The Last of Us (2023– )
What was the purpose of the show?
19 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This show suffers from a contrived setup and a lack of direction for the main storyline.

The creators really embraced the "tell don't show" approach. This is especially evident in the last episode. In the matter of a couple of episodes, Joel went from "I don't need you" to "I will slaughter innocent people for you". When did that happen, did I miss something? There's a time gap between the events of the last two episodes; why not take this opportunity to demonstrate how the bond between Joel and Ellie grows in the aftermath of the previous episode? When it comes to the finale as a whole, it seemed that the writers had no clear understanding of what they wanted to do with it, so they threw in random bits of conversations and interactions that are so disjointed it's frustrating to watch. The tension or suspense that should have been there is rarely present. The subject of the infected is barely touched upon. From what I gathered, they are pretty scarce and don't pose a big threat to others.

They spent an unforgivably long amount of time as they delved into exploring this jumble of supporting characters, only to have them all killed at the end of each episode. None of the significant scenes and dialogues were given time to really sink in, looking like a series of checkpoints, something which was better executed in the game.

The only light in this never ending darkness is the actors, especially Pedro Pascal. However, the series on the whole is pretty superficial, mainly because the screenplay had no clear direction.
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