Town Without Pity (1961) Poster

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Douglas and Kaufmann are simply fantastic in this movie
Kukident500019 March 2005
Surprisingly this convincing drama is almost ignored by German TV stations nowadays though it features a very touching and impressive performance by Christine Kaufmann who won a Golden Globe for this one (as the first German actress ever). Kirk Douglas is very strong in the male lead having to deal with the awful job to defend four US soldiers who've gang raped a 16-years-old German beauty. Though Reinhardt's style has dated badly the movie's still worth watching. He definitely has done a good job capturing the heartless atmosphere needed for a story like this. There are some haunting moments.....and the sad realization that also more than 40 years after "Town Without Pity" most rape victims still are devastated twice.

By the way, I've seen the German version which is half-dubbed, half-original so that you have several characters speaking with two different voices. I'd prefer a complete English or German version respectively the use of subtitles.
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Tough, gritty and surprising for 1961
planktonrules14 September 2017
Not too many films had talked about rape before this one came out in 1961. But, while in some ways the film talks around the attack (seldom ever using the word 'rape'), it still is very obvious what the film is about and it was surprisingly adult and frank.

The film begins with four American servicemen in Germany raping a local lady. Major Garrett (Kirk Douglas) is called in to represent the men at their court martial and the men, if convicted, could receive the death penalty. Considering how angry the locals are and the overall mood, the military is hoping for a quick trial and execution of the men. However, as Garrett investigates the case, he's decided that while the men are guilty, they don't necessarily merit the death penalty...or at least one of them.

The film will no doubt anger many as the victim herself becomes the object of much of the cross-examination in court. She herself is on trial in a manner of speaking...which, sadly, does occur in many rape cases. Because of this, Garrett is neither a hero or really a villain...just a dedicated man doing his job in the face of a lot of opposition. Well worth seeing but NOT a film for everyone...especially kids and folks who themselves have been victimized.
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The Ugly Hate the Beautiful and the Poor Hate the Rich
bkoganbing3 June 2006
Town Without Pity, an American-German co-production, involves the crime, trial, and aftermath of four American GIs in occupied Germany raping a teenage girl.

Christine Kaufman who shortly after this film became the second Mrs. Tony Curtis, is attacked and raped by four American soldiers. The four, Frank Sutton, Richard Jaeckel, Robert Blake, and Mal Sondock, are in danger of capital punishment as prescribed by the American Code of Military Justice.

As another reviewer pointed out this was taking place while Germany was still an occupied country. Allied occupation of Germany didn't officially end until 1955 when our High Commissioner to Germany, James B. Conant, became our first ambassador to the German Federal Republic. After that these four would have taken their chances in a German criminal court.

The fact though that they were soldiers also meant that there was no chance for acquittal. What had to be determined was how guilty they were, even to the extent of the ultimate punishment.

Kirk Douglas for the defense and E.G. Marshall for the prosecution make a good pair of adversaries. Marshall would very shortly see how the other half lived as after this film was done, he would star in the long running TV series, The Defenders.

Kirk Douglas is a tiger in the courtroom as he ruthlessly puts Kaufman's own character on trial. It's his job, it's done down to the present day with victims of rape. But he's also a person with conscience, he knows exactly the character of the four men he's charged with the defense of, the character of each of them individually.

Anyway there isn't a player alive who doesn't relish a good courtroom scene and Douglas made the most of his opportunity here. I don't believe Kirk got back in a courtroom until a made for TV remake of Inherit the Wind.

Of the German cast and I note that several including Kaufman have had substantial careers in the German cinema, Barbara Rueting as the German reporter who narrates the film and Gerhard Lippert as Kaufman's boyfriend also stand out.

Of course no discussion of Town Without Pity is complete without the title song which I remember so well blaring from the jukeboxes of 1961. This jazz/rock and roll song was very typical of what was happening in German and other foreign culture, an overwhelming Americanization of same. Gene Pitney sold a lot of records of Town Without Pity back in the day. If you've never seen the film you'll remember the song after seeing it once.

And you'll also remember in terms of attitudes they really are the same. Those little minds will indeed tear you in two.

