Porky's (1981) Poster


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Telephone call for Michael.....
jimbo7001 February 2006
Porky's is the original teen sex comedy.

I had the great pleasure of seeing Porky's in a late night showing on opening day in March 1982 in a theater packed to the gills with 18-25 year olds (although I was 30). I hurt for 3 days from laughing so hard.

There is a portion of the movie, beginning close to the 1 hour mark that is the absolute funniest 14 minutes ever put on film. This includes these three hilarious scenes: Coach and Lassie in the boys locker room (Coach Brackett finds out why they call Miss Honeywell Lassie), then it segues to the guys peeping through the holes into the girls shower room, where Beulah Balbricker gets a 'handle' on Tommy's situation, immediately followed by the scene with Coach Brackett, Coach Warren and Head Coach Goodenough in Principal Carter's office with Beulah describing the "incriminating mole". There were people out of their seats, laying on the floor of the theater screaming with laughter. I have yet to see another motion picture invoke this kind of hilarity in a movie theater. I saw it in the theater 2 or 3 times in it's original theatrical run with the same response. When it became available, I bought the VHS copy, then the laser disc copy and when I got the DVD a few month's ago, I watched it for the zillionth time and I still laugh my butt off when I see those scenes. The acting is great for a bunch of no-names, there are actually great multiple plot-lines (in addition to the typical "get laid at any cost" plot) and the cinematography, editing and sound is above average. They made this movie in 90 days for less than $4 million and it grossed $7 million opening weekend and has grossed over $100 million in theaters to date, most of that in 1982 dollars. The only thing I can say bad about Porky's is that they should have stopped after the first one. The first pathetic sequel (The Next Day) lacked humor, the second sequel (Porky's Revenge) had 30-year-olds playing teenagers and they had long-since lost their youthful charm.
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Reigned Long As The Highest Grossing Canadian Film
TheAnimalMother6 November 2019
I think it was Crash that surpassed it decades later. Can't recall for sure to be honest. Look it up if you care. Anyway, it's a funny teen sex comedy if you're into that sort of forbidden fruit. I really only have two words for this review...

Mike Hunt

Okay, maybe a few more...

Has anyone seen Mike Hunt?
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Very fun comedy
Chromium_530 October 2005
I am proud to say this is one of my favorite comedies, and I normally don't even like the "American Pie" type of sex comedy. The humor is raunchy, but in a good-natured way, and all the actors look like they're having a blast. The odd thing is that there doesn't seem to be any real reason why it's taking place in the 50's, except maybe to get across the message that teenagers have always been, and always will be, horny. Also, to the people who say this is "dated"... you guys do realize it's taking place 30 years before it was made, right?

It's not the funniest movie you'll ever see, except for a few truly hysterical scenes, but you have to love the way it captures the fun irresponsibility of high school. I think a lot of people can relate to this no matter what generation they're from, making it a definite classic. My advice is to steer clear of the upcoming remake, which will undoubtedly be raunchier and ruder, but probably have ten times less heart.
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Deserves a higher IMDb score
stargeek9924 October 2004
Porky's was one of the originators of the teen-sex genre and remains one of the best. Since it takes place in the 50's, I find it's not as dated as a lot of 80's films, especially with this mostly unknown cast. I was too young to see the film in the theaters when it first came around, but I can imagine the entire audience rolling out of their seats with laughter through virtually every scene.

Any fan of American Pie owes it to themselves to see what started it all, and in many ways delivers far more. Tons of nudity, profanity and laughs make this an R-rated treat.

