of making us truly believe it.

There are various notes that ring emotionally false. One that stands out is Mary's reaction to her two roommates having sex in their room while she's there; she appears to have no problem with it. I can just hear the thought process of the writer of the original novel (or of the screenwriter, if this wasn't in the original): "Mary has to be absolutely okay with everything, or else she'll look homophobic." You find me a high school girl who's completely comfortable with two people of either gender having sex in the room while she's there, I'll show you a high school girl who's either a voyeur or is trying too hard to seem "cool".

The actors try hard to sell this story, but the script is so bad that it can't be done. As the film progresses Paulie begins to look more and more like a head case, and the awkward Shakespearean quotes get worse. Don't waste your time watching this. 2/10
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The Mouse And The Raptor
Chrysanthepop26 February 2009
I thought 'Lost and Delirious' would be about some spoilt teenage girls hooking up on sex, drugs and rock and roll. But, to my surprise, it was something else. It's about three school roommates. Two of them engage in a 'forbidden' relationship while the other confronts her own issues and narrates the story. 'Lost and Delirious' isn't an easy film to watch. I don't want to hand out any spoiler but I'll say that it truly sticks to the title and parts of it are disturbing. I did not like how the film was treated because had it not been for the music and Piper Perabo's acting, it would have felt like a TV movie. At times, the pace is painfully slow and some scenes seem pointless. Piper Perabo steals the show with her terrific portrayal of the emotionally tortured and abandoned Paulie. Mischa Barton looks uncomfortable (and she needs to eat) but does okay in a few scenes. The soundtrack is quite unusual. There is something captivating about it. I also liked the sequences with Paulie and the raptor that symbolized liberty. It is not an easy film to watch but tells an interesting story of rejected love.
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Well-Acted Although Downbeat
theslick110 March 2003
I watched this to see Piper Perabo in something other than "Coyote Ugly." Here, she plays a very different character, a lesbian at an all girls school who is in love with her roommate. The whole story is told as seen through the eyes of a third roommate, played by Mischa Barton.

The acting is top drawer, and the story is engaging. I had an idea of how it might end up but I wasn't sure right up until the last few minutes. Nowadays, you can usually predict how movies will end about 10 minutes after they start, so it was refreshing to be kept on edge until the end. That being said, I'm downgrading this one a little because I didn't care for the ending they chose. I could have envisionied a couple of alternate endings that would have made this a stronger film.
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Neither Too Emotional nor Too Objective Story about Romance and Mutiny at All-Girl Boarding School
jazzest22 May 2005
A romance and a breakup between two girls develop into a mutiny at an all-girl boarding school--this sounds extremely familiar, but the outcome of Lost and Delirious is not, thanks to the fact that the film is neither the filmmaker Lea Pool's semi-autobiography nor one of her earlier works. As a veteran filmmaker, Pool puts a distance between the characters and herself; it produces a tone that is neither too emotional nor too objective. The contemporary touch is made subtly but noticeably, as the story takes place at a school where the girls play soccer and the teachers accept students' openly discussing love and sex in a classroom. The incredible acting of two leads, Piper Perabo and Jessica Paré, makes the girls believable. They look similar with each other; the combined castings may be called a mistake as it could confuse the viewers at least in the beginning.
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Plain Brilliant!
danglar_moscovitz-15 March 2005
I might say that, deep inside, "Lost and Delirious" is a chick-flick, but to those girls (and boys, let's say, because girls are not the only who like chick-flicks) who can look further and deeply. It's a smart, intense and beautiful alternative to "Down To You" or "She's All That". And It's also a gay-themed movie that can be enjoyable to anyone.

The movie focus in Piper Perabo's character, Paulie, which has a homosexual relationship with her best friend, Tory, played by Jessica Paré. Once Tory has no courage to admit to her parents she's gay, and decides to end up the relationship, Paulie freaks out. Everything is seen by the eyes of Mary (Mischa Barton).

