Riki-Oh: The Story of Ricky (1991) Poster

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Ludicrously excessive Hong Kong classic
fertilecelluloid16 February 2006
Ngai Kai Lam, the director of the first and best "Erotic Ghost Story", captained this magnificent gore- and fight-fest set in an unconventional Hong Kong prison. It is so gleefully over-the-top that it exists in its own ludicrous stratosphere and is one of the most memorable Hong Kong exploitation films ever made. Siu-Wong Fan is terrific as Riki-oh, a meditative lad who is imprisoned for defending his girlfriend's honor. Possessing almost supernatural strength and fighting prowess, he is forced to fight The Gang of Four, a bunch of crazy, imprisoned superhero types who appear to control the prison's inmates with the approval of the corrupt, one-eyed assistant aarden (Mui Sang Fan), keeper of a massive porno mag collection and owner of a screw-on hook he uses to cart human trash away. The blood-soaked scenes of violence are hilarious and grotesque. Guts are ripped from a man's stomach and used to strangle him. Birds peck out an eyeball. Heads are squashed until they explode. Ricki even knocks down a prison wall with one nasty punch. Originally a Japanese manga (and there's an animated version, too), "The Story of Ricky" has a great, bombastic score, ultra-bloody effects, operatic performances, and a fat Japanese boy, too. It all adds up to top notch entertainment for the whole family.
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Gore epic.
Ky-D16 April 2005
Close second to "Dead Alive" as goriest film ever made. Rivers of ridiculously over-exaggerated red will fill your screen and turn your stomach.

Riki was just an innocent (though super-powered, think Mr. Incredible) youth until the day his girlfriend was killed in a botched rape attempt by gangsters. After dealing out his bloody revenge he is carted off to prison where he wishes to serve his sentence as peacefully and undisturbed as he can. However, this pseudo sci-fi Asian prison is any thing but peaceful. Prison film clichés ensue (ie. corrupt guards, an evil warden, an escape attempt).

Technically speaking, the movie isn't very good. The sets lack believability, the dialogue is pretty horrible, and the acting is way over board. The bad guys seem to be bad because they can be...either that or they are just bored, one or the other. Outside of Riki, there is no background attached to any of the characters and none of them are ever developed properly. Additionally, the plentiful fight scenes aren't choreographed very well. Top it all off with some of the cheesiest kung-fu dubs ever recorded and you have a film suffering from lack of talent.

So why the positive score? This is a damn fun movie, that's why. Each and every fight scene ends with a gory display of gruesome blood letting. Heads crushed, stomachs torn open, eyes popped out, faces cut off, one villain even tries to strangle Riki with his own intestines. Amidst the crimson flow, the dumb-as-a-brick story is awash in unintentional humor; the more serious it takes itself the funnier it is. Even the gore itself makes for a joke, it's so over the top it ceases to offend and becomes a sight gag.

Main stream viewers will not get this movie and will simply not like it. Genre fans, however, will find the holy grail of gore flicks.

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Greatest Film of Its Kind
gavin694220 April 2006
A man jailed for getting his revenge on those who (indirectly) killed his girlfriend gets sent to the prison of the future. While in prison, he discovers an opium greenhouse (not cleverly hidden) and fights plenty of guards, inmates and the warden.

I gave this film a ten, not because it is a cinematic masterpiece... but because this film stands alone as something that can never be equaled. You will not walk away from this film the same person. Its kiss is like jackhammer; when it is through with you, you are changed.

The violence is excessive to the point of being funny -- walls and body parts exploding. It was hard to tell if this film was supposed to be a comedy or action because while the plot is serious, the action is outrageous. And sometimes you can too easily tell that a body part is a model or that walls are being pulled apart by strings.

The dubbing is really funny, and the use of multiple subtitles (in both British English and American English) is amusing. The film probably deserves a decent transfer and better subtitles, but that might take something away from this film's immense cheese factor. The characters are pretty interesting -- a warden who can transform into the Incredible Hulk and his assistant with one eye and a hook for a hand (who has a wall full of pornographic videos).

If you liked the gore of something like "Terror Firmer", you will find this to be in a similar vein (though, in my opinion, far less offensive). If you do not like blood in your movies, you want to run away from this as quickly as possible. But heck, this is seriously something you cannot go through life without seeing. Highest possible recommendation.
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Comic-book shocker, with gallons of blood and gore!!...
Libretio7 June 2005

Aspect ratio: 1.85:1

Sound format: Mono

After killing the drug-addicted lowlife who murdered his fiancée, an unlucky strongman (Terry Fan Siu-wong) is remanded to a corrupt prison where he's forced to defend himself against inmates and tyrannical officials, spilling gallons of blood and gore along the way...

