Very disappointed fan
27 June 2022
I'm a fan of all the JP movies and even fully aware the later ones are not top notch at all, I still watched them all multiple times and enjoyed them immensely because there is something magical and fun about them. They feel like an adventure, a joyride, a lost world. This one however is incredibly bad, so disappointing, such a mess and so rediculous. Cramming in too many stuff, too many attacks, too many story, too much of everything. Bad humor, no tension at all, no fun. Messy story with non-sensible characters like that woman in white? What was she suppose to be, a scary kickass female rolemodel or something? Yeah that worked..... .. Stopping a 7 ton dino with a mere lasso on horseback *rolls eyes*. The reciculous "she impregnated herself with her own DNA". *oh please!* The stupid "the system rebooted so the dead locust on the floor apparently 'reboot' too". *what now?* Even The reappearance of the original cast, which should have been a great moment, was done in a very rushed and blend way, no emotion in it at all. And then the two new characters that nobody even knows basicly end up saving the day *puke* The ending, with the "epic fight" was really just epic cringe!. Honestly, I feel like this movie was made by a bunch of 14 year olds. So going back to the first 5 movies ....I truly, truly apprecitate them even more now! In fact, compared to this one they are pretty awesome.
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