21 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
As expected with an Almdovar offering, PM delivers (pun intended) a gorgeous film, a compelling story, and the actors to beautifully flesh out the interesting characters. When Janis is teaching Ana how to cook, I yearn to sit at the table in that kitchen and bask in the details of that scene.

I have a couple of complaints, however. Not one to always be a "plausible", I had a hard time believing that Janis, an intelligent, caring person, once confronted with the knowledge that the baby was not hers, didn't immediately try to rectify the situation, making every effort to reunite with her own child before more time elapsed and the bonds were even greater.

My second criticism is more a matter of taste -- I thought the music at times overwrought. I reference the most dramatic scene in Mike Leigh's "Vera Drake" when the sound of silence served to emphasize the drama, rather than compete with it. But what do I know? PM has garnered nominations and awards, albeit an Oscar nomination in the category of music!

Speaking of Oscars, I would gladly trade out "Nighmare Alley" or "Don't Look Up" for PM in the Beat Picture category. And I am rooting for Penelope Cruz to win another Oscar for her performance.
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