Notorious for its splattery violence and hyper-stylized melodrama, STORY OF RICKY - derived from the Japanese manga 'Riki-Oh' created by Tetsuya Saruwatari - is directed by former cinematographer Laam Naai-choi, whose earlier efforts (THE SEVENTH CURSE, EROTIC GHOST STORY, etc.) rarely scaled the same dizzy heights of outrage and audacity. Shot on a shoestring budget in Macao, the film combines high octane bloodshed with "Carry On"-style humor (watch out for the incredible moment when a character uses his intestines as a weapon!), mixed with visual references to earlier exploitation fare such as THE STREET FIGHTER (1974) and THE FURY (1978), though the makeup effects are rudimentary at best, in keeping with the film's comic-book tone.

Japanese actress Yukari Oshima takes second billing as one of the *male* villains (she's dubbed with a masculine voice), and fan favorite Gloria Yip (SAVIOUR OF THE SOUL) plays the hero's ill-fated girlfriend in a series of corny 'feel-good' flashbacks. But the film belongs to handsome, hunky Terry Fan, ripping his shirt off at the drop of an intestine and posing impressively for the various combat sequences. Clothed or unclothed, he's never less than magnificent to behold, and director Laam uses the actor's exaggerated studliness to lampoon the homoerotic spectacle which once fuelled 'golden age' kung fu pictures. It ain't Shakespeare, but trash/splatter fans will embrace the movie with gusto. Also known as STORY OF RICKY AKA RIKI-OH.

(Cantonese dialogue)
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One of the bloodiest, most over the top horror comedy martial arts films ever made (Or maybe the only one)
dbborroughs4 March 2005
If you hate blood and guts (literally) stop reading now this movie is in no way for you.

On the popcorn scale of fun brain removed films this is on the top rung for laugh out loud enjoyment.

The plot has Ricky, a kid with super strength being thrown into prison for killing the man responsible for the girl he loved. This is a corrupt privatized prison of the future where the prisoners are nothing more than cheap labor. Ricky instantly gets under the skin of the wardens, the guards and the leaders of the prison population. Cartoon violence with bloody gory consequences ensue. Body parts go flying as Ricky fights to stay alive and help his fellow prisoners.

This is one of the bloodiest movies I've ever seen. Think Python's Salad Days sketch but for 90 minutes. There is blood and limbs everywhere. The effects run from very good to god awful, with most just okay. None of it is really "real".There's no way you could do this film realistic, assuming the plot allowed it, with out having the audience throwing up all over the place. I'm assuming they are done the way they are for effect, we see the effect of the violence and laugh at the silliness of it all while keeping our lunches.

And as the film spins more and more out of control, with plot holes that are more like stellar voids, you find your self staring and laughing at it all, disbelieving that grown people put this together. Its a 12 year-old's action figure dream come true, but some how it all works on an adult level since the film makers seem to be winking and nodding at those watching it.

High camp? Low brow? There is nothing in this film that seems to be serious except for the way that pretty much everyone plays it dead nuts straight to wonderful tongue through cheek effect.

Not a movie you want to see on a first date (or any date) this is a movie to watch with some loud friends with strong stomachs and a great sense of the absurd. Its not a great film as such and I doubt it was ever intended to be, however on the throw your mind out of the car on the way to the video store scale this film rates at the top.

And I can't stress enough this film lives up to its rep for blood and guts. If you don't like to see them flying in every direction stay away stay away stay away.
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Ultra-gory and mega-funny!
DJ Inferno27 December 2001
This film could be seen as the Chinese version of "Braindead" aka "Dead Alive": a Bruce Lee-like guy named Ricky, who´s talented with supernatural powers, fights his way through a corrupt prison and leaves a trail of blood and guts behind him. For sure, "Story of Ricky" is a very violent and gory flick, but everything in it is so exaggerated that no one should take it too serious: there is gut-strangulation, people in a meat grinder and for the showdown the leader of the prison mutates to a giant Kung Fu-fighting monster..! However, this film is so funny that you will laugh your heads off! Larded with typical Asian humor "Story of Ricky" is one of the definite cult movies that were shot in the last decade! If you had fun with it, try also to find director Ngai Kai Lam´s Indiana Jones-fantasy-action-gore-adventure "The Seventh Curse" (Check out the review which I wrote under my former pseudonym "Daywalker"..!) starring Chow Yun Fat, which contains nearly the same plenty of gore and curious ideas as this one has! Two great films that would make a great double-feature!! Check´em out!!!
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Manga has never been so realized
thegamergare17 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I gotta say, the best way to put this movie is that it's Evil Dead 2 as a comic book movie with martial arts, Kill Bill villains and the blood effects from Braindead. Does that sound awesome? Of course it does!

