Review of Revenge

Revenge (II) (2017)
Visually engaging.......
14 May 2018
Generally speaking I dislike revenge style flicks. I Spit On Your Grave and its modern incantations were for me simply too gory and on a certain level, repulsive.

Revenge manages the gore factor by toning down the excesses of many of its counterparts. Its got its blood and guts but its not by the bucketful Equally, much as the key female protagonist might be out for her ounce of flesh, the approach is not overtly or creatively sadistic.

Balancing the violence of this film is a certain style and artistic flair. There's some real cleverness in the use of visuals. The ants creeping over a partly eaten apple is an interesting metaphor that hints at what's to come in the first quarter of the film. The clever transformation of the female lead from urbanised party goer to feral mud smeared gun toting wild woman, is handled with a certain care that shows in the final product.

Given this film is in one sense rather basic in terms of its story and narrative the fact I rate it quite highly is a testament to how effectively visuals and action have been married up to produce a really engaging experience. 7/10 from me.
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