It's what a Town Without Pity does.
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Better in concept than execution.
bobc-55 March 2001
Four U.S soldiers at an army base in Germany are charged with a gang rape and the prosecutor is asking for the death penalty as demanded by public outrage and the girl's father, a leading citizen of the town. Although sure of their guilt, the defending lawyer is also sure that they do not deserve the death penalty. He wants to plea bargain, but he'll dig up dirt and tear the girl apart on the witness stand if that's what it takes to save the men. No person or event in the story is as innocent as it seems at first - not the girl, the town, the judicial process, or even the simple brutality of the four men.

The movie's weaknesses, unfortunately, are in the actual realization of this excellent story. The screenplay is very uneven, over-developing some of the complexities while short-changing others. The use of a voice-over is a clever way to avoid having to subtitle the German speaking scenes, but as implemented it is a clumsy shortcut to giving us information which should have been written into the action. Most unfortunate is the poor choice of music. It blatantly attempts to force its particular mood on the viewer in total discordance with the more subtle manner in which the story is presented. On the bright side, the acting is good and the main point of the story - the brutal treatment of the girl on the witness stand and by the town - is not diluted by any of these problems, making this a movie well worth watching.
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An underrated gem
ifthisaintfunny5 March 2006
This is a very serious movie. A local teenage girl is raped by four US soldiers on a hot summer day in a little German town. Her father wants the criminals to be killed. The soldiers' lawyer (Kirk Douglas) knows he must devastate the girl's seemingly innocent image to free his clients from the death sentence. It looks like this movie never really was produced to be a huge success at the box offices at all. It treats its story with honesty and no compromises. The acting is excellent. Douglas and Marshall give very impressive performances supported by a flawless German/ American cast. Christine Kaufmann is absolutely convincing as the victim which is raped a second, this time by the legal system. Reinhardt almost tends to a documentary style, something that probably doesn't appeal to all viewers. It's exciting, well written and very depressive. A perfect movie which leaves you speechless in the end.
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A Must-see!
Pinkai11 July 2004
I'm not someone who uses lots of superlatives, but "Town without Pity" is a movie, for which I would not mind using some of them (and only positively). I had no idea about this movie, nor I ever knew anything about it; yet I picked it up only because everytime I visited the Exposition Park Branch of the Los angeles Public Library, it was lying there in the shelf, for a long long time. Watching this movie was a very pleasant experience for me. I found this movie very "humane" in that it was able to successfully deal with the sensitive issue of rape. It's devoid of high drama, but rather very realistic. It involves the humane face of a ruthless defense lawyer, who knows his job, and yet is ready to spare the victim the second round of rape that occurs in the court-room during cross examination.

I recommend it to anyone who wants to watch an excellent, serious movie.
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The narration almost ruins it
HotToastyRag21 January 2018
Parts of Town Without Pity are really good, but there are two elements that nearly ruin the film: the ridiculous Oscar-nominated title song and subsequent repetitive theme, and the frequent, superfluous narration by Barbara Rutting. She plays a reporter in the film, so I can only imagine the screenwriters wanted to make the audience think she was writing an article that turned into the film, but it was extremely distracting. The opening scene shows Christine Kauffman and her boyfriend Gerhart Lippert swimming, talking, and sunbathing. Town Without Pity is a German film, and when the German cast speaks in their native tongue, the cold, unexpressive narration translates what they're saying for the English speakers in the audience. Why didn't they substitute narration for subtitles? Every time Barbara's irritating voice cut in, I was taken out of the extremely dramatic, emotional situation.

As tastefully as it can be shown, while still showing exactly what happened, the film shows four American soldiers rape Christine in the beginning scene. The rest of the film involves the trial and the emotional damages Christine and her family suffer throughout the process. She gives a fantastic performance, and were it not for the narration, my heart would have absolutely broken for her.

Kirk Douglas plays the soldiers' attorney, and he also gives a wonderful performance. He's disgusted by his clients but can't refuse his assignment, and he tries to be as sympathetic to Christine as possible. There's a scene in which Kirk is interviewing Christine, with a physical translator present, and he learns more information about the case. He and Christine only communicate with their eyes because they don't want a record of what they're trying to say, and it's incredibly powerful. The majority of Kirk's performance is dual-focused: he's forced to say one thing, but his heart makes his eyes say something different.

