Hope Floats (1998) Poster


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Too dramatic to be a romantic comedy, and that saves the film
napierslogs8 October 2010
"Hope Floats" is too dramatic to be a romantic comedy. It's more of a character drama about Birdee (Sandra Bullock) moving back home and the main story line being a romance with Harry Connick Jr.

Birdee, and the film, are very down-to-earth. Although she lived in Chicago, she's much more suited to the small-town life that she grew up in in Texas. They don't go for much of the obvious comedy of big-city girl versus small-town country girl. And that's a good thing.

The young daughter can get annoying, and the romantic comedy angle is transparent from the beginning. But the natural drama that Birdee goes through in trying to rebuild her life after a public divorce is done well enough that it makes "Hope Floats" worth watching.
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Not Great, But Not As Bad As Some Of The Reviews On Here
slightlymad2228 February 2015
I'll admit from the off, I love Sandra Bullock. With her gorgeous girl next door looks, I adore her, and will usually give anything she is in a chance. she remains one of the most talented and beautiful women in movies, and her ladylike sexiness is in rare supply. Any movie becomes promising just by having her name in it's cast.

Plot In A Paragraph: Birdee Pruitt (Bullock) is an housewife whose life is turned upside when her husband Bill (Michael Pare) reveals his infidelity (with her best friend Connie) to her on a talk show. She goes to live with her mother (Rowlands) in the small town in which she grew up, where everyone knows of her television appearance. It's not long before an old friend, Justin (Connick, Jr.), has entered her life, sparking a potential romance.

The film was choreographed by Patsy Swayze. Harry Connick, Jr. Is OK (if a little bland) as Justin Whilst Kathy Najimy has a small role as Talk Show host Toni Post as does Rosanna Arquette as Connie and Bill Cobbs also pops up as a Nurse. As for Sandra Bullock she is as watchable as always, but these are not ninety of her better minutes.
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Painfully boring and a total downer all at once
Sweetigal8525 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I am giving this movie a 5 out of 10 only because of the tremendous acting of the entire cast, particularly Sandra Bullock and Mae Whitman who was only 8 or 9 when this movie was made.

I made the mistake of thinking this was a romantic comedy going in but it is actually a romantic drama. I should have shut it off within the first thirty seconds. The opening was just absolutely ridiculous and I hate plots that involve infidelity, especially when it is cliché and poorly done like this. I really want to know the real life statistics of women whose best friends are sleeping with their husbands. And like--did he agree to tell her that way? Very unclear and stupid.

Wow, and could they have picked more unattractive out of date names for the two main characters? Birdie and Bernice? Jeez! The film itself seemed like it was from the 40s instead of the 90s. Was that intentional? I found myself hating every single one of the characters except Sandra Bullock's. They were all so hard on her after the humiliation and betrayal she had faced. They seemed to all expect her to just suck it up, shrug off the human feelings she was experiencing and just be a damn mom. They wouldn't let her act like the victim, even though she WAS the victim.

Thirty minutes in, I almost shut it off again but I hate to not finish a movie. The only scenes that moved me at all and made me glad I watched it were the two scenes with she and her father. I thought it was beautiful that the only person in her family or life who truly gave her the support that she needed was someone with dementia who could only offer her a smile and a dance. He didn't tell her any of the things she "needed" to hear, he just listened quietly and let her get it all off her chest. And he seemed to be the one who finally snapped her out of it toward the end when he was looking at the pic of Bernice and mistook it for her. He couldn't remember anything, but he remembered how happy and vibrant his daughter used to be and this seemed to finally ignite the realization in her as well. But everything else was just garbage in my opinion.

What was the deal with her mother stuffing dead animals? I am usually good with symbolism but that one really threw me for a loop. And what exactly was the point of the cousin Travis being there? Having been abandoned by Birdie's sister who we never even see and who doesn't even come to the funeral in the end? And it seemed to imply that the grandmother had been a crappy mother to them? And now she was making it up by being a great grandmother? But they never really clarified. I could see her random death coming from a mile away too, was that supposed to be subtle? I guess they needed a reason for Bill to come home and for Birdie to wind up with both kids in the end? Very convoluted and strange.

