Review of Echo

Echo (2023–2024)
Undeserved Hate For a Solid Marvel Series.
10 January 2024
This series is not by any means the best that television has to offer and I would rate it a solid 7.5/10.

That being said I don't agree with people saying it felt boring. It does have pacing issues and the main reason is the editing. The editing is sometimes really poorly done. Not saying that I can do it better, but still very weird editing decisions sometimes.

The acting was solid throughout the series with the obvious standout being Vincent D'Onofrio. He does a great job playing Fisk in Daredevil and does it again in Echo. Fisk has less screen time than in Daredevil, but still manages to be intimidating and captivating in every scene he is in.

The plot is solid. Not a masterpiece and can feel like a pretty basic marvel story. Still it managed to keep me engaged enough to make me binge watch the series. The biggest complaint that I have with the series is it's kinda dumb ending that unfortunately feels rushed and unresolved.

In conclusion the series is a solid series by Marvel. I enjoyed it and I think many people will enjoy it too. There are issues like it's pacing and the abrupt ending, but to be fair to the series the ending does give me hope that maybe we will see more series like this from marvel. In my opinion this is Definitely the best we have seen from Marvel lately. Loki was good :).
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