Obviously, because of the heavy subject matter, this movie won't be for everyone. However, since the film was made in 1961, you can rest assured the opening scene isn't graphic. If you like watching very dramatic, non-feel-good movies just to appreciate the acting-I do, too-then you'll want to rent this one. You'll also want to pop in something lighter afterwards, like Pillow Talk.

Kiddy Warning: Obviously, you have control over your own children. However, since there's a rape scene and some heavy subject matter, I wouldn't let my kids watch it.
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Probably the finest film about a rape trial ever made.
Michael-1102 February 1999
Warning: Spoilers
This outstanding film shows how a rape victim is brutally revictimized by the ordeal of a rape trial. It is far superior to better known films about rape such as "The Accused." In this film, four American GI's stationed in Germany brutally gang rape a young girl named Karen. The incident is eerily reminiscent of the gang rape by American service men that occurred in Okinawa a year or two ago. Major Steve Garrett is assigned to defend the soldiers and he does an outstanding job of defending some disgusting clients. He gets lots of help from people in town who don't like Karen. He tries desperately to plea bargain the case because he knows that his cross-examination of Karen will be brutal, but Karen's stuffy father won't hear of it. He believes his daughter is a model of chastity and is out for vengeance.

Garrett destroys Karen on cross examination and manages to avoid the death penalty for his clients. The story ends tragically as the town casts Karen out as a harlot. Thus the victim in a tragic rape case is victimized once again by the legal system.
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Good drama but not an accurate picture of rape in occupied Germany
deschreiber30 August 2013
As an illustration of the theme of "a town without pity," this film does a fine job, but as an accurate reflection of the attitude of the Allied military authorities under occupied Germany toward their soldiers who committed rape, it presents far too white-washed a picture. According to Frederic Taylor's "Exorcising Hitler: The Occupation and Denazification of Germany," the American military cared very little about punishing American soldiers who raped German women--in fact, about punishing American soldiers who raped women in any part of Europe after D- Day. Rapes committed in Britain were punished according to the book, but it was different in Germany. It was not the norm that the military authorities brought rapists to trial with the threat of the death penalty hanging over their heads. Most received a slap on the wrist, removal back to Britain, or nothing. There was not a single execution of an Allied soldier for rape in occupied Germany.

And rape was common. Allied soldiers were not as brutal as Soviet soldiers, who were looking for revenge after the terrible atrocities committed by the Germans in the east, but attacking German women was far from unusual in the west. The Soviets had their special reasons beyond the usual macho attitude of "take advantage because you can." (Not all men, of course, not all soldiers are like this, but there always seems to be a small percentage). The Soviets had much, much more to motivate them, the terrible deeds that German soldiers had subjected their country, their women, children and old people to. They were burning to wreak revenge, to rape, torture and humiliate German women. Allied soldiers had nothing on that scale to revenge, but some of them, too, looted and raped. Read "Exorcising Hitler;" it's an eye-opener.

"Town Without Pity" leaves the impression that rape was rare and subject to severe punishment. Not true. Enough time has passed that we are probably ready to face some of the truth of what we did, as well as what the Germans and Soviets did.
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Gripping, powerful, shocking for its time.
maxfabien6 March 2001
When this film was released in 1961, I remember the ads saying this film was for "Adults Only". (The MPAA rating system didn't exist then.) A film about four soldiers stationed in Germany who gang rape a 16 year old girl and the trial that followed was pretty heavy stuff for audiences back then. I recently saw the film on Turner Classic Movies, and it still holds up very well. It is still startling and powerful, even without nudity and foul language, which should show Hollywood it can be done. You can be "adult" without being unnecessarily vulgar or obscene. As it stands, I would still give this film an "R" rating today.

And, of course, there is the memorable title song, sung by Gene Pitney, which accounted for the film's only (surprisingly) Oscar nomination. Even that lost out to the syrupy "Moon River" from "Breakfast at Tiffany's".

