Women of the Prehistoric Planet (1966) Poster

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Only watch as Mystery Science Theatre 3000
partridgecj2 February 2020
There is only one way to watch this film...and that is with witty commentary.
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Low-Budget 1960s Sci-Fi with a Very Tired Cast
mrb198024 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Wendell Corey spent the 1940s and 1950s as a dependable second lead and an occasional leading man in major motion pictures. By the 1960s however, alcoholism had badly affected his health while his acting career had slowed down considerably. John Agar's glory days (if you can use that term) occurred in the 1950s during which he made several science fiction movies for Universal. By the mid-1960s, he was appearing in trashy, low-budget fare like "Zontar, the Thing from Venus" and "Curse of the Swamp Creature". Both actors were at career low points when they made "Women of the Prehistoric Planet", and while the movie was destined to be pretty bad from the beginning, their lazy performances didn't help the film any.

A spaceship on a rescue mission encounters a new planet, which looks a lot like the interior of a Hollywood movie studio. After a lot of hiking through the jungle and a few adventures, the crew discovers an old, wrecked spaceship, which was the objective of their mission. Afterward the crew returns to the main ship. One crew member (Irene Tsu) falls in love with one of the old spaceship's crew, and decides to stay as the mother ship departs. There's a twist ending, which you'll guess way before Wendell Corey does.

Many 1960s sci-fi movies were filmed exclusively in studios, giving them an artificial, claustrophobic feel. This film is probably the most talky and stagy of them all, with not one scene shot outdoors. Corey was 52 when the film was made, but was in the final stages of alcoholism and easily looks 20 years older. Agar's performances, always pretty lazy, hit a new low here. He looks like a robot trying to act. Irene Tsu stands out as the only good cast member, but she can't carry the film by herself.

After the spaceship lands, the film just meanders from scene to scene with little coherence. One preposterous scene has a crew member falling off a slippery log into a deadly pool of liquid, but it's obvious that the crew could have easily walked around the hazardous stuff! Stuart Margolin has an unintentionally funny death scene thanks to a giant spider. The script was so bad that I really felt sorry for the actors at times.

This movie has apparently had longstanding copyright issues and is only available on old, out-of-print VHS tapes. If you want to see Agar and Corey in a really forgettable movie, take a look. Otherwise, don't bother.
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Version on Mystery Science Theatre _ An Awful CUT
vintagegeek8 June 2020
We just watched this on Mystery Science theatre 3000 and there were absolutely NO prehistoric women. I don't know every thing edited out as I'd not seen the original version. But this version had more holes in it than you could count. Since it was on-demand you'd assume you'd get the whole thing. No prehistoric women, no fights with prehistoric people, original lost crew found but no explanation of why their condition was the way it was. Truly a Weird Cut.
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It's a bad movie, but it tries REAL hard to be good...
mahatmarandy20 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
There's a lot of negative things to say about this movie, which the authors of the reviews prior to mine have already done to death, and I'm not really going to argue with them: this is a badly made, lethargically written film. It's a textbook B-movie. However, unlike virtually every other low-to-no budget Science Fiction film I've ever seen, this one actually tries to work some actual "Science" into the fiction, and for that I give them high marks for trying, even if the rest of the flick completely undercuts the interesting time dilation aspect of the film.

Here's the deal: A flotilla of starships have been on the planet "Centaurus" for some time, and are heading back to their homeworld again, launched in six-month intervals. There's a human civilization (Composed of Asians) on Centaurus that has fallen on hard times, and appears to have been colonized by the Caucasians. En rout back home, some Centaurans rebel on one of the ships, and it goes off course, eventually crash landing on the heretofore uncharted planet "Solaris 3". The flagship of the flotilla decides to go back to look for survivors, and eventually meet up with the child of the survivors of the crash.

Here's the cool stuff: 1) They point out in great detail that they're traveling near light speed, and hence time is passing slower for them aboard ship than it is back on their homeworld. The starship's helmsman points out that by the time they get home again, his brother will be 32 years older than him. It only takes the rescue ship three weeks to get to Solaris 3 in subjective (Shipboard) time, but objectively, on the planet 18 years have passed. How freakin' cool is that? Come on, after a lifetime of watching lousy SF films where interstellar flight is as easy as hopping an airplane to Reno, you have to admit one which actually deals with Einsteinian Relativity is pretty sweet! It's a very cool idea to have someone look at a functional ship he just saw six months before, and yet it's derelict wreck that's been sitting in a jungle for 18 years. What's that? You find relativity confusing? There there, sparky, that's OK. Why don't you go back to watching Star Trek and leave the science fiction to the big boys, OK? That's a good boy... 2) The race relations aspect of the movie is pretty neat, too: the astronauts are all Caucasians, the Centaurians are all Asians, and neither side really trusts the other. Some of the Caucasians don't even consider the Asians to be human, despite the fact that they obviously are. Again, in an age when all SF postulates a future where all races live together in a spirit of peaceful unity, it's kind of charming to see a movie that dwells on how hard it can be to attain that kind of unity. 3) This movie actually goes out of it's way to imply a larger history than we actually see on screen, which is pretty clever. The Admiral believes (According to dialog in the film) that humanity established interstellar travel millenia ago, and then lost it for whatever reason. The Centaurans are the descendants of human colonists that adapted to the conditions of the planet Centaurus over scores of thousands of years, which is why they look different than the spacefaring humans who found them. 4) Irene Tsu is just smokin' hot in this movie, seriously. It doesn't hurt that her cave-girl sarong is slit up the leg all the way to her waist, but even without that she'd still be just..wow. I remember seeing this movie for the first time when I was 10 (On Dr. Paul Bearer's "Creature Feature" show) and getting strangely attentive whenever she'd come on screen and eat a banana or kick her legs when being carried off. I was only 10, mind you, I had no idea what it was about her that was affecting me so, I just knew that I felt pleasantly happy whenever she was on screen. 5) The final twist of the movie actually came as a big shock to me. Granted, I was ten, but it does kind of come out of nowhere, and it is sort of neat.