I think the best way to put this is that it's the best homage of manga currently made in live action. It's a little cheesy and silly, but it adds to the movie for the same reason it adds to The Evil Dead. And I did watch this with the terrible English dub and I don't know how I would have felt watching it with subs, but the terrible dub adds to the atmosphere this movie is trying to make, The Evil Dead in manga form.

This movie just leaves you with a weird feeling, there's a final fight but there's not really and ending, it just kinda stops but again, it adds to the atmosphere. After watching this movie, I felt like I had read 50 mangas in one sitting, it was incredible.

There was so many memorable characters, I'm only going to mention the main 3 in my opinion. Siu-Wong Fan plays Riki-Oh Saiga or Ricky, a young adult with superhuman strength who fights to protect himself and his girlfriend from street crime. You could almost call it a superhero movie, although you never see him fight street crime, you just see him on the prison bus going to jail for manslaughter. The next character is Mei Sheng Fan plays the Assistant Warden who has a hook for a hand. But it had to hooks that he can move around and he doesn't just use it as a weapon but as a fork too! I'm not going to lie, I love this guy, he kind of holds the movie together as Ricky doesn't really talk and the Warden talks in small sentences and then stays silent until he's replying to something, the Assistant Warden is really the only one that talks and he's kind of in the background when the warden finally shows up, but he holds the movie together for a bit and he definitely works. The final character is Ka-Kui Ho as Warden Sugiyama and he is a perfect villain for this movie. He's a sick bastard with an annoying as hell son. (SPOILERS) * And he is basically the hulk. Really, he is. He turns into a near unstoppable monster whenever he gets really angry or paranoid or something. He takes pills to stop it from happening when he doesn't want it to, so I'm pretty sure he doesn't have control over it, I just don't know what causes him to become it. Is it anger? Being upset? Worried? Upset? Showing high levels of emotion? Is it timed to when he needs to take his pills? I honestly don't know, but just like the Crow's powers in The Crow, we really don't need to know. * (SPOILERS OVER)

The plot is Ricky is caught of manslaughter for fighting crime. It's a future dystopia and crime has run amok so Ricky with his powers tries to fight it, kinda like a superhero! I honestly could see if someone considered this a superhero movie as it is based off comic source material. Anyways, Ricky gets sent to prison and tries to fight crime there and after a series of events ends up freeing everyone. It sounds like I'm leaving stuff out and technically I am, but that is really the best summary I can give without going into too much detail.

There's no explanation for a lot of stuff, but its forgiven because thats not whats important, whats important is what you're looking at on the screen when watching it, the story it's telling you at that time, not the story before it or after it, the story then. And I really can't help but just love these characters, like I said before, they're all really good and I can still remember a lot of funny over the top moments that still shock people today. My god, is there a lot of blood, if you get squeamish over blood in something like Die Hard or Robocop, this movie is not for you.

Story of Ricky is great and definitely for a specific group of people. If you liked Braindead, I can't see anyone not having a blast watching this.