My one complaint about Turner's presentation was with the film's aspect ratio. Instead of showing a widescreen version, they showed a full-frame version with the framing "squeezed" so that faces were somewhat elongated and cars appeared "stubby" and compacted. This became very annoying. Even a pan & scan version would be better than this.

Nonetheless, for sheer power, as well as excellent acting by Kirk Douglas, E.G. Marshall, Christine Kaufmann, and a very young Robert Blake, I highly recommend "Town Without Pity".
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Better Than Average Courtroom Drama - Town Without Pity
arthur_tafero12 March 2021
Town without Kirk Douglas would have been mediocre at best; but with him, the film elevates itself to a decent courtroom drama. In a town that has only one song on its Jukebox (Gene Pitney's Town Without Pity written by Dmitri Tiomkin, the talented film score creator), a rape takes place by four soldiers near a river. Or was it a rape? Eventually, everything comes out in the courtroom, and Douglas has to savagely cross-examine the victim to save one or more of the defendents from the death penalty. Nothing out of the ordinary in the courtroom scenes, but the subplots keep our interest piqued. Worth viewing.
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In View of the Singular Brutality of this Movie
Prof_Lostiswitz13 July 2008
I have no alternative but to ask that you watch it as soon as possible.

This is undoubtedly Kirk Douglas' finest performance, probably because he's playing a character somewhat like himself. But rookie actress Christine Kaufmann completely steals the show in what must have been a very difficult performance. She deserved an Oscar, not just a second-rate Golden Globe.

Director Gottfried Reinhard is the son of impresario Max Reinhard, the guy who put Frank Wedekind on the stage. Although you may not have heard of him, Wedekind wrote such famous plays as Lulu and Springtime Awakening (which resembles Town Without Pity in some ways). That line "the law is like a great wide river" is a paraphrase of a famous line from Springtime Awakening… in fact, the movie has a ton of great quotable lines e.g. "such a small town, and so much hate and meanness".

Besides the portrait of a small town where everyone hates everyone hates everyone else, added tension is given by this being a proud and ancient place humiliated by foreign conquest and occupation (West Germany, 1960). The many tensions reach boiling point and explode. This Swiss-American co-production goes places Hollywood would never dare, it more resembles German movies like The Lost Honour of Katharina Blum.

The theme song was a smash hit in 1961, and even got an Oscar nomination; the music was written by the legendary Dimitri Tiomkin, a classically trained composer.

"No, it isn't very pretty what a town without pity can do-oo".
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Rape victim re-raped by the military legal system.
UPSETTER-218 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This film is perhaps one of the very first which discloses the sad fact that in a rape trial conducted by Americans the victim is further victimized. A key element in this story not mentioned by those reviewing it here is defeated Germany was then under U.S. military occupation and the strict rules of the U.S. Army were still in affect for the most part. To protect the conquered civilians rape committed by soldiers was punishable by the death sentence. (Dozens were hanged during World War 2.) The defense lawyer was determined to protect his clients from such punishment. In fact, he had warned the victim's family that back home he was highly successful and attempted to dissuade them from going forward with the trial. Not mentioned by him were the methods American lawyers employ to win such cases and he proceeded to do just that. Eventually the victim's father withdrew her from the case and the soldiers were allowed to walk knowing that they had gotten away with a crime without punishment. It would be helpful if there were more films made in which the occupying army executed rapists and since rape is the most difficult crime to prosecute there is the strong probability that many of those convicted may have been innocent.
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Overuse of Good Music Without Pity
internut0228 January 2007
This was all in all a great film, with riveting performances from all the cast. My problem was the weak,ineffective score, which took a great theme song and beat it like a dead horse. The opening scene and credits placed the song well, but the frequent, unrelenting repeat of the theme both instrumental and with Gene Pitney's great vocals throughout the film in quite inappropriate places "isn't very pretty" at all. Very distracting to the viewer, and certainly took away some of the film's impact.The rest of the score was passable, but nothing special. I think the intended tone of the film could have been maintained or even intensified if there were no further music in the film after the song ran with the opening credits.
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Michael_Elliott8 March 2008
Town Without Pity (1961)

**** (out of 4)

Incredibly hard hitting, depressing and brutal courtroom drama, which has sadly been forgotten over the decades. I read an interview with Kirk Douglas once and he talked about all the controversy including him getting death threats from some of his fans. United Artists put a warning on the film and asked theater owners not to let anyone under 17 into the film. Several theater owners wouldn't even show the film due to its subject matter. I think all of this controversy hurt the film when it was released but I think it's about time film buffs and film historians go back and take a look at this film and include it with the greatest courtroom films out there. This film still manages to shock and be outrageous nearly forty-five years after being released.