To conclude, I'm not saying this is a good movie because it certainly ain't. I *am* saying that it tried really hard, that it's got more interesting ideas than an entire season of Next Generation, or the entire series run of Seaquest (Not that that's hard in either case), it actually tried to say something about race relations, and while it unquestionably failed artistically, I have to admire it for tackling the big questions when so few more professional productions would even take the chance admitting the questions exist.

Probably the MST3K version of this film is the best way to watch it, though, because it is deadly dull, and Joel and the 'Bots really do liven it up quite a bit.
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There's no women or prehistory, but there is a planet!
squeaks-210 March 2005
With a title like "Women of the Prehistoric Planet" I envisioned a Lost World type movie in which scantily-clad amazonian beauties ride dinosaurs, fight against half-animal savages and a harsh, unforgiving environment. But with only one women, some forced perspective lizards that com-bust on impact, and a bunch of white guys straight out of the U.S. Navy, one can only wonder what the creators of this movie were thinking when they came up with the title.

To be fair, there are some legitimate scientific ideas that are dealt with in the movie, even if the writers don't understand how they really work. For example, the writers were correct in saying that when you travel near the speed of light time slows down, so that a three week journey for the astronauts aboard the spaceship is perceived by those on the planet as taking eighteen years. However, the perception of the people down on the planet has nothing to do with the speed of the planet's rotation but the way in which the planet's matter distorts the space time continuum.

The real plot of this movie is that a spaceship (Cosmos III) is hijacked by the primitive Centurions (a.k.a., non-white people) who probably perform menial domestic services for the crew aboard the spaceship. The ship crash lands on an unexplored planet with only a few survivors. Another ship in the vicinity (Cosmos IV?), moving at nearly the speed of light, travels to rescue the survivors (a three week journey on the spaceship, but an eighteen year wait on the planet). Once on the ground a group of idiots looking like U.S. Navy officers are dispatched to find the crash site. Meanwhile, a beautiful Centurion girl (the ultra-sexy Irene Tsu as Linda) wanders off and encounters a mysterious stranger named Tang who is also a Centurion. Obviously, he's the son of the survivors of the crash eighteen years earlier.

The story of Linda and Tang is probably the most interesting aspect of this movie. Through their adventures together they fall in love but must still deal with the tension of growing up in two very different environments. The other aspect of the plot has to do with clumsy idiots falling off logs into acid pools and shooting at anything that moves with their ultra high tech .44 pistols. The ending of this movie will surprise no one.
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How could anyone not love this?
rulerattray14 August 2001
The chance to comment on this film(?) finally made me register.

I saw this late at night and watched with delight, wondering just how bad it could get. That was thirty years ago, so if you're looking for accurate scene descriptions and dialogue quotes, don't expect them here. But here's my hazy, loving memories.

1. Wendell Corey, playing the captain of the space ship, half plastered and obviously paying off a bet with a one afternoon performance, standing in front of a blank wall with a porthole in it while someone on the other side waves a sparkler.

Corey: "Looksh like another meteor shtorm..."

2. The spaceship crashing in the swamp... The miniature they used must hve been about the size of a pencil stub, since it went "bloop" and tossed up one single drop of water which on that scale would have been considerably bigger than a bungalow.

3. The prehistoric woman herself, a dark, hirsute beauty, wearing a bearskin teddy and looking hopefully at the director for direction after each line of dialogue.

4. One set, obviously built while they still had twenty seven dollars to burn, that consisted of a cave full of giant toadstools and human skeletons. After sneaking around outside for what seems to be several days, a patrol from the spaceship enters.

The patrol leader's perplexed comment: "There's something suspicious about this place..."

That's where I lost it completely and rolled around on the floor.

Well, you had to be there.
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Look it's a lady Remington …. Fakey
CelluloidRehab28 June 2006
Somewhere in space, where no one can hear you scream, the Cosmos 1 is heading off to somewhere else. The crew have been on this 6 month mission. They are an advanced space faring race with their futuristic lockers and guitar-looking radar wall screen and the tendency to do space/time conversion formulas. Somewhere else another space vessel, Cosmos 3, has problems. The ship and crew are being held hostage by Centaurians (think of Klingons without the brown paint and sash, but all Asian) and because of it they crash onto a "prehistoric" planet.