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Everyone's favorite guilty pleasure!
Coventry16 May 2009
I've never met anyone in my life who didn't love "Porky's" (in real life, that is, because on the Internet you always encounter people with different opinions) and that is probably just because this is an irresistibly energetic and out-and-out funny 80's teen comedy! The essence of juvenile & vulgar comedies lies here within this film, and arguably also "Fast Times at Ridgemont High" and "Animal House", but definitely not in the lame and uninspired nowadays flicks such as "American Pie". All the classic gags and politically incorrect jests are here: small penis jokes, big penis jokes, sticking penises in usual things, voyeurism through minuscule peepholes, the eternal virgin nerd, loud-screaming girls, redneck humor and much more. If you ever wondered where Bart Simpson found the inspiration for his prank calls, well that's probably because he watched "Porky's" as well! This is the simplistic tale of a bunch of teenage friends, all of them with incontrollable raging hormones, attending high school in the 1950's. In their never ending journey to get laid, they battle against all types of annoying authorities (read: adults) like gym coaches, parents, police officers and obnoxious nightclub owners. Particularly this last group forms a severe obstacle, as the boys are desperately trying to get into a strip club in a neighboring county but the owner – a fat and sleazy hillbilly nicknamed Porky – and his gang of local yokels get a kick out of humiliating and beating up juvenile visitors. In between all their hectic adventures at school, the group plots the ultimate act of vengeance against Porky and his whole county of hillbilly freaks. Personally I don't understand how you could NOT enjoy a movie like "Porky's", as it is so stimulating, cheerful and harmlessly infantile. The main characters are delightfully stereotypical high school bastards (especially the unforgettable Pee Wee) and some of the situations they find themselves stuck in are indescribably hilarious. A few of the highlights include an outrageous sex sequence with future "Sex and the City" starlet Kim Cattrall and the legendary coach Balbricker's quest to have one of the boys suspended for obscenities in the girls' shower. Needless to say "Porky's" is a sex comedy chock-full of gratuitous T & A (and enough wool to knit a sweater with…) and crude insinuations, but if this movie is too offensive for you already, you better sing up in a convent straight away. This was the biggest box office hit for the versatile writer/director Bob Clark, who directed pleasant comedies like this as well as creepy horror movies like "Black Christmas" and "Dead of Night". He sadly died in a dramatic car accident in 2007. Thanks to films like "Porky's", he at least leaves behind a spirited heritage! Rest in peace, Mr. Clark.
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So many movies start here
BandSAboutMovies10 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Bob Clark wrote and directed this film - the adventures of the students of Florida's Angel Beach High School in 1954 - that ended up inspiring an entire generation of movies much in the same way that Animal House inspired it. Clark based the movie on his own experiences growing up.

At one point, every studio in Hollywood turned down Porky's. Clark got the movie produced through Melvin Simon Productions and a Canadian firm, Astro Bellevue Pathe, making the film up north to take advantage of tax benefits. So yeah. This is yet another Canadian tax shelter film.

Much like, well, every teen sex comedy that would follow this, the boys all want to lose their virginity. They go to Porky's, a strip club in the swamp, thinking they can hire a girl there, but they're all dumped into the Everglades by the club's owner, Porky. They demand their money back, but Porky's brother is the sheriff, which means that they lose even more cash.

The movie revolves around getting back at Porky and also getting into the pants of the ladies, including Lynn "Lassie" Honeywell (Kim Cattrall). In 1954 and 1981, this was a common part of growing up. Today's viewers may not see the film in such a comedic light, but you can't expect things made forty years ago to understand the progress that has happened since they were made. The fact that you recognize that these movies are outdated points to how much progress we have made; enjoy them for the parts that you can enjoy them for.

The real Porky's - Porky's Hide Away in Oakland Park - is now an L. A. Fitness. That makes me incredibly depressed.
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classic raunchy early 80s juvenile movie
r-c-s15 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I just scratch my head in disbelief while reading some comments... * movie to be cursed & disemboweled * vile * women hating * i'd rather die than see it again * gone into conniptions at the VHS rental store because they carried it.

Come on! You people need help FAST. Yes, it is true this movie isn't refined, sophisticated and its attempts at sociology (EG the antisemitism angle ) are paper thin; yes, it is true it belongs among the juvenile junk movie production of the reagan era, even if the movie isn't a full fledged US production; yes, it is true characters are stereotypical & paper thin...as with most character of juvenile 1980s movies anyways; yes, it is true actors no way look like "16-17yo" (that is high school, not middle school like some accurate critic suggests ), but that is true of most juvenile movies, including the pathetic "Beverly Hills" of the 1990...Luke Perry looked what, 38? And I laughed crazy at another 30-something-looking actress playing the maladjusted teenager; yes, it is true they laugh too much on screen, but so much for many other bigger productions. HOWEVER This movie still oozes some kind of (weird) charm because -let's face it- it depicts highschool years like we wanted ours to be...fun...sleaze...pranks...some minor violence for thrills, but nobody dies, gets permanently hurt or sent to jail for life. Sure, women are mainly praised for a bunch of hair down there...but if the movie is women-hating, then women looking at which car men drive or the like (=movies ) are men-hating. That is how teen years are supposed to be, while old eyes see this and react to this like Beulah Balbricker. Not award-winning material, but neither the vile, demeaning tripe some want it to be. Or perhaps those people in high-school were debating global warming, exploitation schemes in perspective since Gengiz Khan & so forth. As well, end titles give 1981 as year of release. That period (late 70s-early 80s) was plagued by escapist movies, preferably set in the 1950-60s...remember the cold war was at its highest, and masses needed escapism.
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Too puerile, even for me.
BA_Harrison1 January 2016
A group of horny high-school pals visit Porky's, a redneck bar in the Everglades, where they have heard that they can pay to get laid. After they are ripped-off by the bar's obese owner and his brother, a corrupt sheriff, the friends decide to take revenge.