Four American soldiers (one played by Robert Blake) are stationed in a small German town where they rape a 16-year-old girl. It's obvious they are guilty and the town wants the death penalty, which the American government agrees to. A lawyer (Kirk Douglas) is called in and right from the start he hates his clients and agrees they are monsters yet he must do his job and defend them. To do this, he must at least get the death penalty dropped and the only way to do this is by putting the innocent girl on the stand and breaking her apart.

I'm a huge fan of Kirk Douglas and in my opinion this very well could be the greatest performance I've seen from him. He goes through all sorts of emotions from pain to anger to humiliation and there's not one false step along the way. You could break everyone of his scenes down and it's clear there isn't a false move and this is the perfect example of an actor doing everything right. Robert Blake is very haunting in his role and E.G. Marshall is wonderful as the prosecuting attorney. Christine Kaufmann brilliantly plays the young girl. This movie sends the viewer through all sorts of emotions and doesn't hold back on any level. This is the type of film that kicks you in the gut but instead of letting you catch your breath it keeps on kicking you. The interesting thing is that the viewer agrees with Douglas and the director makes sure you hate the soldiers from start to finish. At the same time, we understand Douglas has a job to do and in some ways, we understand him attacking the young girl who did nothing wrong.

The only problem with the film is some unwanted narration but after a while this didn't bother me too much. The music score by Dimitri Tiomkin perfectly captures the mood of the film and the title song by Gene Pitney is very haunting. If you look through review books this film gets rather low ratings so on that level I'd have to call this one of the greatest films I've ever seen that doesn't even get good reviews.
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Kirk Douglas saved this film
qormi20 June 2019
Just an average production. They kept playing the hit song, Town Without Pity,throughout, and this effectively ruined the movie. Kirk Douglas gave a powerful performance, and one of his very best. Oscar worthy, for sure. Outside if that, not much. The pacing, the direction... it doesn't seem the best was brought out of these actors. The periodic narration by the journalist gave the film an aura of phoniness that detracted from its dramatic potential.
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Great song, great movie!
shemp4728 April 2006
Probably best known today for it's unforgettable title song by Gene Pitney, which was a huge international hit and sold 3.5 million records that year, this was a courageous film to make in 1961. With dramas about rape something you can see almost every night on TV you may forget that this was almost taboo in those days. A powerful well acted drama from start to finish, my only complaint would be the totally unnecessary narration. Perhaps this isn't on the German version but the film I saw it is a horrible distraction. A female voice tells you everything your seeing as it happens, gives unnecessary explanations, and tells you what the Germans are saying in their native language. Simple subtitles would have been much better. But putting that aside you have a powerful film with an excellent cast. Christina Kaufman should have become a major star. As is, this is her best role. Don't miss it!
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Muddying the Water
JamesHitchcock28 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Four American soldiers based in West Germany are arrested and charged with the rape of a local teenage girl, a charge which under military law carries the death penalty. Major Stephen Garrett, an Army lawyer, is assigned to defend them. Garrett holds out little hope of an acquittal- the men are too obviously guilty for that- but when his offer of a plea bargain is rejected by the prosecutor he conducts an aggressive defence in an effort to save their lives. The film's title refers to the attitude of the townspeople. One might have thought that in a situation like this they would take the girl's side and be "without pity" for the accused men, but in fact many of them are ready to believe the worst of the girl, Karin, largely because her father, the self-important local bank manager, is not a popular figure in the town.