The commander of Cosmos 1, Admiral King (played by the walking corpse of the late Wendell Corey), disobeys orders and goes on a rescue mission to Solaris.

3 months later .....

Cosmos 1 arrives at the planet, where 18 years have gone by. A rescue party is sent down, lead by Commander "I don't like Centaurians" Scott with Dr. Farrell (played by the incomparable John Agar), Lt."Why won't he shut up" Bradley, Stuart Margolin as the Chief and some nobody who's expendable (think of the red shirt security officers from the original Star Trek series). At the same time, Linda (Irene Tsu) escapes to the planet to stretch her legs.

On the "prehistoric" planet below, they find the crash site and the lone survivor; a Centaurian named Tang (Robert Ito). The rest of the movie is just a "stew" containing paper machete sets, stock footage of an iguana, a rubber iguana on fire, a sock-like jumping tree snake, a hopping spider plush toy, animal cruelty towards a chimpanzee (Teeko), stock footage, the admiral's slurred confused alcoholic rants and a trio of cavemen brutes. We top this with scenes upon scenes of the lecherous, chauvinistic, sexual harassing, karate practicing Lt. Bradley (who never shuts up). Visualize the Watney Smith character from Outlaw of Gor .... CABOT !!

Though the budget of the movie (and by proxy the intelligence of the write/director) was low, the movie still manages to be infused with a thought provoking plot about race relations, cultural differences, not being understood, being different, going through turmoil and finding a resolution. As a rule, you probably won't need more than 5 or 6 shots of SoCo to be able to see this.

You will probably recognize some of the actors. They had long and fulfilling careers, but you would not have bet on that after seeing this movie. Riveting performances like "crossing the log when we could go around or jump over the liquid" scene and Irene Tsu's unforgettable banana scene. This scene is both erotic, inappropriate and confusing (the skin of the banana ,and by proxy the banana itself, is bite-proof, yet not peel proof). Robert Ito's "hopping" interpretation of Tang will haunt me for the rest of my days.

I highly recommend this movie if you are not alone, not on any sleep inducing medication nor in possession of a dissection kit and are watching the MST3k version of this movie. In my final thoughts I noticed a similarity between this movie and another MST alumni, The Clonus Horror. Now to a bit of SAT deja vu :

The Clonus Horror is to The Island as The Women of the Prehistoric Planet is to ….

a) Star Trek

b) Star Wars

c) None of the above

d) Battlestar Galactica

.... for those even remotely interested the answer will be in my next review.

-Celluloid Rehab
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Terrible but fascinating.
foxbrick-12 April 2005
And it's a real pity that it was in the first national, Comedy Channel (pre-Comedy Central) season of MST3K (before Josh Weinstein left to work on THE SIMPSONS, and before Mike Nelson signed on as a utility actor), so it presumably won't be reissued on home video in their version, while my off-cable VHS tape is on its last legs. The cast makes the film, as several have noted here, as does the twist ending you know M. Shyamalan is waiting to spring on us again any film now...I won't reveal it, but its probably the oldest cliché in bad written SF, so ridiculously hack that even the usually shameless film industry hasn't bothered with it much over the decades.

However, quite aside from seeing Stuart Margolin beginning his long, deft, typecast career, and Robert Ito with surely no inkling of his similarly long television career to come, for this viewer, the female cast, led in this regard by Irene Tsu and Merry Anders, is remarkably lovely. Arthur C. Pierce, truly an undersung contributor to the Whacked tradition of film-making, provided us with so much in his few mid-'60s features. It's a pity we haven't given him more attention...or, perhaps, not. But these are wonderfully weird (not least in their utter lack of realization of how schlock they are), and often hard to find, films.
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I have problems with this film's title!
chucko-37 April 1999
There's only one woman featured prominently in this movie...and she isn't from the prehistoric planet. What a rip-off!

There are a couple of hokey effects but you'll want to hit the fast-forward button to see them. The majority of this film, like so many bad sci-fi movies of the 50's and 60's, is extended walking sequences! No one ever imagined that a prehistoric planet would be this boring. Never did a film need process shots of alligators and lizards more. Or women, for that matter!

However, it is worth noting that this is the movie that started the popular "Hi-Keeba!!" catch phrase on MST3K.

There's also twist ending in this movie that the average viewer will be able to spot about 2 minutes into the film. John Agar's in this film, too. 'Nuff said.
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Best Seen With Joel & the Bots.
HMahmood8528 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
It's just horribly horribly bad... You spend two-thirds of the movie waiting for the prehistoric women to show up, and they disappoint. Bad. Really Bad. Not nearly as bad as Manos: 'The Hands of Fate'. But still just horrible. So bad... How long till this post is allowed? Thank god I was only watching this as part of MST3K. No, this comment is not gonna be helpful. Well... Yes it is, because this is so bad... What else needs to be said? It's just that freaking bad. BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD Movie.... Kilroy was here. That's the bottom line, because Joel Hodgeson said so... There is no reason for this movie, it just is what it is, and you're left to deal with it...

