Review of Fargo

Fargo (2014–2024)
Season 1 & 2 are so AMAZING !
24 February 2024
Fargo is an absolute masterpiece and one of my favorite shows all time. This show doesn't have a general rating of 8.9 for nothing.

First the EXTRAORDINARY atmosphere of the Cohen brothers' film, this sensation like no other, which takes hold of us when we enter with the characters into this universe as dark as it is crazy. Fargo immerse you in this special world that is the snowy Minnesota of the Cohen brothers. And more than represented, it is developed here, with talent.

Secondly a stroke of pure and simple scriptwriting genius. To be able to fascinate to this extent, from the first episode, was very strong. And yet. Paced in an almost dreamlike manner, each episode of the series will take its time to reestablish the atmosphere that has disappeared since the previous week, before taking you by the guts with talent, bringing you down with it into the barbaric violence hidden by this snow white and immaculate. Ultra violent, bloodshed is rare, the series preferring to torture its characters psychologically. Lester's evolution (which I feared was a copy and paste of that of Walter White), is more than intelligent. Like i said, the writing is so brillant. An investigation with multiple twists and turns, in a remote town populated by formidable losers, notorious incompetents, methodical and relentless killers, and devious manipulators.

Thirdly the actors. They are all amazing (except those of season 4) but all the credits goes to Martin Freeman and Billy Bob Thorton who delivered 2 performances that are among the best in television and i'm not even exaggerating. Martin Freeman plays a perfect loser to who we become attached quite quickly, he plays on his qualities already known for often seeming to be completely out of sync with the situations and characters he will face. Billy Bob Thomton is absolutely phenomenal as a cold, methodical and intelligent killer. Lorne Malvo is easily one of the best villains of television and i'm still not exaggerating.

Fourth the music. The music is magnificently beautiful and the series is filled with little melodies that accompany the scenes (mainly in season 1).

Fifth this is the best anthology serie ever. Fargo beat true detective because Fargo offers 2 amazing season and 2 ok seasons while true detective only offers 1 amazing season and 1 ok season (season 3).

No episode is too much, everything is orchestrated to perfection, the work absolutely does not lack rhythm and we remain glued to these 10 episodes of very high quality.
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