I watched the film when it was shown on television recently for two reasons. Firstly, because I have long been an admirer of its main star, Kirk Douglas. Secondly, because I am myself a lawyer by profession and was interested in the legal issues it raises. Indeed, it possibly raises more legal issues than can comfortably be dealt with in one film. Among these are:-

1. Is it right that American servicemen should enjoy the privilege of "extraterritoriality", that is to say the right of being tried by an American military tribunal for crimes committed against local people, rather than having to face a normal German criminal court? The risk of such an arrangement is that local people will lack confidence in the integrity of the proceedings, believing that American soldiers will always believe the word of one of their own over that of a foreign civilian. (Contrary to what some have stated, West Germany was not "occupied territory" in 1960; German sovereignty was re-established in 1955, following which American forces were in the country as NATO allies rather than occupiers).

2. Conversely, is it right that a military court should have the power to pass harsher sentences than those which would be available to a civilian court trying the same crime? West Germany had abolished the death penalty, even for murder, prior to the time this film is set,

3. Should a lawyer be able to override the wishes of his client in the way Garrett does here? When one of the accused, Private Larkin, attempts to plead guilty, Garrett brusquely overrules him and insists that a "not guilty" plea be entered. Later, without his client's knowledge or permission, Garrett attempts to call medical evidence showing that Larkin is impotent, only for the tactic to backfire when Larkin indignantly denies his impotence to the court. (In any case, even if Larkin had not taken part in the rape himself, he could still be convicted as a "secondary party" if he had aided or encouraged the others to do so).

4. Most importantly, should a lawyer in a rape case be permitted to cross-examine a witness in the brutal way shown here? Garrett's strategy is to try to humiliate Karin and to destroy her reputation, not in order to vindicate his clients' innocence but to try and force her to withdraw from the trial, thus ensuring that the court cannot pass the death sentence. As we are to see, however, this strategy is also to backfire badly.

This is not one of Douglas' greatest films, but he gives a competent enough performance as Garrett. He is not motivated by a belief in his clients' innocence or by any ideological opposition to the death penalty; Douglas rather plays him as a man who has been given a job to do and is determined to do it as well as he can, regardless of his own personal inclinations. (Personally, his sympathies seem to be more with Karin than with his clients). Another feature of the film is the title song, which became a hit for Gene Pitney and which serves as the main theme in Dimitri Tiomkin's jazz-style score.

The main problem with the film is that it is essentially an "issue move" with too many issues. It is an issue move about rape, and about the way in which the court system deals with rape, but it is also an issue movie about the death penalty, and about military justice, and about American- German relations during the Cold War, but the attempt do deal with all these issues together rather middies the water and it never makes a really clear statement about any of them. 6/10

Some goofs. At the beginning of the film we are told that Karin's boyfriend Frank is 19, but near the end of the film, only a few weeks later, he talks about money given to him by his father for his 21st birthday. The design of the American flag in the courtroom (50 stars, in five rows of ten) is completely wrong. The current 50-star design was approved by Presidential proclamation in 1959 and formally adopted on 4th July 1960. Given that the novel on which this film was based was not published until 1960, which means that production of the film could not have started until after the new design was publicly known, I am at a loss to explain this error.
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Douglas in an amazing performance
jeffreylincoln28 September 2008
Not many actors could pull off this complicated role of a defense lawyer with a conscience, but nonetheless a sense of duty. Although the title implies that the plot centers around a community that is cruel, it is the family relationships which inflict the most damage.

This film must have been shocking for its time (1961). It still shows well today, and will have most viewers in its grip until the end.

There is a good deal to digest here--Dysfunction in the families, credibility of witnesses, coming of age issues... But mostly what I thought about is how much of an advantage it is to have a good lawyer!

Enjoy this movie for the interesting plot and the talent of Kirk Douglas, but don't expect to come away feeling happy.
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Breathlessly Cynical
evanston_dad3 March 2020
A breathlessly cynical and relentlessly bleak movie about how crappy mankind is. Have fun.

