Review of X

X (II) (2022)
What an interesting concept, but fails in a lot of areas
18 March 2022
Ok, just got out of the theater and here's my thoughts.

The good: The acting is very good, all the actresses seemed pretty game for what they had to endure, and the men were suitably fragile with their masculinity to make them easy targets for the creepy elderly couple. The film was definitely smutty enough with lots of nudity and sexuality, of which some was a turn on and some was incredibly disgusting and made me feel sick. There was some terrific comedic moments sprinkled in here and there. The gore and kills were plentiful enough and don't hold back. Although, they are more in the last third of the film, which I'll come back to. The motive for the kills was very creepy and extremely repulsive. The 70's aesthetic was spot on. And we finally have a final girl I felt I could root for, which it's been a while for that.

The bad: The film took it's time getting to the fun stuff. Very slow and unsurprising, in a very cliche way, like we've seen this set-up before in several other horror movies. It honestly didn't start sparking my attention until about the last third of the film. I was also kind of expecting some kind of monster movie with the way the film was advertised, and there is no monster to speak of. I was expecting something akin to Jeepers Creepers when it came to who the grannie is and got none of that. Just some messed up old couple who were messed up. Was definitely expecting more of a slasher than what it was, which was again messed up old people doing weird, messed up things to these kids who are making a porno on their property. Some of the editing was good at first but entirely overused, such as the flashing between scenes. Way too much of that. My final bad thing was that fact that Brittany Snow sang a song that was randomly put in the film. It felt completely out of place with the rest of the material and it dragged the pacing down even further than it already was. I'm almost positive it was the only way she was going to agree to do a nude scene for this movie.

Overall: All in all, it wasn't a bad film. Although it had cliched scenes here and there, and started out at a snail's pace, the plotline was definitely something I hadn't seen before and the focus of what movie was made here was pretty clear. Even if I felt the movie was misadvertised and marketed wrong. By the end of the movie, the title started making a lot more sense. If this movie had been released at the time period it was set it, 1979, it would have been rated X and probably be on a few lists in some countries. I enjoyed it for what it was.

I would recommend it if you're a fan of 70's style exploitation films or horror films. If not, you probably won't have a great time and you will definitely be repulsed by the final third of the film.
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