I was disappointed by my reaction to this movie too because I have been hearing great things about it for so long and I love Sandra Bullock. I usually love Harry Connick Jr too but even he could not save this movie. I understand the message of the movie...that even in the depths of despair, hope can still float to the top and rise above. But blegh I knew that without having to sit through this painfully boring movie.

Don't take my word for it though, there are clearly many people who love this movie and it touched their lives. I think if you just had a terrible breakup/divorce or if someone in your family just died, this would be a great movie to help lift your spirits. But if you are already in a great mood and looking for a good movie to watch, do NOT let this painful movie bring you down with it.
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A Better Film Than Most People Think!
world_weary_soldier24 October 2004
One of the things that truly irks me are some people's rapid willingness to typecast actors and actresses, and dump on them when they try something new. While it has to be said that Sandra Bullock does not avoid exploding buses, or have to hunt down any cryogenically frozen bad guys in this picture, "Hope Floats" is a better movie than most give it credit, and Ms. Bullock and the supporting cast put in fine performances of their own to make a very touching and poignant film.

Forest Whitaker (acting in such films as "Blown Away" and "Phenomenon" sits in the Director's chair on this one and crafts a tale that deals with many different emotional themes, carried earnestly by sensitive and character revealing performances from his leading lady and the supporting cast.

While it must be said that Ms. Bullock provides some very memorable scenes in this film (especially when drunk) the casting of Gena Rowlands, Harry Connick Jr, and Michael Pare provide more ballast with fine performances delivered from all.

But the highlight for me in this film - young Mae Whitman and her performance as Ms. Bullock's on-screen daughter. At the conclusion of one very moving scene near the end of the film I could only watch her and wonder at just how bright this young actress' future will be.

So, if blood, bombs and action is your scene, then "Hope Floats" may not be your scene, but if you are into drama with solidly acted and well crafted characters by very fine actors, then "Hope Floats" is for you. It will leave you very satisfied that you took the time to see this very finely made and acted film.
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A snail moves faster but at the core is a very nice story
inkblot1119 June 2006
Birdie (Sandra Bullock) has just returned to her hometown in Texas. Once the belle of the city, homecoming queen, etc., Birdie is now licking the wounds of a painful marital separation. She has brought her young daughter Bernice with her and both of them are quite puzzled by life and what it may hold for their future. Fortunately, Birdie's mother welcomes them with open arms and lots of love. Then, too, Justin (Harry Connick, Jr.) is delighted that Birdie is back in town. Will the two distraught females, Birdie and Bernice, learn to look forward instead of dwelling on the past?

This slow, understated movie may be a difficult watch for the action film crowd. It is definitely a character study and, in that, it excels. Bullock gives an excellent portrayal as the prom queen who learns that life is not an endless picnic. She also looks utterly beautiful throughout the film. The young actress playing her daughter is also quite good as the troubled and confused child of a broken home. Rowlands and Connick, Jr. lend ample support. No, please don't look for car crashes or chase scenes. Instead bask in the film's simple pleasures, such as fishing on a quiet lake or dancing at a county fair. Those who like romance will be satisfied but the growth of the female characters is worth much more. Ladies, send the men off to the bowling alley and invite your friends over for a girlie get-together. This film is definitely one that women will enjoy while holding hands and celebrating the joys of ya-ya sisterhood.
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Creepy and pesty
nwgvykmjh20 August 2022
I watched this tonight for the first time. A grand 20+ years since it was made. So I'm working hard to recognise that it was "of its time". Everything from the trashy talk show opener to the photos developed from actual cameras and film.

But good gawd! Can we talk about how the bulk of the film is Birdie (Sandra) saying 'no' and Justin (Harry CJ) just pestering her. It is so incredibly uncomfortable to watch. There's literally a point in the movie where the soundtrack is "I just don't have the strength to fight anymore". There's another point where her mother suggests that maybe she "could just sit there".

If you watched this back in 1998 and enjoyed it, good for you. I couldn't possibly recommend this - it's absolutely awful. Just a woman trying to live her life having left a cruel man and a terrible best friend only to end up in the company of a controlling mother and a creepy pestering guy. She's exhausted and I'm exhausted watching her. Don't watch it.