But seriously, "Town without Pity" is pretty well made, but I don't know what it has to say exactly. Kirk Douglas is good as a defense attorney whose job it is to acquit four U.S. soldiers accused of raping a German girl, and he's partially successful -- they're not acquitted, but they're not sentenced to death, which is what the prosecution was going for. The movie is about how ugly the justice process is, especially for the wronged; in order to prove they mens' innocence, Douglas is forced to do what he can to undermine the girl's character and brand her a, shall we say, lady of loose morals? Mostly, the movie suffers from being in a bad mood, and it kind of put me in a bad mood watching it.

"Town without Pity" was directed by Gottfried Reinhardt, so maybe it was meant to be a defensive gut punch to America from a Germany still feeling contrite about WWII? Sort of a "ok, so what Germany did was horrible, but see how horrible Americans can be too?" I don't know. All I know is that the movie isn't badly made, but I didn't really enjoy it.

The title song received an Oscar nomination for Best Original Song in 1961, and I hope you like it, because it plays nearly non-stop during the entire duration of the movie.

Grade: B+
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Don't try to prove your a man to me! Prove it to your girl!
sol-kay3 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS**** Shocking and brutally honest film about the crime of rape and how it stigmatizes its victims to the point of them being treated worse then those who raped them.

Frollecking by the river outside the little German town of Neustadt pretty 16 year old Kerin Steinhof, Christine Kaufmann,leaves her boyfriend 19 year old Frank Borgmann, Gerheart Lippert, because he,in feeling it's not right, declines to have sex with her. All by herself in the woods Karin disrobes her skimpy bikini and is suddenly grabbed from behind by drunken GI Sgt. Chuck Snyder, Frank Sutton, who together with three other fellow and drunk GI's, played by Robert Blake Richard Jeackle & Mal Sondock, brutally gang rape the helpless young woman.

Frank sensing something is wrong comes to Karin's aid only to be cold cocked and knocked unconscious by the guerrilla-like Sgt. Snyder. It's later in the movie that the distraught young man is humiliatingly slapped around by Karin's outraged father the town banker Karl Steinhof, Hans Nielsen, for allowing his daughter to be raped! As if the slim and very non-violent Frank had a chance to fight off Karin's four burly rapists which in fact he tried to do.

You would expect that Karin would get all the sympathy from the townspeople in Neustadt for the unspeakable ordeal she went through! But instead she's held up to ridicule for, what almost everyone in town feels, allowing or even inviting her attackers to gang rape her!

With the town's elders including Karin's father Herr Steinhof demanding the death penalty it's now up to the accused GI's US Army defender Maj. Steve Garrett, Kirk Douglas, to put Karin on the stand. It's there under Maj. Garrett's brutal and embarrassing cross-examination that Karin undergoes a far more, and in public, humiliation then she even suffered at the hands of her rapists.

The film "Town Without Pity" is without a doubt the best movie ever to come out from a Hollywood studio about the ugly subject of rape and its even uglier consequences in how it not only effects its victim but those who know her. Karin is driven to almost insanity afraid to even leave her home in fear of being sat upon by her neighbors in calling her a whore or even worse.

Just about disowned by her parents Karin and Frank, who stuck by her during the whole movie, decides to leave Neustadt and begin a new life but even that isn't in cards for the two young lovers. The very tragic ending is far too honest then you would expect in a Hollywood movie back then, in 1961, when feel good endings were a must in order not to disturb audiences who want escapism not realism in films. And it's that very tragic ending that make the film "Town Without Pity" the landmark movie that it is today.

Powerhouse performance by Kirk Douglas as the reluctant Army defender Maj. Steve Barrett who sees what's coming, in Karin's father demanding the death penalty for her rapists, but is totally helpless to prevent it. Pleading with Herr Steinhof to not let his daughter Karin to be forced to take the stand Maj. Barrett is then forced to bring out Karin's tendencies in exposing herself in public. This leads to Karin breaking down on the witness stand and having her attackers given long prison sentences not the death penalty that her father so much wanted.

I for one could not believe that Karin's father was so naive about her flaunting her body to perfect strangers that he would let her go through the unbearable cross-examination that she was subjected to by Maj. Barrett. It was also sad on Herr Steinhof's, as well as Frank's widowed mother, part to also persecute Karin's boyfriend Frank who by far was more considerate and sympathetic toward his daughter and the horrible ordeal she was going through then anyone else, even Maj. Barrett, in the film. And it was his-Herr Steinhof's-actions that eventually lead to Karin's death at the end of the movie.