Porky's was one of the first American teenage sex comedies to be a major hit at the box office, but I find its success rather perplexing. As a coming-of-age story, I think the film works well enough: the nostalgic setting and strong sense of camaraderie is certainly appealing, while the bitter feud between the teens and the Everglades rednecks, and a subplot that deals realistically with the issues of racism and family violence adds drama to proceedings. I do, however, find the film's raunchy antics nowhere near as funny as its characters, and director Bob Clark, obviously think they are.

The 'Mike Hunt' telephone gag which has the teens in stitches isn't that hilarious, or original, having been conceived in the mid '70s by pranksters John Elmo and Jim Davidson; the repeated jokes about penises soon become very tedious; and as much as I enjoy seeing a young Kim Cattrall without her kecks on, her 'Lassie' scene is embarrassingly bad and far too drawn out. Clark seems to think that if his characters roll around in uncontrollable fits of hysterics for long enough, it'll eventually have the audience laughing along with them. Not in my case… I just found it irritating.
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A Guilty Pleasure
gbheron21 September 2002
All of us have certain films, not well liked by either critics or public, which nonetheless really strike a chord within us. They're our guilty pleasures, movies that we never tire of, but don't brag about. "Porky's" is one of mine. It's insipid, inane, and amateurish. The plot doesn't make much sense, and the characters don't behave rationally. But I don't care. "Porky's" is fun, transporting me back to a mythical time in America when it was great to be a teenager. Life was a lark, issues were black and white, and all endings are happy. In this regards "Porky's" resembles many of Disney's movies like "Pollyanna", a haunt of other guilty pleasures. Sheer fantasy, sheer entertainment. I dig this movie, but that's just my opinion.
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The film Animal House wishes it was
cheap_as_chipios2 May 2006
Porkys is the original base comedy teen film and does it oh so well. From Porky's pig pen, the holy grail of sex to the howling PE teacher (a young Kim Catrall)the classic comedic moments just keep coming, the moral of the story (anti-anti-semitism) seems as if it may have been levered in as an after thought to give the film more depth but this could just be the film ageing. Overall Porkys can be clunky but this is an inevitable part of it's 80's heritage and it beats the pants off Animal house blow for blow (atleast Porkys has a plot)though not as side splitting as American Pie this again seems to be a product of age. See it but treat it like your mates dad, where your mate gets all his jokes from but your mate tells them in more your way. Respect for the Porky's sign though, i want it on my wall.
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Only funny if you have had a lobotomy....
Puck-2022 August 2000
A movie from the very uneven Bob Clark, the director who gave us the wonderful "A Christmas Story" and the horrid "Baby Geniuses" ..."Porky's" is a sexist, juvenile, lame excuse for a comedy. I found it so non-funny...mainly because of its mean-spirited approach to humor. Give me "American Graffiti" anyday over this nonsense. I give it a ONE (1), and I'm being generous....
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Go ahead and laugh! It's okay!
TOMASBBloodhound11 May 2003
I can certainly understand adults not finding this film as funny as adolescents will. This story of high school buddies trying to infiltrate a Florida brothel in the 1950s is neither classy nor sophisticated.

It is, however, quite funny. Just sit back and watch the group of pals playing tricks on each other and sticking together when things turn serious. Watching it today brings back memories of some of the stupid things me and my high school friends did back in the late 1980s and early 1990s. We all tried to get into strip clubs before we were 18. We didn't see any trouble with breaking the law as long as nobody got hurt. We all were out to have a much sex as we possibly could. That's what a good portion of growing up for us guys is all about!

That said, the events depicted in this film, such as destroying a night club and sticking our manhood through a hole in the girls' shower didn't happen. That's why films are made. They take ideas in our heads and try to show what would happen if they actually played out.

Only the coldest and stiffest of men couldn't find anything to laugh about with this movie. It is in no way meant to be taken seriously. It has been criticized to the point of no return, though. Why? Are some people unable to laugh at juvenile pranks, or were they on the receiving end of them when they were in high school?