Score: 7.6
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Kick Ass Kung Fu/Gore Flick
EVOL66613 September 2005
STORY OF RICKY is a really fun, gory mix of kung-fu action, horror and comedy all in one. The deal: Ricky is sent to prison after he kills the guys that murder his girlfriend. Ricky gets on the wrong side of the corrupt prison guards and inmates that run the prison when he champions the causes of the weaker inmates...But little do the enemies know that Ricky is a comic-bookesque beast of a fighter - and he proceeds to prove his skills in several gory (and oftentimes hilarious) fight scenes. The acting is ridiculous, the Fx are mostly cheesy, the English language dub is so horrible it's hilarious (and honestly one of the best parts of the film...), and an ending that is completely retarded, STORY OF RICKY is just plain fun. Plenty of the red stuff to keep the goreheads happy, and anyone who enjoys B-movies should really appreciate this one. definitely recommended 8 1/2 out of 10
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Pure Over-the-Top, Campy Goodness
CronenbergsMonster16 October 2020
If you love goofy, gory, tongue-in-cheek films then you cant go wrong with Riki-Oh. In the same vein as Peter Jackson's Brain Dead (or Dead Alive depending on your country of origin), Riki-Oh seems to exist purely to deliver ridiculously excessive amounts of gore in the campiest, most fun way possible. Everything, from the acting to the sets and fight choreography, is a complete mess; and I couldnt have been more delighted to experience it all. I mean, where else are you going to see a dude literally punch his hand through someone else's hand? Or punch off the top half of someone's head? Or do a barrel-roll through a steel door? Heck, where else can you see someone try to strangle someone else with their own intestines? Nowhere except in Riki-Oh. Its really something I think everyone should experience; if only to say you've seen one of the most bats*** insane pieces of film-making around. Is it a "good" movie? From any kind of traditional stand-point, certainly not. Is it enjoyable? 100%, absolutely, without a doubt.
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A Freaky Movie
Mr. Pulse13 March 2000
"Riki Oh" is a frightening piece of work. Some of the bizarrest stuff ever put on celluloid to my knowledge. Every single frame is bursting with insanity and confusion. Don't even try to understand it, you might as well try to divide large numbers in your head for an hour and a half.

Riki is a very hunky prisoner in a future where corporations control everything. I know this information because the producers felt it necessary to put this in TWO different captions at the start of the film. Just so we know.

Young Riki gets into a lot of trouble both with the guards and his fellow inmates. This allows him to rip his shirt off a lot and expose his flexed chest (Seriously, the guy takes his shirt about once every thirty seconds. He puts it back on just so he can take it off again.).

Somehow Riki was given supernatural powers that really help in a prison riot. You see Riki can punch through just about anything, be it animal, mineral or vegetable. He punches through walls, desks, pipes, bars, and lots of human bodies. Yes that's correct, he punches through people. Their arms, legs, stomachs, and sometimes heads.

This excessive violence lends the film to excessive gore. We're talking spilled jugs of Kool-Aid excessive. And you get to see it all; although the worst gore is rarely on screen for more than a split second. Still you get to see a guy eat razors, a person explode like a balloon and one guy get put in a huge meat grinder. Yummy!

The copy I saw was dubbed, and that only added to the fun. I recommend this movie, solely for goofing on it. Otherwise, it is a very bad film. Only for those with a good sense of humor. You have been warned.
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If God made a Movie...
benwatford16 May 2018
The only way to experience this is with others. If you feel the need to strengthen your relationship with someone, this is a great film to watch together. Ideally, the presence of "substances" is recommended however since I am not of legal drinking age at the time of me writing this review, that will have to be something to look forward to in the future. Also do not watch the English dub, it removes a mandatory layer of hilarity if you watch it in Mandarin. Even if you are squeamish about gore, it's so laughably fake that I would find it hard to believe someone to get genuinely disturbed by it. Oh yeah, the whole thing is on YouTube so you have no excuse.
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Gut-bustingly funny, literally!
gapdragon_9819 May 2001
Oh..my..god! The bloodiest, stupidest movie I have ever seen and in one word, magnificent. Ricky is sent to prison for manslaughter after killing his girlfriend's drug dealer. Inside he deals with the corruption....extreme style. Ricky spends the entire movie punching through people with extreme prejudice. Nothing can touch Ricky. Well, actually it can, but one camera angle change and he's good as new! A must see if you like plotless gore-fests.
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Friggin wicked.
coldwaterpdh26 December 2007
If you are reading this, chances are you have heard lots about this film. If you can find it, buy it. It will be worth every penny, I promise you. The gore in this one is so over-the-top awesome it makes "Friday the 13th" look like "Bambi."

Blood and guts abound in this revenge/action film where a dude gets wrongfully imprisoned, then punished for speaking and acting out against atrocities going on inside the walls. Ricky is definitely one of the coolest heroes of all time. With his super human strength, knack for ripping out people's guts, and compassionate nature, he proves unstoppable against an army of corrupt prison guards, mindless gangsters and bosses, and every single person deserving of a broken back inside the prison.