***SPOILER ALERT*** "Town Without Pity" pulls no punches by packing a wallop in its story about rape and how it destroys not only physically but emotionally its victims. The film also shows the cold indifference towards the rape victim by, what later turns out in the movie, even her parents who treat her as an outcast because she, instead of dying, survives her terrible ordeal. Karin all alone, with only Frank standing by her side, had no other choice but to end it all which also ended her suffering. Karin in doing what she did also showed those, besides her rapists, who had so cold heartedly treated her and dove Karin to her death what unfeeling monsters they really are.

P.S The film's haunting and right on target theme song "Town Without Pity" is preformed by the late Gene Pitney.
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Kirk Douglas always at his best
camille-054243 September 2019
This story with its theme of rape and a small town holds up very well. If any fault that could be found (maybe I am wrong) is that the initial punishment the prosecution was seeking was the death penalty. Unless there is a death involved a death penalty would not be in order. Perhaps the US military is different unless treason involved. However, the script writer and author had to write the max. for the story sake. Otherwise, Mr. Douglas is great no matter what film he is in.
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The kind of trash that leaves a very bad taste in the mouth.
MOscarbradley9 December 2015
Directed by Gottfried Reinhardt in 1961 "Town Without Pity" is a thoroughly nasty sleaze-fest in which Kirk Douglas plays an American army officer in Germany tasked with defending 4 soldiers who have raped a young German girl played by Christine Kaufmann. Two of the soldiers are Robert Blake, (dreadful), and Richard Jaeckel and E G Marshall is wasted as the prosecutor. Purporting to adopt a moral stance in exploring the hypocrisy and small-mindedness of the townspeople the film is actually no better than a piece of tabloid journalism, (the defense is basically that the girl was asking for it!). Even the Oscar-nominated title song, as sung by Gene Pithney, feels cheap and out of place as does Dimitri Tiomkin's appallingly emphatic score. This is the kind of film that leaves a very bad taste in the mouth. Avoid.
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Perhaps Kirk's best
LSTHNSTMAN21 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I know Kirk Douglas has an acting resume' that is spectacular but perhaps this little film is his best performance. He portrays an Army lawyer who in the eyes of the local population and the press is a miserable US Army officer with no heart or feeling Yet we learn at the end of the film he truly is a decent man and not the stereotypical "ugly American" Remember this film is depicted in Germany in the very late 50's or early 60's. His caustic and flip reply to the newspaper reporter after she comes to realize his humanity is a classic. In fact I have used it as a throw away line on more than one occasion when someone who has accused me of having no heart or feelings apologizes to me for their earlier actions and thoughts towards me. Most folks do not know nor have they seen this little gem of a flick, but they do remember Gene Pitney's rendition of the Oscar winning song, yes I said Oscar winning, music and lyrics by Tompkin and Washington. Interestingly enough you do not have to scour for it or buy it through Amazon, you can find it and play it off of U tube. As Kirk is still alive I suggest that one finds this diamond in the rough of a flick to appreciate how skilled an actor the Rag Man's Son truly is!
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Excellent film, in many ways
cemab4y25 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
(Possible Spoiler).

This is an excellent film. I lived in Germany (stationed with the US Air Force) in an area near where this film was shot. US Military in Germany were under a "status of forces agreement", which is basically a treaty between two countries, to offer legal protection to military forces.

In Germany, the military courts usually have "dibs" on crimes committed on German soil, by foreign military. The German government can waive jurisdiction, if it chooses to.

In the film, the four defendants are basically "scum-bags", who brutally rape a German girl. The rape is not in question. The film goes to some of the subtleties of US military law, under the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

What boggles my mind, is that when the crime took place, you could go to a house of prostitution, and get sex for DM40 (about 18 US dollars).

During this time period, the court would put the victim on trial, and bring her past sex life up for scrutiny. Fortunately, victim shield laws have done away with this sordid practice.
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