Rare to experience a dark n twisted thriller aided by top notch performances, tight script n direction.
11 August 2021
I first saw this in the early 90s on a vhs and i still remember how two very old ladies were petrified n blabbering about the movie to my dad and one thing which stayed with me after that conversation was the praising of Hopkins acting by the two grumbling old geezers.

I revisited it in the early 2k on a dvd which I own and was in awe by Hopkins mesmerizing performance.

Revisited it the third time today but this time with my kids as they are 18 now but my wife is still not agreeable.

Everything has been said about this first class thriller n there seems to be nothing left but i jus wanna contribute a lil by praising the performance of Hopkins.

In the entire movie, it is Hopkins' screen presence n footage which keeps u glued.

His character is charismatic but very dangerous that u don't wanna be rude with him.

Some scenes are far fetched but like i said it is the mesmerizing performance by Anthony Hopkins which is the highlight.
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