Sandra Bullock is the only reason it gets any score at all.
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Nice film
lisafordeay27 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Sandra Bullock plays Birdie a married woman who's husband had an affair with her best friend,leaving her to take care of her daughter Bearice (Mae Whitmen)while living with her mother(Gena Rowlands). Later Biride meets a handsome guy(Harry Connick Jr)and romance blossoms. From the director of First Daughter and the writer of Kate and Leopold check it out.
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hbabcock_285 March 2021
Look, I can appreciate enjoying this movie. I've liked many a fluffy piece of garbage, but something about this movie just didn't come together. I could never figure out the relationship of the leads. So, he likes her (ostensibly because she's beautiful, since that's the only compliment he offers) and she just sorta goes with it. He gets all pissy that the woman dumped on live TV by her husband isn't ready to date a couple weeks after her public humiliation and she just sorta... Goes with it anyway and dates him while not dating him and dating she's not really dating him. I guess? I do not understand the motives of either of them. Mae Whitman is the best part of this movie, and I normally quite like Sandra Bullock. The whole thing just sorta happens to you, wandering from one plot point to the next with no real sense of a larger purpose or real message. Oof.
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I love this movie.
jlf2002us15 July 2005
This movie touched me more personally than any other movie ever. The down home country feeling just screams America and what woman hasn't been in Birdie's shoes. Heck... what woman isn't looking for their Justin? This movie has it all... love and pain... laughter and tears. It's perfect. The beauty of the country along with the small town family atmosphere makes this pure. I know I also love the humor. Bernice is the best! She has heart and knows what she wants. The fact that she can tell Justin how it is impresses me and empowers me. The music is some of the most beautiful music I've heard and it just makes this experience all the more perfect for me! I love it and recommend it to any woman who has ever been hurt and survived. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to express my opinion.
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What kind of parents would name their daughter Bernice?
helpless_dancer9 July 2001
Comeuppance comes to a small town prom queen when she grows up and finds that the world is not, after all, her own private oyster. When she returns home, depressed and despondent, after an unfaithful hubby dumps her, she meets up with a town full of gossip mongers intent on giving her no peace and quiet and also discovers there is a small job market for a former beauty princess. On top of all her other problems is a rebellious daughter and a lovesick man who remembers "the queen" from the good old days. Not Sandra's best flic, but a decent enough film nonetheless.
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Dead in the water - 45%
Benjamin_Cox23 October 2006
Every now and again, a film comes along that really challenges the viewer's ideas and preconceptions. For years, this was one of the most chick-friendly, overly sentimental pieces of mush that I could think of and I was determined to put off watching it for long as possible. But love makes you do silly things and due to a recent change in my circumstances (like getting engaged), I felt maybe it was time for something mushy. However, those of you expecting a regular light-hearted rom-com might be disappointed as this is actually a bit of a downer movie and hankies might be needed by the end.

Sandra Bullock plays southern belle Birdee Pruitt, former Texan beauty queen and married to former college quarterback star and high-school sweetheart Bill (Michael Paré). But when it's revealed on national TV that Bill is having an affair, Birdee returns to her hometown of Smithville with her daughter Bernice (Mae Whitman) to stay with her mother Ramona (Gena Rowlands). As Birdee becomes ever more despondent, her life is held together by her eccentric mother and the affection of her old school buddy Justin Matisse (Harry Connick Jr).

While considerably better than the last Bullock movie I saw (the woeful "Fire On The Amazon"), I wasn't expecting much and I wasn't disappointed. Bullock is totally upstaged by the impressive Whitman as her troubled daughter struggles to cope with this most public of break-ups. Perhaps Bullock should have paid more attention to the youngster and learnt how to have played her role a bit better. The plot, such as it is, isn't too bad but is certainly less rosy than I had expected. As Birdee's problems multiply and her despair grows ever more, you struggle to see where the happy ending will come from - until the gangly cowboy Lothario of Connick Jr appears. The romance is strictly predictable, even if it is a little hard to swallow given Birdee's initial reluctance. But the whole thing is not exactly my cup of tea, although even I will watch a film like this that is any good, like "Notting Hill". But "Hope Floats" is neither a romantic comedy or a traditional weepie like "Dying Young" and spends most of its time treading water and going nowhere.

