Review of 12 Monkeys

12 Monkeys (2015–2018)
Absolutely Fantastic
12 December 2018
I have not written very many reviews for shows and movies on here before but I feel obligated with such a flawless show as 12 Monkeys.

Very few shows have ever captivated me the same way 12 Monkeys did. My only regret is that I did not know about this show or watch it at all while it was airing. I recently ran across it on Hulu and watched the entire show in a matter of a few weeks.

I'm always careful when it comes to time travel in shows and movies because unless it is handled correctly, it can make the show/movie absolutely terrible and unbelievable. Not so with 12 Monkeys. The intellect with which the timelines and stories are written out is nothing short of genius. Things happen in season 1 that you may see in season 3 or 4 that have a totally different meaning and make sense. The story makes sense and is carefully crafted to where when you get to the end, you can look back and say "wow!"

The characters are emotionally deep and compelling. I'm not always a huge crier when it comes to shows movies but this show is one of the few that made me cry multiple times. I love these characters: Cassie, Cole, Jones, Jennifer, Deacon.They are rich, relatable and incredibly acted and performed in this show.

The ending is perfect. Having a good ending to a tv show (much less and science fiction show) is a very rare thing. 12 Monkeys has a fantastically satisfying ending, both emotionally and intellectually. I don't know how the writers did it, but somehow they tied up every single loose end and story arc over the seasons. It makes sense. While at the same time paying off the emotional investment we as the audience had in these characters for 4 seasons. I cannot give higher praise to the ending of this show. Breathtaking.

I think after the dust settles and I have time to process more the story and emotional ride this show took me on, it may just end up being my favorite show of all time at this point. If you have not seen it, do yourself a favor and watch it. I guarantee that you won't regret it. It's sad that shows like this don't always get the praise or the recognition it deserves. This is a true gem. All I can say is thanks for the ride.
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