If you had fun growing up, you will probably like this film. If you look back at your younger years with regret, then you most likely won't enjoy it.

8 of 10 stars

And just gotta add 4/4/2007...... RIP Bob Clark. We'll miss you, man!

The Hound will see you on the other side some day!
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surprisingly decent overall, very funny
Kreme21 September 2004
Porky's is no ANIMAL HOUSE or FAST TIMES AT RIDGEMONT HIGH, but then again, what is? Still, it has one of the funniest scenes I've ever seen in film. The 'Lassie' scene? No. The 'shower' scene? Nope. The scene following the shower scene, featuring the coaches and the school principal discussing the possibilities of a 'line up' is still hilarious.

The comedy is raunchy, that's true. The 'plot' is simplistic, sure. The acting is passable, but nothing remarkable, OK. But it is funny, and it is still a lot of fun 20 years later. And, of course, it spawned a thousand imitators and two sequels. None quite capture the original's humor and somewhat innocent raunchiness.

Keep an eye out for Kim Catrell in an early role as "Lassie"
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a disgrace
Tristo995 December 1999
Porky's is a comedy entirely based on humiliation. Therefore, when the jokes occur, we cringe, rather than laugh. There is no character development, or even any true sense of fun to speak of while watching Porky's. But then again, if you have a cruel sense of humour, and find humiliation funny, you may enjoy this raunchy teen comedy. If you're looking for any kind of originality or cleverness you certainly won't find it in Porky's, a raunchy, sexist 80s comedy disguised as 1950s nostalgia. Serious filmgoers avoid at all cost (unless you're interested in the kind of social criticism I so obviously relish.)
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Puerile but funny '80s comedy
Tweekums7 January 2019
This classic '80s comedy is set in a South Florida high school in the 1950s. It is centred on a group of boys who are desperate to get with the girls. After failing locally one of them suggests they go to Porky's, an establishment deep in the Everglades in the neighbouring county. The know Porky has a reputation but head there anyway... for their troubles he relieves them of a hundred dollars before dumping them in the swamp. Most of them vow very to return but one of them is determined to get his revenge... with painful consequences. Back at school the boys plan to peek at the girls as they shower and a young male sports coach tries to find out why an attractive female coach is nicknamed 'Lassie'.

If you don't like puerile humour then you'd best avoid this as it contains numerous gags about sex and genitalia. There is also a moderate amount of nudity, both male and female and the characters aren't particularly likeable... at least the antagonist is even less likeable. There are plenty of funny moments, some very funny as well as some awkwardness as characters uses racist language, even if it is clear other characters disapprove. The cast are okay, even if they are clearly much older than the characters they play in most cases. Overall I wouldn't say this is a must see but if you don't mind the style of humour it is pretty funny.
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brianlion14 November 2002
This movie has all the appearances of being a class project at the local high school. Hey, I'll give this school project an "A". It certainly isn't quality Hollywood material, but pretty good for a bunch of teenagers. The movie has some memorable moments. The shower scene with the beaver shots is every teen guys dream. Kim Cattrell shows her real talent. The characters are likeable and there are enough gags and goofs to keep me interested. The acting, surprisingly, isn't that bad. I'm just wondering who Mike Hunt is.
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Lots of Laughs
swamprat-611 November 2005
I've been told that the Porky's movies were films that portrayed Porky's Hideaway in Ft. Lauderdale in the 50's and 60's. They could have very well been. I worked part time at Porky's from 61-63 and never saw so this much excitement, but the thousands of college students that came all knew about Porky's and was the place to go back then if you had the right identification, because you were checked at the door. It opened at 8PM and closed at 4AM and always had the best entertainment in South Florida. Porky Baines was nothing like the character playing him, but these films were great for lots of laughs.I have several of the Porky films and they are great entertainment.

Jack Proctor
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Pitiful Movie
djkopacz29 July 2001
This movie is the only one I've walked out on in over 20 years! It's supposed to be a comedy, but it's not even funny. I like lots of "silly" movies such as Animal House, Caddyshack, and the like. This movie is just dumb!
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The guiltiest of pleasures....
Mister-615 August 1999
No one goes into a movie like "Porky's" expecting greatness. But if you get at least one good laugh, that's good enough.

Two laughs, even better.

Three, great.

Four, fantastic.

I got more laughs than this out of "Porky's", but since I went in expecting them to reach the lowest common denominator, I got just what I came in looking for.

Who doesn't know the story, o connoisseurs of lowbrow humor? What you want to know is if it's funny. Of course it is, but this isn't the best movie for family video night (then again, it depends on the family).

