Interesting for comparison to both the original story and The Innocents (1961)
20 April 2024
Little seen 1999 Spanish-American version of Henry James' The Turn of the Screw. Stars Sadie Frost, Lauren Bacall, and Harvey Keitel (Antoni Aloy was a first time director - not sure how he managed to assemble such a cast for this very low-budget (around $3 million) production). The location is transferred to a small Spanish island estate, but the story is essentially the same. Bacall easily dominates in the acting. Keitel is good but is actually seen very little. Frost is okay; in fact I've always had a bit of a thing for her, but her attractiveness distracted me from seeing her as an uptight, repressed governess (Deborah Kerr in Jack Clayton's 1961 version The Innocents was spot-on). The child actors (Ella Jones and Nilo Mur) are good, and the ghost sightings are fairly creepy, but the sense of tension could be stronger. It's competent, but nothing outstanding. 6/10.
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