For a film that goes nowhere for ages, I can still see why some (female) viewers will enjoy this like my fiancé. But for me, I prefer a romantic film that makes me feel warm and fuzzy on the inside. Sadly, "Hope Floats" makes me feel sleepy instead. With the exception of "Speed", I have still to see a decent movie with Sandra Bullock in. While there is nothing technically wrong with "Hope Floats", there is just nothing that I can see that makes it special or worthwhile of your attention. It also fails to make any decent points about the impact of sensationalist TV on those who appear to air their dirty laundry in public. Any questions that are asked come mainly from the performance of Ms Whitman. What really sticks in the craw is I'm someone who has been betrayed and fought hard to recover my confidence and self-esteem and yet, I still couldn't feel anything for this movie. Hope may float but so does something else rather unpleasant...
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Slow paced love story with excellent child performance
eleven-2915 February 1999
I actually liked this movie. Neither because of the slow development nor of the fair acting of Bullock/Connick Jr. The brilliant performance of Mae Whitman as Bernice made this whole movie worthwhile. I've never seen a child outperform her "co-stars" like that. She sure would deserve the Academy Award for best supporting actress. So if you want to see a slow love story with a very good child performance (German magazine "cinema" wrote: "...she has the potential of Oscar winning Kathy Bates ("Misery")...") this is yours. If you are a fan of high paced action movies, don't bother to see this, you wouldn't like it anyway.
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The right mix of drama and romance without higher pretensions
khatcher-221 November 2002
Very much a film by, with and for the ladies perhaps and superficially is a romantic story; under the surface `Hope Floats' examines some of the difficulties of human relationships, above all between Birdie Pruitt and her husband and new-found love back in her home town, on the one side, and between Bernice and her parents and her new school-mates, on the other.

After recklessly driving a bus with the insufferable Keanu Reeves doing the superman thing, and the very misfired `Gun Shy' (2000) (qv), among others, one might be forgiven for saying that I was about to give up the ghost as far as Sandra Bullock was concerned.

However, as luck turned out, in `Hope Floats', as well as being one of the producers together with a whole fleet of ladies, Sandra Bullock turns in quite an acceptable performance. Totally apart from the fact that Sandra Bullock is most certainly very acceptable to look at, whatever she may be trying to do. In this case, with a very understanding Forest Whitaker (bravo! a man among the crowd!) at the helm, Ms. Bullock did not simply try to make an interesting little film, but actually succeeded.

The film starts off the worse possible way in one of those ridiculous reality TV chat shows, where poor Birdee finds out her husband is having an affair with her best friend. She takes off with her cute little daughter and turns up back home in li'l ol' Texas.

Mae Whitman as Bernice offers an incredible performance here, in great part due to good chemistry between her and Ms. Bullock; only a couple of times did her rôle seem a little forced and only very briefly, as for the most part her natural interpretation is surprisingly successful. The selected songs mostly chime in well with the proceedings, and of course Dave Grusin has long known how to manage this kind of thing.

`Hope Floats' achieves what it set out to be: a simple story with the right mix of drama and a little romance, without purporting to being anything greater. On those terms the average viewer will find this film entertaining and even instructive – especially the ladies. Just do not expect anything more marvellous than that.
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Lots of down-home, quirky characters, but the details just aren't right...
moonspinner556 October 2002
This wheeze of a story--about a humiliated young wife and mother "finding herself"--is enhanced by an appealing leading lady, lots of camera tricks and a quirky sense of romance and fun...but the connect-the-dots screenplay really needed an overhaul. For instance, just why is that photo-developing machine continually mangling the pictures--and why does Sandra Bullock get docked for it when it's clearly the machine's fault? A scene in a bar, with Bullock drunk and babbling, also makes no sense--and later in the bathroom, while she's hanging over the toilet, mama Gena Rowlands comes in with no words of wisdom for her daughter and drops the ball. Rowlands is saddled with an infuriating character: is she an earthy soul or just an eccentric pain in the neck? Just after Sandra arrives, Rowlands offers nothing but awful put-downs. I don't know how women might feel, but Harry Connick, Jr. seems a staid and sorry excuse for a prince charming (he has no scenes where he shows us any charisma or self-worth). Sandra's kid, played by Mae Whitman, gives the best performance here, although she's around possibly too much (I did love her little glasses though). As for Bullock, she's just right in some scenes (like the one where she asks an old acquaintance for a job) and over-the-top in others. A good director would be able to scale her stridency down, but Forest Whitaker seems a novice who's not really into this story. I wasn't either. ** from ****
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A keeper
madisongraves15 July 2003
I'm surprised at the harsh reviews and low rating of this movie!

