I have some thoughts
15 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
They really didn't stick the ending so hot did they? Apparently this was a standalone "bunker" movie that was later grafted into the Cloverfield... universe? Niche? I don't know; the first one was very underwhelming and I probably saw the second one but drawing a total blank at the moment. Anyway if the ending feels different that's because it is.

The bulk of the film worked for me. The tub of acid was a bit odd and the whole "plan" to go outside was poorly conceived but fair enough. Maybe those two just weren't real quick thinkers. So turns out a person can be paranoid, right to be, and a pedophile all at once. Okay, I can accept that. It would make all the persons statements questionable in retrospect. So most of a movie goes by then the Escape. I get her motivation but destroying the place on your way out was a bad call. Granted that wasn't entirely her direct doing but still, think things through. Though it's not specified the coexisting montage implies they're down there for some time. Weeks, maybe months. There was time to think more.

So escape and she's outside now. Cool. Birds are chirping so perhaps the air's not so toxic after all. Of course the weird lady trying to get in specifically said "it barely touched me" which suggests an entity or visible cloud or something. Freaks out after ripping her pseudo-Hazmat suit then promptly takes the mask off seconds later. Okay, confidence again. Then "oh damn, there's a spaceship flying around. I'd better find a car so they won't accidentally pass me by." Sets off her own car alarm, hides in a shed, vague aliens, yadda yadda. Then tosses a Molotov cocktail into the alien spaceship vagina and boom, blows it up. Go girl. Then she does what anyone being hunted by alien spacecraft would do: drive straight down the road with the lights on. Then there's a radio transmission, that they were I guess just out of range of the whole movie, and is presented with a choice: flee to a safe zone or hang a left and heed the resistance's call for people with combat or medical experience. Well, it's already been established that she wanted to be a fashion designer so no experience there. Oh wait, she did stitch up a wound (that wasn't bleeding anymore so totally unnecessary but whatever) and then she sorta barely escaped the guy later by knocking stuff over a lot, so of course she's the next Sarah Conner and off she goes. Any other cast and this would be a complete dog turd of a movie but the actors prop it up. Should've hacked the end back off. Studios never interfere when you want them to. So it's an 80% good movie with a whole movies worth of bad writing and mistakes crammed in at the end. But, despite the JJ Abrams exposure, no obnoxious lens flares. So that's something. I finally watched this after all this time so that's something (used to see it at the video store so clearly it's been out awhile). Enjoy, until the end.
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