Review of Vincenzo

Vincenzo (2021)
A shinny and precious pear with endless potential.... had been wasted
23 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
From the very first episodes, it's easy to find the story, plot work, pacing,... was all done perfectly. From how Vincenzo is introduced (I hate how unrealistic the fire spread though) to the schemes, how strong Babel is build as an unpenetratable image.. All could've been something more than this. Yet it might've been this brilliant style which killed the show.

First of all: Everything was done perfectly right-on-time like a 2nd grade fomula. Yes good pacing can sometime do great, like how it hyped people's feelin when Joon Woo show off his identity (uwu gud stuff). But what's unforgivetable is how it breaks the beautiful setting that this show provided. We all know lucky moments and coincidences are sometime acceptable as it's reasonable to happen and will only make the scenes more awesome. But bruh not in this case, bc they freakin spammed it! The amount of oopsie moments that were created only for the shake of helping the protagonist and his companions are immesurable. Remember how Vincenzo and plaza owner closed the shelter's door right on time in ep ? Or when he arrive just b4 main girl of the show have her face punched? These little but ugly details totally ruined my experience as it's bland out unrealistic.

Secondly: Weak character building followed up by weak script. Seriously, Paolo the gangster boss is nothing but a bullied child who dare do nothing, even can't take revenge on Vincenzo's driver when his master is abroad. And I was totally dissapointed seeing how Vincenzo easily kidnapped, tortured, got information from frankly any bad guys. It's like his aura of a normal build little baby face man and some weak measures of suffering could scare the f*ck out of everyone. Not to say no guard or security plan is effective against a korean mafia boy who works alone to invade Babel's domain and employees. Also, the poducers liked to spam backup saveboats that litterally turns the tide of the show. Oh Vincenzo is in trouble? Don't worry, he's rich and knows martial art at a superior rate! Oh plaza civilians are in danger? Don't care cause all of them know how to fight, and some are even masters of brawls. And you won't need me to speak out loud how trashy nerfed Ant Company was, right? (Although I hate it when the members of goverment and important people keep showing up to help willingly for no particular reason more) Hmm, at this rate I think further criticism is unnecessary as you may've all now capable of looking at that overrated mess called Binsenjo Cassanova with a more precise perspective. For me myself, well the only reason I watched it to the end is 'cause of Joon Woo's actin, plot and role (as it's acted brilliantly with some manners of being the most realisticccc and No.1 part of the whole show uwu) Brrrr idk but if your taste is of not very high standard, this TV-series can still entertain you well...... to a certain level that is.
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