You'll find yourself rooting for Ricky more than you rooted for Tim Robbins' character in "The Shawshank Redemption." Yea, it's that cool. See it as soon as you can. And like I said, don't rent it or borrow it...buy it. You're gonna want to watch this one repeatedly.

9 out of 10, kids.
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Oh Ricky, you so fine...
Jeope!10 November 1999
KA-BOOM!!! Take that, Jean-Claude! KA-POW!!! Out of the way, Jackie Chan! KA-BLAMMO!!!!! Sayonara, Stallone! There's a new King of Fists on the action scene, and truly his name is Ricky.

One of the more inventive and original flicks to blast out of the Orient, 'The Story of Ricky' will leave any action fan(atic) lusting for more...but only after a short breather. A-rooooo-ga! What a scorcher! Never before has one film shown so much RED. Beginning medical practitioners can get an early first-hand peek at what makes the human body function, and the rest of us can simply check our brains at the door and enjoy Ricky chop, crop and splop his way to the top in this evocative prison drama. Yowza! And child, you know a film's good when it boasts its 'famous, head-exploding scene' right on the video cover. I challenge each and every one of you to see 'Ricky', one of the all-time good-bad movies in existence. And when you watch it, don't catch yourself saying "How will they top that?" after each scene...'cause baby, Ricky'll do it. Guaranteed.

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The best of times, the worst of times
Jerry-931 March 1999
It's strange how a movie can be the best martial arts movie of all time, and conversely, be the worst movie of all time. This film really is something, though, I'll give it that. The movie takes place in a max security prison. Rikki is falsely imprisoned (I think; I wasn't paying real close attention to the subtitles) by a sadistic warden (is there any other kind?). Rikki then spends the rest of the movie getting the Hell beat out of him, only to win every fight in the end with a single punch. And it's usually a pretty good punch. He puts a basketball sized hole in one guy's stomach, and tears the jawbone off another guy. Rikki does escape from prison at the end (the feel good moment of the year), but not until the final fight with the warden, who, for no particular reason, turns into a monster before the fight.

This is a really stupid movie, redeemed only by the insanely bloody and violent fight scenes. I don't think I read the subtitles once, and I don't think I missed a thing. The acting is way below par (even for a karate movie) and the guy who plays Rikki has all the charisma of a dead horse. He gets in about one punch in every fight, and, fortunately for him, it's a Deathblow every time. Fast forward through all of the movie except for the fight scenes and a couple of humorous acts of random violence, and this is a very enjoyable film. Watch the ENTIRE thing at your own risk; viewing is linked to brain tumors in lab animals.
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An eye-popping, head crushing, hand-smashing Cat III classic.
BA_Harrison19 March 2009
Whilst serving a sentence in a movie-based correctional facility, it is usually advisable to remain alert when in the shower, for it is there that one is most vulnerable (and needless to say, never bend over to pick up the soap). Even Ricky Oh (Fan Siu-wong), who is blessed with superhuman strength, isn't guaranteed safety from attack whilst washing: as soon as he opts for a quick freshen up, Mad Dragon, a huge slobbering beast of a man, arrives with murder on his mind.

And a sudden attack in the shower isn't the only danger that Ricky faces after upsetting the 'powers-that-be' in the corrupt privatised jail where he has been incarcerated for killing a drug-lord: during his first few days in the prison, the poor guy is trapped in cement, temporarily blinded, knifed in the arm, strangled with intestines, buried alive, almost crushed in a cell equipped with a hydraulic ceiling, and forced to eat razor blades. Finally, he must do battle with a warden who can transform himself at will into a huge monster! Talk about doing hard time!

As you have probably surmised, The Story of Ricky is one hell of a crazy movie and one which fully deserves its reputation as an unmissable, wild, gore-drenched slice of Asian excess. It doesn't take very long for the blood to start flowing—a guy has his face planed off before the film hits the eight minute mark—and although the effects might not be all that convincing, they are frequent, very bloody, and delivered with plenty of gusto. On top of the gratuitous, unrelenting splatter, fans of mad movies should also enjoy the frequent scenes of martial arts mayhem and the inclusion of some particularly bizarre characters (my favourites: the hook-handed assistant warden who keeps mints in his glass eye, and the head warden's piggy-faced son).
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Riki-Oh My Gosh! - Cheap, but fun gory prison film
ninjaalexs12 March 2022
Story of Ricky is an alternative prison break movie. Siu-Wong Fan plays Riki\Ricky (or Tarzan in the dubbed version), a super human prisoner who draws comparisons to Ken in Fist of the North Star in terms bone-breaking martial arts ability and 70s\80s action movie characters like John Rambo (one man fighting mobs).