I won't spoil any of the gags for you but I can tell you the biggest ones depend, separately, on eggs, oversized condoms, holes in the girls' showers and a prank call to the local diner. And where, in one instance, you'd keep a driver's license.

Sorry, you'll just have to see the thing.

Eight stars, and beware of moral turpitude.
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Outrageous Fun
mjw230528 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
A bunch of high school students, after just one thing, p*ssy, p*ssy and more p*ssy get caught up in a whole lot of trouble.

On an outing to a nightclub called Porky's, desperate to get Pee Wee (Dan Monhan) Laid, the owner with the help of his brother, the local sheriff, embarrass them and rip them off and leave them p*ssed off and horny.

The Lads plot their revenge, and implement a plan to destroy the nightclub, but what happens to Pee Wee that's his last chance, isn't it?

Great Fun, and i, for one can't wait for the remake.

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Pure hilarity
baumer2 July 1999
Warning: Spoilers
Porky's is a film that has so many funny moments in it that you don't really have time to catch your breath before the next gag is hurled upon you. This is absolutely one of the funniest films I have ever seen. And the reason for that hilarity is because of it's frankness and propensity to take risks. They don't make movies like this anymore. Everyone is so worried about the damn sensors and that is too bad because a movie like this, while I can acknowledge may not be for everyone's taste, is one that explores teens in high school and it also explores how innocently cruel we were to each other in high school.

What makes this film so funny is that the characters look like they are having fun. They like to mess with each other. They enjoy embarrassing one another and they are sex starved high school kids. And really, weren't a lot of us males like that in high school? Are a lot of us still not like that?

You have an assorted cast of characters from Meat, the rather large ( in many ways ) guardian of the group. Women love him for various reasons and it is his size and manliness that makes him so much fun to poke fun at. Then there is Tommy Turner. He is the leader of the group and always seems to come up with the ideas to get his friends laid or in trouble. You have Billy and Brian and of course PeeWee. He is the guy that everyone likes, yet his exaggerated Casanova stories get him in several sticky but funny situations with his friends. The characters at Angel Beach high school are hilarious and I honestly wish I could have known guys like this.

The true strength of this film is the hilarity. The kids make it funny because they always look like they are having fun. When one person is taking their licks, the other five that are in on the gag are laughing under their breaths and all you get is a snicker or two. And we can all relate to that. How, something is funny but we have to play our part to keep the cherade going. These kids do that with perfection here. I also have to mention some of the scenes that make this film the teen classic that it is. The first is the scene when Mr. Carter, their principal is being pressured by Ms. Balbricker to find the guy who had his penis hanging out of a drain pipe in the girls shower. Mr. Carter is doing his best to keep a straight face but he is going to crack at the absurdity of the request. To make matters worse, the two male gym teacher are not making it any easier by snickering to themselves. When Mr. Carter finally cracks, we crack with him. This is comedy at it's best. Also very funny are the Lassie part and the beginning when PeeWee is running down a country road naked. You really have to see it.

This film is unapolegetically crude, lude and vulgar in many ways. But it is so damn funny that you don't pay attention to that stuff. My gut still hurts from laughing when I watch this film. And oh yeah, the shower scene isn't bad either.
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Quintessential sex comedy remains a guilty pleasure
mnpollio14 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Accept the fact from the start that no one is intentionally viewing the Porky's films for scintillating social commentary and high art, but rather for cheap low-brow humor and titillation and you may actually end up enjoying this guilty pleasure. Porky's pretty much came out of no where in the early 1980s and became a surprise smash hit - largely due to its imaginative ad campaign, but also because the film delivers on exactly what it promises.

Set in the early 1950s at a Florida high school, the film follows the mischievous adventures of a gang of high school students on the hunt to lose their virginity, with various obstacles thrown in their path. Porky's is the name of a legendary strip joint where the gang is thrown out of and humiliated at in the beginning. Porky's is owned by the titular character - a Boss Hog-type involved in various shady activities whose brother, the sheriff, aids and abets. The gang agrees to set aside personal differences to pool resources and get some revenge on Porky and his pals.

