Review of Pearl

Pearl (2022)
Self-indulgent slop.
24 October 2022
Mia Goth is credited as co-writer, but her talents are clearly in acting and she should put the pen down. Her performance is ok as she croaks her way through the garbled dialogue (warning - constant vocal fry), but the movie is a dud.

The only positives are the production design and colour scheme. Everything else - editing, score, script, direction - all very weak.

The story itself (a small slice of Pearl's upbringing) is crazy boring, wallowing in the mundane with no concern for the audience or entertainment. I thought 'X' was a below average horror, yet Pearl is much, much worse. By the end I was struggling to stay awake and somewhat angry that this movie offered so little.

I've seen most of Ti West's movies now. All he can do is regurgitate that painfully retro-chic style, again and again. Absolutely no substance. This will be the last time I spend time and money on one of his films. What a rip off.
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