Unlike other so-called "chick flicks", this movie has an authentic appeal to it and a real heart. Sandra Bullock is a shamed and distraught mother returning to her hometown after being dejected by her husband on national television. She is the beauty queen turned humiliated housewife and her old neighbors don't hesitate to rub it in. Sandra's strong-willed and adorable daughter is played wonderfully by Mae West. Their dysfunctional relationship is a central plot element throughout the film. Sandra finds strength in her own mother and finds new romance with a strong, sensitive cowboy type played surprisingly well by Harry Conick Jr.

Sandra must come to terms with her changing identity and role as mother while her daughter fights for a false allusion of Sandra's husband. An impending divorce between Sandra and her husband and the struggles of Sandra's daughter and nephew, create many heartbreakingly touching moments and at last - an intriguing story with a sense of humor.

Living in Texas and having visited a few small towns, I can state that the movie's portrayal of small town life is a very realistic one which only adds to the films' effectiveness.
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Hope May Float, But The Movie Is SUNK
Bacall-317 January 1999
Sandra Bullock, Gene Rowlands, and Mae Whitman were totally wasted talents in this badly scripted and edited movie.. I keep wondering what might have been, what could have been, what SHOULD have been given the premise: Former small Southern town beauty queen returns home after national dumping by her philandering husband and her "best friend" on cheesy TV talk show..No wonder Rosanna Arquette didn't want her name in the credits as the homewrecker Connie!

Being from a small Southern town, I found the gossip and lasciviousness to be pretty true to form (if Birdie(Sandra) developed any nudies in the photo shop, she was to make an extra copy for the old geezer that owned the place). Other than a few acid-dripping remarks that were on target, the rest of the movie was a horrible disappointment.

Sandra's character is accused of drinking several times in the film, and although no alcohol consumption is seen or hinted at except for one bar scene, it certainly would have explained the zombie-like shadows of characters.

We are left hanging with a bare bones plot, husband and his lover humiliate wife on T.V., she packs up small daughter and heads for the comforts of home with mother. Comforts?? I didn't see any. Gene Rowlands was funny, in an eccentric way, but the eccentricities seemed to be pulled from a bag of bad writer's tricks. We are supposed to believe that Birdie fell in love again with the High School sweetheart that she dumped for the no-good Bill, but all I could think was, "If this man's house was on fire, would he move fast enough to get out, and would he even have the emotional fortitude to care?" The love interest had no sparks, no believability, and very little on the beam. I can see why he didn't make it in California as an architect. Heck, he can't even find steady employment in Smithville (too slow, they rightfully say).

The only bright spot was little Mae Whitman, the small daughter, whom many will recognize as Casey from "When A Man Loves A Woman" (GREAT MOVIE!), Sara from "Chicago Hope", and Patricia from "Independence Day". I hope to see Mae again soon in a good movie..it's a sad day when the only actress in a star-filled cast doing much acting is knee high to a grasshopper.

I am a woman, and usually like touchy, feely, humanistic stories about everyday life, but there was very little life here. I am extremely disappointed when I mentally compare what could have been and what was. IF I had paid full theater ticket prices to see this, I would have felt ripped off in the extreme. "Places In The Heart" is an example of a similar movie that WORKS!
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Hope Floats sinks.
Tim-12621 December 1998
This movie had a chance of being a good movie, but a little less than half-way through it became clear that it would be a boring little nothing of a movie with characters we cared nothing about. It's no wonder you see stacks and stacks of these videos left unsold, even at $9.99 at Costco. Too bad. It started out very nicely.

