Personhood (2019)
The story itself is enraging but the documentary is a bit rote
12 September 2022
This is a well done investigation into an infuriating and outrageous legal situation. It doesn't do much to set it apart from other documentaries cinematically. I think it was the first time effort. It is professional but uninspired as cinema.

That said the cases under discussion give lie to notion that the so-called pro-life movement care about the "unborn." Fetal personhood laws, in practice, are shown to be little more than excuses to punish women, deemed imperfect to be mothers. It is utterly Kafkaesque when a woman ends up locked up in solitary to "protect" the "unborn child."

At one point a pregnant woman ends up in a legal proceeding she really doesn't understand and without any preparation. The kicker is her unborn fetus is given a lawyer while she is not. This sort of absurdity is present throughout the case.
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