28 Days Later (2002)
A rude awakening...
20 January 2016
"28 Days Later" does deviate somewhat from the stereotypical zombie movie genre. And whether or not that is a good thing or a bad thing is, of course, a matter of personal preference. I did, however, find it to be a refreshing approach to the genre. I liked some parts of the movie, and I disliked others.

Director Danny Boyle took a bold approach to the genre when he came up with this zombie movie or viral infection movie, call it what you will. And it was an approach that resulted in a fairly entertaining movie, which did bring some new and interesting things to the genre.

What works in favor of "28 Days Later" is the storyline and the way that director Danny Boyle told the story. It is a fast paced story that is driven by a solid story, good characters and equally good acting performances.

However, I am not personally a big fan of having fast, agile and running zombies. But since these aren't zombies as such, then I guess as an infected person it is alright. But for the genre, then I would classify them as zombies, and as such running is a no go.

I mentioned that the storyline is good, and it is the heart of the story, and the writers did put together a good story which is thrilling and entertaining. It was a thrill ride to follow Jim (played by Cillian Murphy) from waking up in the hospital and throughout the movie right up to the end.

The effects in "28 Days Later" are quite good, and that is something which also helps the movie quite a lot. You can't really have a zombie movie, infected people movie, or whatever this was, and not have proper effects. So thumbs up to the special effects team for their work on "28 Days Later".

Usually I am not one who pays much attention to music in a movie, unless it is awfully bad and overshadows everything else. But the music they opted for in this movie was actually good and did help to supplement the movie quite well.

If you enjoy zombie movies and want something fast paced that deviates from the stereotypical how-to-make-a-zombie-movie recipe, then give "28 Days" a chance.
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