The dark side of Hollywood
19 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Its heartbreaking to think that Corey Haim was befriended by adults he trusted and was given drugs which probably made him think they were cool. Only for them to steal away his innocence. I can imagine the guy had serious trust issues as a result. I feel there may be shame from his mothers side which leads to denial as, comforting lies are easier to accept. I don't think his mother would have deliberately put him in that position, but then I do know there are people who can do despicable things for cash. Before I watched the documentary, I was under the impression that Hollywood was riddled with paedophilia . Having seen it I think the problem may be a minority who are being protected by the majority also out of shame. In the UK there was the Jimmy Saville scandal which it appeared the BBC may have covered up which I believe to be the same logic used by the USA broadcasters. It is easier for me to accept that shame makes people and corporations cover up these terrible crimes rather than the alternative, that they are implicated. That being said some serious things to consider for me. They say some of the abused go on to abuse. Maybe Corey couldn't go on because he despised become one of the monsters who ruined his own life. Maybe Charlie Sheen was also sold the story of the boys club as a child. Maybe he's scared or ashamed to come out about his own truth, 1 because it would be painful and 2 it would implicate him. For me paedophilia is everywhere and no matter what industry or profession, each business or corporation seems to try and cover things up to protect their reputation. Whether that be the church, the media, schools etc. I think it is shameful that the cycle is allowed to continue out of selfish actions. We need to change the way we think and act in society because it will always continue... if we allow it.
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