Seriously, whether or not this comment makes the it to the website or not doesn't really matter. This movie was bad. Why? Because it doesn't have any redeeming qualities (except for a single Centaurian, who just happens to be hot).
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Please, not another mistitled movie!!
Sterno-228 September 1999
Yoy! Shouldn't there be laws against fraudulent movie titles? The movie's title suggests something like "Fire Maidens in Outer Space", with scantily-clad women prancing here and there, doing liturgical dance and generally acting as hunk magnets for the film's beefy, 1950s-era heroes. Alas, such is not the case. What you get instead is something along the line of "Beatniks" (which had none in the movie).

The film's premise dealing with time travel is noble, but the continuous back and forth on how many years have passed since this or that event are confusing. John Agar stars along with Wendell Corey as leaders of a space expedition designed to both explore other worlds and revive the culture of a dying warrior society.

Agar's ship attempts to rescue a sister ship that crash landed on a distant planet. Eighteen years of real time have passed since the crash, or is it 18 years of my life that have been lost watching this movie? Anyhow, Linda, the only woman on this "prehistoric" planet is the one brought there by Corey, whom it turns out is the love child of Corey and a woman from the Centaurian society that he's trying to save. Linda meets up with Tang (breakfast drink or hunter-gatherer, you decide), who is the offspring of two of the crash's survivors.

The movie's ending leaves you groaning under the weight of the true premise of Tang & Linda existence on this planet. This premise comes from a decidedly non-Christian world view. Watch this if you are an MST3K fan; otherwise, skip this primordial soup starter.
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Great movie
DJAkin20 November 2006
I watched this movie on a Monday night cuz nothing was on. In fact, I bought this movie. It's actually really good. It's about these astronauts who travel through space and the time shifting is off from real time. The main guys are kind of like scientists and there are a few women on this ship also. They are going to a planet that has dinosaurs and lakes made of acid. Very strange huh? Well some cavemen eventually torment the folks on this planet and there is an engineer who is really into doing stand up comedy in the middle of an expedition. He just talks and talks and at one point he does a FLIP for no reason. There is a Chinese man named TANG who is like ADAM and a woman named LINDA who is like Eve. As the astronauts leave, they look behind at the planet and name it Earth. It was a goosebump moment for sure!
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bensonmum227 September 2009
I'm sure some people will see my rating and think I've gone off the deep end on this one. Women of the Prehistoric World is another of those movies that gets points from me for entertainment value regardless of how bad it really is. And it's one of those cases where I can't really put my finger on what it is I like about it, I just know I had a good time watching the film. Because like most everyone else, I can see all the faults - bad special effects, a misleading title, ridiculous dialogue, annoying characters, cheap sets, poorly choreographed fight scenes, and (as someone else on IMDb has already rightly pointed out) almost no chemistry among the characters. Still, I found something in Women of the Prehistoric World that worked for me. A few examples:

  • I enjoyed the scientific babble about space travel and time. I'm certainly no scientist, but it had an air of truth to it (at least the lines were delivered in an earnest enough manner that I bought it). The whole "three months in space equates to 18 years on the planet" bit is an interesting idea.

  • I got a big kick out of the ending. I'm not going to give it away, but as cheap as it was, it worked on me. Caught me completely off guard.

  • Despite the lack of a feeling of comrade between most of the characters, I still enjoyed many of the cast members. I don't know how many Wendell Corey fans there are out there, but I always like seeing him - slurred delivery and all. John Agar might not do much, but he's still a welcome face. Irene Tsu - Wow! Finally, Robert Ito probably gives the best performance of the bunch. I never realized how athletic looking he was. A far cry from his days on Quincy.

  • As much as I hate the expression, maybe it's a case of a movie being "so bad, it's good". I do realize that a lot of the entertainment I found in the film was most likely unintentional. For example, I doubt that the set used for the spaceship crash was supposed to make me laugh, but it did. Okay, maybe I didn't laugh out loud, but it did bring a big fat smile to my face. And that's worth something, huh?

Most people who have seen or will see Women of the Prehistoric World won't enjoy it as much as I did, but that's okay. I feel comfortable with my 6/10 rating.
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This film de-evolved me
InzyWimzy2 November 2000
Wow. A very cheesy space flick with corny humor to boot.

Apparently, Centaurions aren't feeling good about being mistreated, there's a mutiny, nice model ship crash and the film mixes into a caveman/futuristic/love story. I was hoping for Wendell Corey's demise, but it doesn't happen (rats). The hotty Linda meets a guy named Tang. That's mostly all I can recall or all I want to. Do not reveal the ending of Biblical proportions!

Loved the space age weapons...I think they were 38 calibers. What a vision to see a future with no lasers or disintegrators!
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Women of the Plastic-and-Paper Mache' Planet!
Bruce_Cook26 February 2004
Another one of those 1960s sci-fi movies whose poor production standards set your teeth on edge -- but in this case the cast is a hoot!

