Underworld (2003)
The Eternal Struggle...
16 May 2024
UNDERWORLD is one of the better post-MATRIX, dark action films. The idea of having modern day vampires at war with Lychans (werewolves) is brilliant. Especially when it's set in a bleak, urban landscape, not unlike Gotham City.

Kate Beckinsale is at the peak of her hotness, jumping, kicking, and battling in her form-fitting leather outfits. She gets to look ultra-cool blasting away at her enemies with twin, automatic pistols. Her fans will be glad to know that she's in almost every scene.

As for the rest of the cast, they're good as well, with Shane Brolly as the sniveling, conniving Kraven, and Bill Nighy playing the vampire overlord, Viktor. Michael Sheen is also worthy of mention as the creepy Lucian, leader of the Lychans.

The weaponry used by both sides is intriguing, and some of the ammo they come up with to kill each other is ingenious.

A very satisfying movie for lovers of action and horror...
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