A Dry White Hero
18 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
There's a good movie in here somewhere. Ghetto uprising. Blacks mowed down by racist cops. White-dominated justice system that defends the status quo. But hey, enough about America. The Soweto uprising is fertile ground for a movie. But after a while the blacks fade into the background and it's a movie about Concerned Liberal White Dude and his cheerful, resourceful Black Sidekick. Heck, it's practically Lethal Weapon II. Good performances all around, marred only slightly by the bad fake accents. In every scene she's in, Sarandon seems to hail from a different corner of the British Empire. But none of the ''name'' actors seems to be able to maintain a consistent accent throughout the movie. Hollywood should just let actors speak naturally and let the audience fill in the blanks. This movie was probably quite powerful in 1989, and probably angered many at the injustices still occurring in South Africa at the time. It's pretty easy to imagine devil's horns growing out of the wife's head even moreso than the police captain's. Nowadays it's more of a reminder at how one group of people can treat another group so poorly, based on little more than skin color. A lesson we too easily forget, it seems.
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