A space expedition comprised of the prolific John Agar, Wendell Corey ("Cyborg 2087"), Lyle Waggoner ("The Carol Burnette Show"), night club comedian Paul Gilbert (the comic relief), and Stuart Magolin (Angel from "The Rockford Files") lands on an alien world (a studio set), populated by dinosuars (stock-footage lizards) and prehistoric humanoids.

The astronauts provide assistance to two local inhabitants, a man and a woman who serve as a kind of Adam and Eve for this strange world -- which turns out to be Earth! This twist ending was done so often on the Twilight Zone it will never surprise anybody again.

The male humanoid's name is Tang and the female's is Linda ( . . . Linda?). Admittedly the story attempts to interject a few interesting elements; in addition to the roaring lizards, there's a carnivorous plant and a king-sized spider. Remember, I said they TRIED, okay?
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How bad can it get
metalrox_200011 June 2005
Perhaps the worst movie ever shown on MST3K. Misleading titled, actors who aren't believable as humans. A Cardboard set, and outright laughable special effects. I guess one could list the plot as a goof. There was something that came out of this movie that started a trend. Something we see today. Prop Advertisements. Tang, a children's fruit drink, was the name of the only one left on the planet. subliminal advertisement! What a concept.

I wonder how Tang's sales were after this movie. Wait, I guess that really isn't a positive. I guess as far as this movie is concerned, the glass is really half empty. Kinda like the people's head who starred and those who wrote it. half empty. No brains, just space for rent.
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Silly and cheap, but has its heart in the right place
lemon_magic5 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
My overwhelming first impression of "WFTPP" was probably not the one the filmmakers were hoping for: "Man, poor Wendell Corey was already in baaad shape by 1966". I'm serious - the guy still had some dignity and presence on film, but he was noticeably slurring his words in even his most important scenes (and let's remember these are the takes they KEPT) and seemed little more than a shell of a man most of the time. And at that, he was still had the most "gravitas" of any actor in the production.

My second thought: "Well, Linda and Tang made a cute couple, alright, but the movie makes it clear that there are ALREADY primitive people on the planet besides them, and so the whole "Adam and Eve" plot twist just doesn't work. They were probably killed and eaten 20 minutes after the Cosmos I took off for the last time".

My third thought: "Two comedy relief roles in the movie was a bad idea. Both these actors have been genuinely funny elsewhere (especially Margolin, who more than pulled his weight in series TV roles), but they are really out of their elements here. They are (in Mike Nelson's words) "dead rotting squirrel(s) in the punchbowl of the screenplay". Actually, Nelson was talking about another actor in another movie in another book he wrote a few years back but I think this simile is quite appropriate here.

My fourth thought: I recognized one of the 'ray guns' the crew was using as a plastic toy that I played with as a child. It was a "Secret Agent Man" weapon - you pretended you were a secret agent about to be attacked and you pressed a button on the side of your 'radio' and a barrel shot out of the side and the 'speaker' unfolded to become a pistol grip. They cost about $3.99. They were cool toys, yes, but they were TOYS. I very nearly hurt myself laughing upon seeing this one resurrected as a prop in a science fiction movie.

Similarly, at one point, a crew member strings a piece of TWINE across a creek bed (filled with dry ice) for the exploring party to hold onto as they walk across the (8 foot) gorge via a fallen tree. I repeat: not a rope, not a cable,but a piece of TWINE, not even suitable for flying a kite on a March afternoon. I understand that the budget would be skimpy in a movie like this, but this was ridiculous.

So, in general, this was a pretty dopey movie, and one that did not live up to the promise of its title (there is just one woman) or the tag-line (we never see any primitive "women" interact with Tang, the crew, or Linda in any way). It's not even bad enough to be memorable. However, I'm sure the audience enjoyed it as background noise while they were making out at the drive-in!
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No Iguana's Were Harmed In This Film, Well Maybe One
florida8721 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This ranks for me a 6 whether with the MST3K commentary or not. That is as in bad movie 6 that is. C'mon you've got to give a sci fi movie a little bit of slack since it's, 1: filmed in color, 2: talks about how people age on planets while the space travelers don't since they are traveling at the (close to) speed of light, 3: super hot chicks, mostly Asian ones who are all stacked and the movie flaunts it throughout, 4: it has recognizable actors in it (none of the eye candy, which is probably a good thing so we see more skin), 5: it has the "stunning" ending which Corman did before with Teenage Caveman. So there it is in a nutshell, several hot Asian babes showing just enough skin to make it interesting, John Agar in one of his finest roles, the snitch from the Rockford Files who lays it out to the stupid Officers (He's a Chief), saying WTF? Oh I know it's bad, really bad, but give me some Asian skin to look at in a Sci Fi flick and I'll watch with glee. That Engineer LT comedy relief was not bad either, you could tell he was cool because the MST3K crew were getting pi#sed off because he was actually pretty cool. Oh I forgot to mention, they fry a living iguana lizard with fire and that was definitely a real shot of that lizard burning alive, its so cruel but compared to watching a Faces Of Death movie, I'd rather see a lizard die on screen, PETA can go bite me! 6 of 10, yes it's really bad but in a good way, probably best seen with the MST3K commentary but enjoyable without it as well.
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The title is not very accurate...
Aaron13754 December 2016
The title of this film suggests a space expedition of a bunch of men who are lonely finding a planet full of buxom beauties and is typically the type of film one tends to find on late at night on Cinemax. I think there are a couple of films that have titles similar to this one that do pretty much follow that formula. This one, however, is nothing like that and instead is a rather strange film where there are no women on any prehistoric planet. There is a prehistoric planet though, so that portion of the title at least is not misleading. I saw this film as an episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000, and while not entirely bad, it is kind of a silly movie featuring John Agar who would go on to star in a few more movies riffed by the gang on the satellite of love. It would also feature Wendell Corey who was also in another film they riffed, Agent for H.A.R.M. The film does do a somewhat good job of creating another world, however, like most science fiction films of the era, the prehistoric wildlife consists of a lizard being projected to look big, your typical boa constrictor snake and a plush toy spider. Still, considering what they had to work with back then, they did okay.

