Black Mirror (2011– )
RIP Black Mirror, it's all over
19 June 2023
This is purely for seasons 1-4 and for Bandersnatch from season 5.

Season 5 was boring and silly. Season 6 is a mixture of terrible episodes and some quite well done episodes that have nothing whatsoever to do with Black Mirror.

Seasons 1 through 4 are masterpieces. Some episodes are better than others, like with any Anthology series. But the good ones are just next-level, even when you have to suspend disbelief sometimes (full nervous system VR systems the size of an M&M - no, not unless everything else is up to the same level of tech!).

It seems that once a series peaks, we just have to accept that that's it, it's done, it will never get up there again. For me the high water marks were CROCODILE, METALHEAD and WHITE BEAR. Though I have to say, I still got back and watch the speech from 15 MILLION MERITS for the thrill of it. It's too good.

4 seasons, 1 special - that's pretty good. Now we need something of equal calibre!

"Somebody" removes negative reviews so I hope this one will just sail through.
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