Piper Perabo gives the performance of her career. And, if we consider she was in vapid movies like "Slap Her, She's French" and "Coyote Ugly", you'll be very surprised (or even shocked) with the way she make her Paulie a character so intense. Barton and Paré may stand behind, but are also great. It's a movie so well-crafted and beautiful that it's kind of funny the way director Lea Pool manages to make a movie that grows every time in beauty and intensity without losing the focus in real life, real feelings. It's a brilliant movie, a must-see.
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You could get lost in it but has some real good symbolism!
meeza26 May 2002
Les talk about the film `Lost & Delirious.' The movie is based on the world of teenage girls in a parochial school, and their lesbian sexual & romantic tendencies. Piper Perabo stars as the overzealous & rebellious lesbian who's tongue get her in trouble in more ways than one. The film's symbolism of free-floating raptors & animalistic nicknames does give it an intellect perspective. What was also intelligent to include was the hot lesbian love scenes. The problem I had with the movie is that at times it moved way too slow and kept me lost from its primary delirious focus. However, `Lost & Delirious' is one film that you should find at your local video store on one of those crazy nights. *** Average
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Absolutely Beautiful
midnightandlessbrave1 February 2005
Sometimes I forget what kind of person I am because I interact with so many dull, selfish, and fearful people. This movie is about following your beliefs and living what you feel. It is about recognizing what you "live for". going after it with all that you are, and righteously being destroyed if you do not succeed. I became more and more absorbed in the film as it progressed and was deeply moved by its climax. I think the acting was superb and the dialog terrific. I also was very affected by the accompanying music. The situational and dialectical drama strongly complimented each other and I felt the angst, disbelief, and compassion rise within.
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Impossible love
jimakros26 December 2003
I rented this movie because i wanted to see Jessica Pare who is gorgeous but I hate "chick" movies and reading that its all about some girls at some boarding school,i thought i would have to sit and listen to some endless girl talk.So i was ready for a lot fast forward.Boy was i wrong!!!!!This is a great movie!!!Forget about the lesbian issue.Perabo is so GREAT in this movie that after five minutes you forget its about two girls.Its all about Intense OVER the edge IMPOSSIBLE LOVE and also the desperate NEED of it. The acting all around is great.But Perabo really shines here and i cant believe she was not nominated for this.Maybe the symbolism with the bird in the end is a little overdone,but overall this movie leaves you emotionaly shaken and i cant think of many movies that do this these days.Excellent movie.
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Lost and Delirious. That pretty much says it all.
alexo-527 July 2001
Warning: Spoilers
Having seen Léa Pool's wonderful 1998 coming-of-age film, "Set Me Free," I was excited to check out this new film of hers. How disappointing to find that the charm, character and sincerity of that film is completely missing here.

The plot: It doesn't take Mary, the mousy new girl at an all girl's school, very long to figure out that her two roommates (Pauline, rebellious and tough, and Victoria, more traditional) are lovers. But when some other girls discover them in bed together, Victoria starts pretending to be straight. This makes the rebellious Pauline go nuts, so she takes up bird training and pretending that she's living in the 14th Century while the mousy girl runs around looking distressed.

When the film begins, the three female leads are ridiculously bouncy and hyper, causing me to wonder if they might be the same actors I saw on "Barney" about six years ago. Then, when the girls turn "serious," they sound like they're reading their lines from a drugstore romance novel: "Have you ever been really thirsty, so you take a big drink of milk right out of the carton - only it's gone sour? That's what's happening to me. Inside. Forever." How can this line be taken seriously?

One of the few things worse than the film's dialogue is the overbearing grab-bag of a soundtrack. The music leaps from "inspirational" Native American Rain Forest Muzak for the bird training scenes to mid-'80s horror film synthesizers for the "dramatic" moments (like the shattering mirror) and then on to the "gut-wrenching" love ballad that plays during a 5-minute close-up of Pauline's twisted face as she writhes in pain from suffering and despair. Good grief.

Jackie Burroughs, the incredible actress who plays the school's elderly headmistress, is more beautiful, sexy, dynamic, exciting, genuine and fascinating than all of the other characters in the film combined. She delivers the film's only genuinely moving scenes, but her outstanding (and brief) performance only makes the rest of the film seem that much more banal.

This film may have been revolutionary had it been made in 1961, but it's set in 2001, so the girls' self-hatred and repression seem outdated and unnecessarily melodramatic. I just wanted to slap them.