The story has a ship being hijacked by a race of people called Centurions. By hijacking the ship, they cause it to crash on a mysterious and unexplored planet. Another ship goes to the rescue, but due to the fact their ship is traveling at the speed of light, by the time they reach the planet 18 years has passed by, while the people on the rescue ship have not aged at all. A team goes out to explore the planet and find the wreckage of the ship in the slim hopes there were survivors; however, Linda, who is also a Centurion yearns to breath in the fresh air and goes exploring the planet herself and meets up with a young man named Tang whose parents were part of the crew that crashed. A romance blossoms even as the rescue team begins to crumble under the stress and the captain must decide how to go about finding Linda and getting them off the prehistoric planet.

This movie was featured on the first season of MST3K, so the riffs are okay, but at this point they had not hit their stride yet. Servo was still being voiced by the one guy who just did not nail the riffs nearly as good as Kevin Murphy would do from the second season till shows initial end. Like I said, it was okay, but the movie actually carried this one as it was not too terribly bad. The film might have actually been good if not for the horrific comic relief guy and the guy from "Agent From H.A.R.M" who like in that film seems inebriated and slurs most of his lines. Then there are points that are just ridiculous where the rescue team crosses a log over an acidic pond when you can see a perfectly good land bridge only five feet from the log. Of course, that made for one of the better riffs and laughs as well as the plush toy spider attack!

So, the film had some good points, had this one been made later it would have probably been a fairly decent soft core adult film. Heck, the way the film plays out, add a couple of more females and it could have made a good hardcore too as the plot really does seem to suggest some of the crew are getting randy. However, during the time it was made, we have to have very short peeks and use are imagination and that does not really carry the day. More wildlife attacks could have helped this one as well as no horrible comic relief guy or actor who apparently had one hell of a drinking problem. Still, as far as science fiction films of the 60's, it was pretty typical.
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How retarded can one movie be? Many spoilers!
Skeptic4593 January 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Another entry in my, find the crappest movie in the sci fi section. How many times must we go through being ripped off? I want my 50 cents back! On the cover of the copy that I hired is a sexy looking woman riding a dinosaur, with a Pterodactyl flying in the sky. I was expecting sexy Amazon women dealing to each other and the visiting men in the mud. I was expecting to see spacemen being shagged to death as punishment for visiting.

What do we really get? A bunch of drunk retards in possibly the worst spaceship model that I have ever seen! A spaceship that has the old style of telephone, the put your finger in and pull the hole kind of telephone. The spaceship also has the biggest switches I have ever seen. They land in a bad model that was obviously created as some kids science project at school. They then enter a sound stage that has polystyrene trees and caves that rattle easily. There is much talk of centurians, what are centurians? Who cares? They seem to be Asian people. DODGY! Because this film is made in the mid sixties, when the civil rights movement was just getting going, there is much talk of these 'centurians' being savages.

Despite the dodgy, drunken, Ku Klux Klan talk of the crew. They decide to leave and look around the planet. Why? Because they are all drunk on gin and need to walk it off. Especially the chubby guy. Meanwhile, you have their 'Grand-Dragon,' who gives soliloquy's for no apparent reason. These wise axioms also make absolutely no sense. But the crew are all so drunk the ignore him anyway. He is trying to be Captain Stubing, but Captain Stubing wasn't as drunk. There is some fat guy who either is very drunk or just has downs syndrome telling irrelevant and meaningless stories about how he likes to throw his urine at people. There is also a girl who seems to have been sniffing glue. She has a dazed expression and hooks up with an equally retarded 'Tang.' Now, after he strips her naked and drags her back to his cave. She then proceeds to fall in love with him. No pick up lines here, no you just knock her out and literally pick her up. This is how you get a wife here.

Women of the pre-historic planet. WOMEN! Not one retarded woman who runs off with a guy who seems to be named after a bad fruit drink! This is just so MISLEADING!