Dissed by the critics who could not understand the film's popularity, the film is really like American Graffiti with nudity on Viagra. The success of the film as a sex comedy is not hard to understand. First, the guys that comprise the gang are distinctive enough and well-played enough to engage the viewer. A number of familiar faces and character actors pop up. It is not a stretch to wonder whether Kim Cattrall's performance as a sexy gym teacher nicknamed Lassie did not help influence her casting in her ideal role years later on Sex and the City. Solid actors like Alex Karras, Susan Clark and Boyd Gaines show up in various roles. Nancy Parsons is pretty hilarious as the nightmarish gym teacher Ms. Balbricker, who becomes a thorn in the side of the guys. The sequence where she tries to convince the principal to have a line-up of the male students' privates so that she can identify which private she caught in the girl's shower room, while her fellow gym teachers snigger away behind her is worth the price of admission. Of the guys, Don Monahan is probably the most memorable as the eternally luckless Pee Wee, who forever manages to get humiliated in some fashion. Kaki Hunter is also pretty good as the lead girl, delivering a healthy dose of no-bull bluntness.

The film has a good share of belly laughs and is not afraid to push buttons. It even manages to sneak in an anti-bigotry message. It also succeeds because it is actually able to appeal across the genders. While the search for guys to lose their virginity was recycled over and over again in other films, few had the success of Porky's and its sequels. This is for several reasons. First, while the guys are not above leering at naked girls, the girls are not afraid to give back as good as they get and are oftentimes in on the joke. The film's matter-of-fact, unguilty embrace of sex and nudity is a plus. The notorious scene with the guys spying on the girls in the shower becomes far less exploitive when the girls discover the perpetrators and start antagonizing them. On a side note, what a refreshing twist it would be to have a scene like this with the genders reversed - do filmmakers not think that young girls have any sexual curiosity? Additionally, while the film has a healthy dose of female nudity, it is also refreshingly awash in male nudity - including surprising frontals - so that the girls dragged along to this by their significant others at least have some eye candy of their own to enjoy. This is something other films of this ilk more often than not failed to get.

In the end, for low-brow laughs, nudity and titillation, it is simply hard to find another sex comedy - then or now - that delivers it better than Porky's. The fact that this remains true nearly 30 years later must count for something.
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A jumbled mess
davispittman27 December 2015
Porky's, the 1981 sex comedy, was popular among teenagers, and maybe some teens today might like it, who knows? But this movie IS NOT well made at all. The acting is so- so at best, the script is dull and poorly put together, and the characters are just stupid annoying teens who are SEX OBSESSED. I absolutely hated the characters in this movie, especially the main guy that is trying to lose his virginity. The amount of nudity and just disgustingly sexual scenes in this movie is almost shocking. For example, the shower scene where a teenage boy sticks his **** through a hole in the girls shower room, and the big female teacher comes and just grabs it! Eww! That wasn't even funny, it was just gross! That is what porky's suffers from, it's just not funny, it's just a bunch of horny teens doing nasty things and trying to outwit some sleazy night club owner. It's boring, dull, and poorly written. There are some sex comedies that are funny, this is not one of them. 2/10 for Porky's.
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Absolutely hilarious
thull129 April 2003
I looked at the first two pages (here on the IMDB website) of other comments and am not at all surprised to find comments ranging from very good to very bad; this is that kind of movie.

If you haven't seen it, here's my take on it. People who are stuffy, proper, sophisticated, and politically correct in a social sense are not going to care for this movie. On the other hand, if you are laid back, easy going, don't have to have an uplifting and moral story line, and appreciate comedy (often sexy and somewhat raw), you are going to love this movie. The producer and director very obviously made this movie for the simple purpose of providing the audience with a lot of very funny comedy. And they succeeded immensely (if you are laid back, easy going, etc.) The scenes range from funny to hilarious.

Buy or rent the video. I've seen this on network TV and it is very "sanitized".
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PORKY'S (Bob Clark, 1982) **1/2
Bunuel197618 April 2007
I watched this and its first sequel in tribute to director Clark's recent tragic demise; I recall it being shown on Italian TV as a kid, but I was never all that interested in checking it out - since I'm not a fan of teen flicks and, basically, I had always felt that Clark debased himself somewhat by choosing to make such films in the first place...

Now that I've had the opportunity to watch the film for myself, I found it a surprisingly tolerable if uneven comedy - and occasionally uproarious; thankfully, the teenagers here aren't as obnoxious as in other films of its ilk. It also takes care to provide mild social commentary by having its characters stand up for a put-upon member of the Jewish community.

Though some gags eventually grow repetitive or outstay their welcome, its best moments are the following: the scene with the prostitute played by Susan Clark, the numerous clashes with the obese female teacher (especially the shower scene and its aftermath in the headmaster's office) and the climactic demolition of Porky's red-neck establishment.
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