If you're interested in cinema that deals intelligently and realistically with the difficulties and confusion - as well as the pleasure and joy - of young women coming to terms with their attraction to each other, I would recommend "The Incredibly True Adventure of Two Girls In Love" and "Show Me Love."
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A much deeper film than expected
perry-1029 April 2006
I only decided to see this film simply because I liked Piper Perabo in 'Coyote Ugly', an enjoyable but 'lightweight' film. I watched 'Lost and Delirious' for the first time last evening and I was totally blown away by Piper's performance which surprised me, taking into account the fact that the film didn't exactly get rave reviews. It was a far deeper film than I expected it to be and I will need to watch it several times to appreciate its full impact. (I never manage to fully appreciate a film first time round!)The clever parallels drawn between Paulie's character and the bird of prey's plight are cleverly handled, although I thought it was made a little too obvious when she began to refer to herself as 'the raptor'. I felt this was unnecessary; the viewer should have been left to make that link for him or herself. The increasing tension which draws the viewer inexorably towards the climax of the film is almost unbearable. I felt myself starting to dread the end of the film, fearing its almost inevitable end. IMHO this is a masterful piece of movie-making. Miss it and miss out!
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I felt like I was in English class!
cguldal5 June 2001
When I saw Lost and Delirious in the 13th Annual New York Lesbian and Gay Film Fest I was happy that such an appealing and well-directed film with a lot of good acting was made. However, I could not keep wishing for the poetry to be over! If anyone is familiar with the "lesbian erotica" trend, this was very close, in terms of unnecessary poetical phrases and verses being tossed around in what you would think should be a daily conversation or fight! The film is beautiful, and the plot is okay. But it might make you say "Oh, get real, someone please shoot her before she recites another line of poetry!" Drama is good, but melodrama?!?
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I guess I was the one who was lost
mattymatt4ever14 December 2001
OK, now I get the point of the film. Piper Perabo is in a relationship with Jessica Pare. The two of them have strong feelings for one another. Jessica leaves her for a guy. Naturally, Piper doesn't take it well. OK, I'm probably understating it when I say, "not take it well."

Aesthetically, the film is well-made. I liked the use of lighting and shadows. The one thing I have to criticize is the score. I know this is a sad, melancholy story, but the music sounded like it was fished straight out an ultra-melodramatic after-school special.

Of course, this story seems familiar. Shy girl is new to school and she is befriended by a free-spirited troublemaker who sheds a whole new light on her boring existence. But even a familiar premise can be made into something decent.

Now here's my problem....the central character Paulie, played by Piper Perabo. Basically, we're supposed to feel sympathy for her throughout most of the film. She's been burned, we're supposed to yell "Oh my God" and burst into tears. The problem is Paulie, though intelligent and free, is someone I couldn't care for. And as the film went on, I felt less and less sympathy for her. She has so much hate inside of her and inflicts it upon everyone she comes into contact with. She goes completely hysterical, and throws tantrums left and right. You just want to--well, I sure wanted to--scream out "Get over it!" Besides--and this thought just came to me--the romance between Paulie and Torie (Jessica Pare) isn't developed to the point, where it goes beyond puppy love. In watching the film, I had a good idea that Paulie and Torie were very good friends and loved each other, but I never got a sense of how deep their love was. And even though, I think Paulie was being a complete drama queen. I'm sorry, it's just I know drama queens like Paulie personally, and seeing her just conjures up bad memories. And getting back to her hateful self, there is one scene where she drags Mouse (Mischa Barton) into the woods and makes her let out how much she hates her father. And finally at the climax, we have a fencing match between Paulie and Torie's new boyfriend. That's what this warm-hearted drama was missing: swordfighting! I was actually cheering for the guy to win!

Call me shallow, but I don't understand this whole idea the movie is trying to push: the love affair between the two central characters has nothing to do with lesbianism. In one scene Piper actually cracks a mirror in hysterical rage and yells "I am not a lesbian!" Maybe I read a different definition, but as far as I know when you like girls, you're attracted to girls romantically and sexually, you're a lesbian! And there is actually an explicit sex scene between the two girls. I know the movie doesn't focus on lesbianism as an issue, but the characters are lesbians--no need to be pretentious about it.

"Lost and Delirious" is well-made and well-intentioned, but the execution is mediocre. I just wanted to punch Piper out--and when I want to punch out such a beautiful woman like Piper, that's a big deal. This is the woman we grew to love in "Coyote Ugly" and "Rocky and Bullwinkle"! The film ends on a depressing note, only I wasn't depressed. If only the movie had a more likable central character, it could've been so much better!

My score: 5 (out of 10)
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