The other guys drunkenly stagger around the planet for no real reason. They encounter a giant lizard. Because they are great scientists who are very sophisticated and strong environmentalists they instantly shoot the lizard and kill it. They do this using laser guns that I have seen at my local toy store. They also encounter a tarantula that can jump huge distances. This is thanks to a handy naturally evolved piece of string that helps it move. They also cross a river on a log, tying a rope above to walk along it. Now my 9 year old sister could do this easily, playing hopscotch along it. However, everyone here is either retarded, drunk and retarded or just drunk. Making these drunk old buggers play hopscotch would be a death sentence. So of course one guy falls in and this is his instant death. Even though it is a spa pool/hot tub that he has fallen into.

A volcano goes off. A monkey happens to be on the planet and he serves the crew banana's in a cute and friendly way. A man struggles with his homosexuality. But because this is a film from the 60's and homosexuality can't be mentioned, he instead calls it a centurion fixation. But we really know that it as allegory for his own homosexuality. The drunk old guy tells him it is time to face up to the truth. That the whole crew knows! Yes, horror of horrors, even the women know! But they don't mind because they have been looking for a decent interior decorator for their spaceship for ages now.

A bunch of guys attack with spears, well so would you even the only thing that you shagged in your life was an over friendly, banana serving monkey. The retarded girl doesn't mind the eruption and has an unconvincing fight with polystyrene blocks. She the goes to hang out with the retarded Tang. The camera wobbles then stops, the eruption is over. The drunk crew wonders why they came here in the first place. In fact, the chubby guy who likes to throw urine spends the last part of the film drunkenly groping the women on board. They fly away and unfortunately don't crash into anything. Isn't there a law about drinking and flying spaceships?

This is 'Women of the Prehistoric Planet. Great title, bad film. It even has a twist, which I will not reveal. However, I can safely say it is as retarded as the rest of the film. I have never used the word retarded so often in anything that I have ever written but this film has inspired me. This film is sooooooo dumb 1/10.
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Awful film with a surprisingly sophisticated scientific premise
jamesrupert201423 February 2021
Hoping to rescue the survivors of a crashed starship, the crew of the 'Cosmos 1' travel to an inhospitable primitive planet inhabited by primeval beasts and people. The film, which I stress is terrible, must have been written (at least in part) by someone with a background in science (or at least in science fiction). The premise is that due to time-dilation, the rescue ship (which is travelling at relativistic speeds) will take six months (ship's time) to get to the crash site while 18 years will have passed on the planet, time enough for another generation to be born. Unfortunately, this bit cleverness is undermined by Dr. Farrell's (B-movie fixture John Agar) nonsensical attempt to explain the phenomenon to 'redshirt' crewman Sgt. Allen. The film also references gravity generators that provide the 'Cosmos 1' with an 'up and down' (a frequently ignored concept even in good sci-fi films), the opening shots of the ship's 'bridge' are pretty good (for the apparent budget and if you ignore the upholstered 'love seat'), and the backstory about racial (colonial?) conflict between the starship's civilization (played by Caucasians) and the Centurions (played by Asian actors) is intriguing (unfortunately, little was done with it beyond some facile and heavy-handed 'can't we all just get along' messaging). Other than these pluses, the film is a cheap-looking and dull. The special effects (especially the model work and pyrotechnics) and the sets are borderline amateur and the 'highlights', such as the crash of the starship or the attack of the giant iguana, are laughable. As Admiral King, character actor Wendell Corey (who supposedly had some issues with 'the bottle') appears slur his lines at times and neither Agar nor Keith Larsen (Cmdr. Scott) do much with their characters (Scott's conflicted miscegenatious passion for sexy Centuri Linda (Irene Tsu) ends up trite and flat). Comedian Paul Gilbert provides some painful-to-watch comic relief, Adam Roarke (best known for various 60s 'biker' exploitation films) is in the ship's crew, and Stuart Margolin makes his film debut as 'Chief'. If 'Women of the Prehistoric Planet' had more action (especially of the prehistoric kind), it might have achieved true 'cult' status but as is, it falls into the Neverland of 'must see' for some people (like me) but 'must avoid' for most people (although the latter group might enjoy the MST3K version).
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It's cheap and misleadingly titled but does present some good ideas
kevinolzak1 June 2020
1965's "Women of the Prehistoric Planet" formed a double bill with "The Navy vs. the Night Monsters," a last gasp theatrical revival for Jack Broder's Realart Pictures, sitting on the shelf for over a year prior to release, then quickly sold to television after a lukewarm box office response. Producer George Edwards was involved in both, coming off double duty for director Curtis Harrington on "Queen of Blood" and "Voyage to the Prehistoric Planet," hardly venturing far with this similarly titled item announced as "Prehistoric Planet Women," screenwriter Arthur C. Pierce at the helm to direct his own script for the only time in his sci fi career. The 11 day shooting schedule finished in June 1965, its threadbare sets and pitiful effects allowing very little in the way of acting from a cast comprised of veterans like John Agar, Wendell Corey, Keith Larsen, and Glenn Langan, with up and comers like Robert Ito (KUNG FU, QUINCY), Stuart Margolin (THE ROCKFORD FILES), Adam Roarke (Ray Milland's "Frogs"), and Paul Hampton (David Cronenberg's "Shivers"). Worst of all is the misleading title and ad campaign, promising girl fights and giant creatures, offering one rather civilized cave man briefly battling a few savage primitives, a giant lizard that gets roasted in five seconds, and a ludicrous puppet tarantula that lunches on Stuart Margolin's back. The opening credits unspool to the theme from "Creature from the Black Lagoon," Wendell Corey top billed as Admiral King, returning to Earth with two fellow ships trailing behind, forced to locate the one that has crashlanded on the aforementioned planet called Solarius, where the last survivor is a female Centaurian (most of whom are played by Asians) who gives birth to Robert Ito's Tang, the titular prehistoric caveman grown to full adulthood by the time King's Cosmos arrives at the speed of light (space time continuum is something that STAR TREK would pick up on). Various crew members go out for one reason or another, beautiful Irene Tsu as Centaurian Linda naturally enjoying a nude swim before being menaced by an ordinary boa constrictor, rescued from near drowning by the alert Tang. Love at first sight is sadly unavoidable in a 90 minute feature, lesser characters biting the dust yet comic relief Paul Gilbert criminally surviving to improvise much of his unfunny schtick. Director Arthur C. Pierce isn't able to overcome the crippling budget with any visual interest but his script does deliver a few ideas that most cheap sci fi items don't bother to examine, just try to forget that twist during the last 20 seconds, perhaps the funniest gag of all.
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Women of the Prehistoric Planet
trimbolicelia28 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
What a hoot fest. A pair of spaceships, taking eons to get back to their home world, run into trouble when the indentured servants on one ship rebel and they crash land on a primitive planet. The second ship takes about 20 years to land and investigate. The effects are awful and the acting is by the numbers. Wendell Corey speaks his lines like he need dental surgery or he's looped. Would love to see this film released re-mastered to DVD or Blu-Ray. Recommended for bad movie fans.
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ripoff scifi so bad it's funny
john2290021 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
SPOILER ALERT! First of all, the title and the video box have something in common: they respectively hype and show the pre-hysteric women of the prehistoric planet - something alas the movie does not contain at all! There is one "prehistoric" woman and she's not very prehistoric! However, she is played by Irene Tsu so who cares, right? Suzie Kaye is a crew member on COSMOS I and she is great to look at too! Hubba, hubba! In fact, between those two, they're the only reason to tune in and watch this ripoff because there are no prehistoric women, half-dressed in loin cloths like Raquel Welch, Victoria Vetri or Julie Ege.