The film is set in a dystopian future were prisoners are locked in a high tech maximum security prison with abusive tough guys as wardens. Riki is the man who fights them. That's all there is to the plot.

The film gained an infamous reputation on (bootleg) VHS in the 90s becoming one of the most sought after Category III films (the equivalent of UK 18 or USA NC-17). It was a huge talking point due to the insane levels of gore, much like Total Recall and Braindead around this time. The film take cues from the body horror of Cronenberg, the gore of splatter movies and its Manga source material. Infamous scenes include a bad guy being thrown into a mincing machine, a stomach being punched open and a hand being literally punched through with the fingers flying off. It's the sort of thing the teenage me loved. The special effects look corny, they looked bad in 1991 and look worse now, but there's something about non-CGI special effects that are well, special.

What lets the film down is some cheap production design. I know it is set in a prison, but the sets are empty corridors and the bosses office is just a desk with some sex films on a book shelf behind him; the low budget can't be disguised. There's also some bad acting and directing; big groups of extras told to point and laugh. If it was a longer production there might be people playing chess in the background, maybe a group sharing a joke etc. It's a minor complaint, but once you notice it it can't be unseen.

Most people watch this for the gore and ridiculous scenes. It is a low budget production and Ngai Choi Lam's second film after camp sci-fi horror, The Cat. I enjoyed it as a teenager, but it really is not a good film, but it sure is entertaining.
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Absolutely wacky comic book prison gore gem
Leofwine_draca1 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
A hilarious Asian live-action manga movie, based on a popular Japanese comic book (looking suspiciously similar to the classic Fist of the North Star), lauded for its total commitment to visceral violence and insanity. THE STORY OF RICKY is darned near perfect for a comic-book-turned-movie, an action-packed and visually arresting display of superhuman skills, bad guys versus good guys, and plenty of bizarre dream-like situations. The plot is wafer thin and needs to be so. Basically it involves our hero Ricky (the Bruce Lee-alike who smashes and crashes his way throughout the movie) getting sent to prison after murdering the drug dealer who caused the death of his girlfriend. After standing up for himself and the fellow prisoners, Ricky is then continuously beaten and tortured until the prison riot that marks the film's close.

Sure there are plenty of holes and negative aspects of this film. Taken as a serious work of art, it just doesn't hang together. The dialogue is dumb on purpose and the acting hardly sets the screen alight, but then it doesn't need to. The storyline makes no sense whatsoever if you think about it at all. If Ricky has all these powers why doesn't he just escape at the start instead of letting himself getting chained up and the like? Instead, THE STORY OF RICKY is happy to display one incredible scene of superhuman feat after another. Ricky is buried alive, blinded with crushed glass, squashed under a ceiling, and stuck fast with cement. He has the tendons severed in his arm but manages to knot them back together and return fighting. He endures a gob full of razor blades and some of the hardest beatings you will ever see. This is nothing in comparison to what he does to the enemy, though.

Bad guys are skinned, crushed, and have limbs literally torn from their bodies. Ricky's punches have the power to break bones and knock heads off entirely. He punches through stomachs, knocks out eyeballs, and shoves the bad guys into meat grinders. It's all amazing stuff that will have you glued to the screen. The special effects are tacky but colourful in much the same way as BRAINDEAD; you'll never be disturbed or horrified for an instant as instead the film is infused with that particular Asian humour that makes light of the darkest situations.

Although BRAINDEAD wins hands down due to the non-stop barrage of visceral carnage (here, you have to wait for the plot to catch up between each set-piece), THE STORY OF RICKY still deserves major mention for some of the truly outrageous gob-smacking scenes of brutality and over-the-top mayhem. The highlight has gotta be when a bad guy slashes open his own stomach in order to strangle Ricky with his intestines. Or perhaps the "did I dream that?" finale in which a villain turns into a Hulk-like monster for a splattery showdown with our God-like hero. There's stuff here you won't see anywhere else, which is why I wholeheartedly recommend this film for gore fans everywhere.
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The Gory of Ricky
Bezenby7 March 2014
If you're on the mooch for gore then this film has literally bucket loads of it. I cringed at one point when a guy fell face first onto a board of nails, and my wife was almost puking when some guy tried to strangle Ricky with his own intestines. It was also at this point that she asked me why I was making her watch the film.

