I feel like it's missing something
8 July 2017
First of all I had to say I really have high expectations to this film, but the trailers did really ruin it for me, the trailers did almost show the whole movie itself. But for me it didn't feel like a Spider-man/Iron-man movie.

Lets start first with the character, Tom Holland portray Spider-man and Peter Parker really well he's probably the best Spider-man yet, Michael Keaton did a good job on portraying the Vulture, and the other characters were also good, they did a good job on casting.

The Film is kinda boring, the pacing slow but its not that bad, the film is more of a lighthearted movie than the others its more of a movie for teens but has fun moments for the adults specially for comic books fans, its has a teenage-ish feel but its okay

the action was not that bad but its not as exciting as the action in Sam Raimi's Spiderman 1 & 2, i thought it there will be more action scenes, but what you see in the trailers is what you get

It also didn't feel like a Marvel movie, it's so different from the others, it feel like more of a Disney TV movie with a taste of marvel in it (THIS IS JUST MY OPINION) but hey it's Fun and visually appealing movie, this movie is basically introducing Peter Parker on how he became the spider-MAN and introducing him in the avengers

overall this was above average movie, its GREAT!!!
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