Starhunter (2000–2004)
Not good. And gets worse near the end.
23 October 2016
I watched the entire first "series" (episodes 1-22) and I am sorely disappointed. After watching the first few episodes I felt my expectations had been significantly lowered. Wooden acting, poor scripts, etc. I did enjoy the general visuals of the ship and the special effects were very dated, but not terrible. That, and actually wanting to find out how it ends kept me watching. I plodded through the rest of the series, mostly playing it in the background while doing chores, hobbies and such.

Then I hit the last couple episodes and it all went to heck. The writing and acting get even more stilted and wooden. I mean, it goes from poor to really bad. Further, odd plot accelerations come out of nowhere and the writers make big leaps in logic seemingly trying to quickly wrap up the series. Then they top it off with no resolution and a cliffhanger that doesn't even do the audience the favor of trying to make sense.

I was tempted to try the second series- originally called "Starhunter 2300"- but in quickly glancing at the plot synopsis it looks like it also ends in an unresolved cliffhanger. No thanks.

Anywho, if you like mediocre sci-fi, wooden acting and an almost complete lack of resolution this series could be for you. If not, go watch Firefly instead. The best thing about Starhunter is that after watching a couple of episodes, Firefly seems like Emmy material!

Skip this.
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