I've got to say, however, that there wasn't much story to the story of Ricky. He punches a hole in a guy's head and gets put in jail for it. In jail, he gets caught up fighting the warden, the deputy warden, and some heavy duty prisoners (one of which squashes a guy's head between his hands). Apart from a couple of flashbacks, that's all there is.

I must be getting old, however, because although the gore is impressive, I was twiddling my thumbs waiting for the film to get onto the next battle. A bit more story would have done the trick I think. Something lacking here, for me at least. Not enough humour? Or story? Or characters to care about? Who knows? You'll probably want to see it anyway.
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Everybody was Kung Fu splattering… HO!
Coventry6 May 2004
A righteous first impression after seeing this movie would be: `WHAT THE HELL?!?' Lai Wong most likely is different than all the movies you ever saw before. But all in good fun, that is. The Story of Ricki (the more popular a.k.a title) is an outsider in an already eccentric sub-genre of Asian horror. Exaggerated and ultra-gory splatter films based on Manga comics. Ricki-Oh is a 21-year-old Bruce Lee clone who battles against the corruption in futuristic, privatized prisons and acts like some sort of Kung Fu Robin Hood. His fists and feet cause serious damage to his opponents and every fight results in cheerful bloodshed. We're talking skull crushing, limb amputations and worse! There even is a scene in which a guard is strangled by his own intestines. This all may sound very distasteful (and it kinda is), but above all it's funny! Well, morbid-funny that is. I can imagine not everybody laughs hysterically with the idea of a fat, green-dressed retard feasting over the sight of tortured prisoners. But trust me, if you're sense of humor is as black as hell itself… you'll have a great time. The gore and violence in Lai Wong is never provocative or offensive. The grotesque butchering never really becomes nauseating and – compared to other strong Asian stuff like `The Ebola Syndrome' and `Men Behind the Sun' – you never feel dirty for enjoying the sickness.
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Ricky Oh... The greatest warrior since BRUCE LEE
nasteen817 August 2012
So many folks on here liken this film to the gore classic "Dead Alive" that it's kind of off balance. Sure, there's all sorts of blood and guts, but that's where it ends. Dead Alive is Zombies, Ricky Oh... Well, Ricky Oh is a man... Let's just say he's a man for his time.

Obviously everyone reading the reviews knows what the hell this movie is about, so let's not try to over do it here. I'm just going to say a few choice tidbits about this fantastic film so you can just watch it. Because let's get real, if you're reading this, you obviously have some sort of interest. Well, let me just tell you now, WATCH THIS FRICKEN MOVIE. Hell, don't even watch it, go out and buy it, you won't have buyers remorse. Sure, if you like your movie all shiny and pretty like "Titanic" or "Driving Miss Daisy", then you won't like this (besides, what the hell are you doing reading these reviews anyways). BUT, if you love a good cheesy flick, then of course, you're not just going to like this, YOU'RE GOING TO LOVE IT. Ridiculously over the top, ridiculously violent, ridiculously insane and completely entertaining. Hell, a guy hides breath mints in his fake eye, if that's not enough for you. All this time spent reading reviews could be spent watching this fantastic film and laughing your ass off, so get to it. After you watch it once, grab a few friends and have a good ol' fashioned "Ricky Oh" Party and watch everyone's reaction. Trust me, even the friends you think will hate this one will probably end up loving you for introducing them to such a classic. Cinema just ain't the same without stuff like this.
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Stupid, but hilarious!
Firehead26 July 2000
This is a party movie. Rent it (if you manage to find it anywhere) and watch it, it guarantees many laughters! The story is ok, the content ridiculous but the fights and the violence sure is a lot of fun!
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Dull effort, even for a gore flick
buzz_ukuk26 July 2014
This movie just didn't do it for me. I'm a fan of martial arts movies and loved Kung Fu Hustle and gore flicks like Bad Taste and Braindead and uberviolent fare like Ichi the Killer and The Raid 2. They at least had something akin to a plot and an attempt at character development that engaged the viewer and made you feel something towards the characters being beaten up, mangled, minced etc.

With this movie, it just felt like something thrown together over the weekend whilst the scriptwriters were on holiday. Sure there were buckets of blood (although not that often) and a couple of shocking moments (sometimes laughably so) but overall this film was an utter mess from start to finish.
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