The plot concerns a spaceship (COSMOS III) that is overtaken by the "savage" Centaurians on board. The lead spaceship, COSMOS I, headed by the "sober"(?) captain, Wendell Corey, flaunts a directive to return to homebase and instead turns back to look for COSMOS III, which has presumably crashlanded on a planet in the SOLARIS system, which by the way is a dead giveaway for the plot twist at the end of the movie.

COSMOS I lands safely and then sends out an expedition to look for survivors (if any) of COSMOS III (what, they couldn't land closer to the wreckage than that?) In the meantime, one of the Centaurians, Irene Tsu, leaves COSMOS I, to go for a little walk just for the hell of it. Meanwhile the rescue expedition encounters iguanas that explode into flame when hit by pellets ejected from toy ray guns! They also encounter steaming pools of acid which one very clumsy and expendable crew member manages to fall in. Meanwhile back to Irene Tsu (and none too soon either). She gets kidnapped by a guy named Tang, whose mother and father were crewmembers on the crashed spaceship 18 years before! Finally, the rescuers reach the crashed spaceship and find a few bones and skeletons - and a fake spider that does in Chief, Stuart Margolin. One almost wishes it had done in perennial funnyman, jokester and co crew member, Paul Gilbert instead (talk about your sexual harassment!). The talk goes on endlessly, if not between Wendell Corey and Keith Larsen, then between Keith Larsen and John Agar! The talk wouldn't be so bad but those scientific explanations go on endlessly and even seem to confuse and confound the scientists on board the spaceship! The end twist would have been more believable had we not seen other primitive men try to kill Irene Tsu and Tang who at the end are supposed to be Adam and Eve, the FIRST MAN AND WOMAN on this new planet which as the movie fades out, Wendell Corey decides to name EARTH! If you don't take this movie seriously, it is one big laughfest. Oh, not as many laughs as say PLAN 9 FROM OUTER SPACE, but it has its share.
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It looked like Earth
ericstevenson18 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I was able to realize the ending from the beginning from the most part. The weird thing about this film is that it's just paced poorly. The scenes with the two people just go on too long. Spoiler: they are revealed to be the Adam and Eve (or at least as prototypes) on the planet Earth. This film has such a weird way of expressing comedy. The supposedly funny scenes go on way too long and contribute little to the story. It's also pretty hard to follow, not knowing how the time lapse system works. Of course, I'm not interesting in keeping up with the story.

Most of this film just seems like padding. Wasn't there an episode of "The Twilight Zone" that showed that this same plot could be done in a half hour? Good for them for using it first. This movie just goes through too many pointless scenes and it's hard to take seriously. A single shot causes a giant lizard to be engulfed in flames. Most of the characters just seemed to have no purpose. *1/2
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