Reading the book right before watching the movie ruined it for me
25 October 2019
The book was entertaining. I enjoyed almost every page. But as is sometimes the case, the characters I imagined in the book were nothing like those that were cast. I thought everyone was terrible for their roles besides Mia.

There were a couple of brilliant sequences (I don't say that lightly), but for the most part this movie has not aged well. I didn't go into it expecting to be creeped out or scared, but I expected there to be a little more atmospheric creepiness.

The basement was well-lit and not intimidating. The satanists were laughable. The dialogue felt rushed and unnatural for 80% of the movie. I don't know, I know it's an unpopular opinion, but I'd suggest just reading the book instead.

I give it 6 stars just for Mia Farrow and some of the sequences throughout.
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