Review of Baby Driver

Baby Driver (2017)
A brilliant display of music, editing, and action
1 July 2017
Director Edgar Wright did not fail to meet expectations. In fact, he exceeded them to deliver a wonderfully soundtracked, very enjoyable film, well rounded with action and comedy.

The film Baby Driver follows the story of Baby (Elgort), a robbery getaway driver who listens to music to drown out the ringing in his ears. He meets and falls in love with a diner waitress (James). Despite the couple's wish to leave the world of unenjoyable jobs behind them as they drive off to nowhere in particular, Baby's life of crime doesn't let him to do so as his boss (Spacey) and the muscle (Hamm, Foxx) continue to put him in difficult situations. The film is full of stunning car chase scenes, foot- tapping and head-bobbing soundtracks, and spectacular editing work.

The acting is praise-worthy, especially with an all-star cast. Ansel Elgort plays Baby wonderfully, fully embodying the character and drawing the audience's attention. Kevin Spacey plays Doc and gives a good supporting performance as the callous mastermind behind each big heist. Hamm and Foxx play the callous and ruthless robbers and undoubtedly succeed in giving Baby a hard time. Lily James also gives a great breakout performance in the film.

ON TO THE EDITING. Edgar Wright's past works (Hot Fuzz, Shaun of the Dead, etc) all show his action/comedic genius with on-point sound editing and scene cuts. Personally, I believe Baby Driver may be Wright's best work because the intense, fast paced driving action allows for quick cuts that align with the rhythm and beat of whatever great song is playing on Baby's iPod. Even the characters interact with the music -- whether it is a character mimicking the loud blast of a grenade, cocking a shotgun, playing a make-shift piano, or shifting the car into reverse -- each interaction is a perfect note that makes the audience enjoy the film and song that much more. Overall, I believe Wright managed to succeed in what he sought out to achieve -- a comedic action film that is unique in film and sound editing.

In my opinion, Baby Driver is a highly recommended movie that will be sure to attract and appeal to a large audience. Wright makes the viewer appreciate editing, so take note and enjoy the brilliance and the fun.
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