If you want a Sandra Bullock fix, then see "While You Were Sleeping" again. Don't waste your time on this one.
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a low score - how come?
blanche-226 May 2011
Sandra Bullock, Harry Connick, Jr., and Gena Rowlands star in "Hope Floats," a 1998 film directed by Forest Whitaker.

Bullock, who 13 years ago looks exactly as she does now, plays Birdee Pruitt, a small town beauty queen and cheerleader who married the star of the football team, Bill (Michael Pare) and left for the big city. They have a daughter, Bernice (Mae Whitman). When Birdee is invited on a talk show, she is led to believe it's for a makeover. However, it's a Jerry Springer type show, and when she gets there, her best friend tells her that she's been having an affair with Birdee's husband - and they're in love. Bill verifies it.

Angry and hurt, Birdee packs up her daughter and moves back to Texas with her outspoken taxidermist mother (Gena Rowlands). An old flame (Harry Connick Jr.) reappears, but Birdee is unable to move forward. She's in love with her husband and wants him back.

This film seems to have low scores on IMDb, giving validation to my theory that a) reviewers on IMDb are mostly men; and b) young men; who c) like action, special effects, futuristic, and science fiction films.

"Hope Floats" is actually a very sweet movie with lovely performances from everyone involved. Bullock is warm and likable as a depressed woman who comes back to town in disgrace and has to face up to people she wasn't particularly nice to in high school. Connick is handsome and charming. Rowlands does a terrific job as Birdee's confident and sometimes overbearing mother who deeply loves her daughter and granddaughter. Mae Whitman as the child Bernice is fantastic as a hurt little girl waiting for her daddy to take her home.

Some of the best scenes occur when Birdee visits her demented father in a nursing home.

I thought this was an effective film. No bombs, no violence, just some poignant real life - a single mom, a father with dementia, and what it's like to go home and start over.

I love films like "Speed," "Inception," "Salt" and films of the classic era. There's room for all kinds of films, and there is room for an actress with the warmth and charm of Sandra Bullock. If you're not a fan, skip it. If you are, you'll love it.
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You'll be hoping this movie will end soon
marilyn_glamor6 January 2004
Hope Floats with Sandra Bullock is a real disappointment. The story starts off ok. Her husband cheats on her and she finds out on national television. So she has to rebuild her life. Here it could have gotten interesting or built up in a story line, but you become so bored with it. She moves back with her parents and Harry Connick Jr. who plays Justin begins hitting on her. The two have no real chemistry at all, yet your supposed to get the impression that Justin is in love with her. The movie ends the way you figure it will but you wish it hadn't ended like every other kind like it. They had a good start with this movie and could have turned it into something watchable but instead its a movie that you definitely want to miss.
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levpap20 August 2007
This film is incredibly good! Deep, thoughtful and sophisticated. Sandra Bullock would have deserved an Oscar for it (this is one of her best films) and Geena Rowlands is classy as always. I really don't understand who doesn't understand it... it was said to be "too European" - maybe, but the whole story is so American, it couldn't be more that. Forest Whitaker (of course with the great actors) was able to show us how the emotions work in a woman... the wide range of emotions. Here was nothing simplified as in the life is nothing simplified that's why this film is great. Sandra Bullock is a smart, very sensitive, very good actress who can show her talent and deepness as much in dramatic roles (Hope Floats, Love and War, Divine Secret etc.) as in the comedies. She gives life- and real life with real emotions for her characters.
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Was he mad?
rawiri4211 April 2014
Was Bill Pruitt totally mad to want to leave Birdee (Sandra Bullock)? I mean, if you're going to make a movie about a cuckolded wife, you can't do it effectively using Sandra as your actress. She is the most desirable woman on the planet - not just in looks but as a genuinely sincere person - not to mention a damn good actress. Heck! I can't look at a woman without comparing her with Sandra (which, I guess, is why I'm single - no one meets the standard!)

