Slick, but I was detached in a way I wasn't in the first film
1 July 2017
The first John Wick film took me by surprise; it was a cartoonish action film that was surprisingly brutal in its content, cruel in its delivery, and had a real punch to it. All of it existed inside a world that convinced in its own logic, even if it was clearly fantasy. John Wick 2 doesn't have the ability to sneak up on me unannounced, which does work against it, but this is not what hurts it the most.

The second chapter of what at least looks like being a trilogy, is slick and very well put together. The locations are brilliant (whether a roof garden or a larger location), the fight scenes have great choreography, and after a slow first 20 minutes it does have a great pace. But yet I found myself watching it much more passively than I had with the first film. This sense of being detached came from a couple of places. The first was that the plot did not seem as organic as the first – the violence that draws Wick deeper seems to occur just for the sake of making the film happen (which is of course true, but it doesn't try to hide it). This reduces the investment and stakes, so rather than being drawn in, I just sort of accepted it because I know where it was going.

The second thing that kept me out of it was related to this lack of investment – which is that the film's lack of realism is all the stark. I do not mean that the film needed to be a kitchen-sink drama, but rather that the film cannot sell this world to the viewer. In the first I could go with this shadowy world on the edges of ours, with the idea that it developed its own rules and norms; here though it seems everyone is a hired killer, and those in charge have total power and huge organizational skills. The use of this doesn't seem worth the cost of doing such things – for instance suggesting everyone in a massive crowd is in the employment of one person and can act with the slightest nod just seemed silly and not to add value. This excess infects the action – it is overblown but could have been strong enough to engage had it not been that the majority of the film is so silly in how it works. I read Theo Robertson's user comment on this one and I think he nailed it when he said that the film could easily be in the Matrix universe – at least this would make the nonsense here ring true.

This limits the film, but doesn't stop it being enjoyable. The action is slick and consistent, the style and gloss of all the moments are enjoyable, and the starry cast are mostly pretty good. Reeves is good value and does great physical work, and the supporting cast has plenty of famous faces – although some of them are distracted by their volume, or by virtue of not being well used (Fishburne is probably the one that we could have done without). So JW2 is a slick action flick, but not as good as the first film, nor as good as everyone tells you it is. The ending suggests the third film will be on an even bigger scale, with Wick literally taking on the whole world, which will probably only serve to remind me how good the first one was when it was one man seeking revenge on another for the death of his dog.
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