Even in this movie, I can't help feeling that Birdee has a lot of the real Sandra in her. Even though she is beautiful, she is not conceited or vindictive. Harry Connick Jr. as Justin is equally sensitive and doesn't stalk her, even though he clearly counts his blessings that he has a second chance to have what he was too slow to get the first time. He genuinely woos her in the real old-fashioned way which is quite a pleasant change from most so-called romance movies these days.

And Mae Whitman as Birdee's 9-year-old daughter, Bernice shows her to be the star that she has, since Hope Floats was made, become. It always amazes me how young children are able to act so convincingly in traumatic domestic situations such as Bernice had to. Full marks to Mae!

Of course, a true queen of the silver screen, Gena Rowlands as Birdee's mum, is everything we have come to expect of her - a tender, all-knowing matriarch who holds everything together.

All in all, a fine movie that, in my opinion, is worth more than the 5.8 that viewers have given it. Definitely a movie I will happily watch again, and again over the years.
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Avoid this movie at all costs
lawafc224 April 2001
It was another saturday night alone. The wine bottle was nearly empty and I had reached the giddy heights of being bored out of my tiny mind. So, I'll admit it! I watched this film. Worse, much worse, I stayed till the end. Oh, I was a little drunk and a little lonely but its not really an excuse. OK, so I once fancied Sandra Bullock! Even so, I shouldn't be admitting to having watched the biggest load of self-indulgent garbage that has ever graced my TV. Can someone please tell me what this film was supposed to be. A romance that was not in any way romantic (the two leads do not have the slightest chemisty). A drama that wasn't dramatic. It certainly wasn't funny! Watching any film with Gena Rowlands is bad enough but here, she is simply terrible. And she is the best actor in the film!! Please do not watch this film. It is a really slow moving, badly directed, badly acted, badly scripted load of tosh! After seeing this excuse for a movie, I have decided to "Get a Life". So should you
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Great Movie
mcampbelljh130 June 2014
I love this movie. This movie will touch your heart in so many ways. No matter how many times I see it, it always makes me smile, and cry and finally feel hopeful. It's a story so many people go through today; Divorce, growing up, family, love, change. Finding out, after your whole life is ripped from you, that life does goes on; sometimes even for the better. All you need is a bit of hope and the kindness of others to get by those rough periods. It reminds me that there are many people out there that you can love and who will love you back. That change, no matter how hard it might be at first, is possible and even good for you.

Best line in the movie that say's it all: "Just give hope a chance to float up and it will". So true!

Such great acting by all involved: Sandra Bullock, Harry Connick Jr., Gena Rowlands, and the kids (Mae Whitman and Cameron Finley).

If you haven't seen it yet, rent it. If you have, watch it again for it will surely make you feel good about life, family, friends, and yourself.
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Hard To Get Through But Give It A Chance
Jakemcclake21 July 2015
This category of movie "Romantic Drama" is at times difficult to get excited about. Certainly you don't expect Die Hard, if you are going to see a Romantic Drama. Additionally this movie includes some Cliché Characters. This movie relates a story of how hope can impact a person's life. It relates a devastating event in the lives of Birdee (Sandra Bulloch) and her daughter.

They both show problems accepting the reality of the event, and furthermore they both essentially becomes depressed. Eventually, Birdee begins to accept the event, but her daughter still can not. Eventually after suffering another devastating event, they both accept their reality, and discover that doing so gets them both out of depression and able to move on with their lives.

It shows that accepting reality instead of wishing for the way things used to be, can bring hope and hope can bring some good changes.
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seriously under-achieving drama
oliyoung26 September 1999
Although normally my preference is not for romantic dramas, seeing this film left me a little short.

It had promise, the characters and relationships could have been explored much deeper than they did, yet the story seemed not to understand the direction it wanted to take.

The comparisions and parallels within the story, especially the three generations of women in the family, had a lot of potential, but somehow didn't fully extend itself. It could have made the film much easier to relate to and attach to which is the aim of any film about lost-love and life regained.

IMHO, I think the film suffered from a lack of direction in the writing, although Harry Connick Jnr and Sandra Bullock did try desperatly to breath a little life into otherwise flat character outlines.

It's not that this is a bad film, some parts leave you understanding the reasons for various plot developments, its just that this film is underdone, and a little flat overall.
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