Rock n Roll High Legacy
16 November 2015
This film is another under the radar gem and sort of one of my guilty pleasures. It's also kinda another relic from my childhood since I've seen this when I was about ten. Sure like most sequels it's not as good as the first film but it's not trying to be, I feel it's staying partial true to the first film but most importantly just being plain fun.

I really like the Eradicators band they actually look and feel like an actual rock band and not some generic oh so clean yet oh so bland boy or girl band we've seen one time to many already these days.

This band the Erradicators despite rocking hard are somewhat underdogs as it seems their all kinda of outsiders in a way as their getting downtrodden by yuppie scumbags and unfair authority in the school and don't get enough gigs all the time (despite the fact their clearly talented), but still do what they do best and stick to it no matter what. Their also mischief makers (their not called "The Erradcators" for nothing as they love to play harmless pranks on the school not just for the sake of rebellion but just to get a good laugh. Their goal is a simple one to go out in style as their all spending the last days of senior year. And I like that motive and I think it's one that's kinda non cliché because usual in most films based on music it's always about a band trying to become famous or winning some contest.

The characters are fun and colorful they all have their individual persona's from the Erradicators band, a few supporting characters, to the villains.

Jesse played well by Corey Feldman is solid as the lead rebel of the group, as usual Corey exercises his sly charisma. Magnus is solid, I like that he's a bit of a mischief maker but that he's got a sort of weird side to time, from a scene where he has two lockers which contain lots of random stuff which is enough to make a joke shop.

Namrok is my favorite character despite not in the film much I think is awesome, he literally doesn't talk much in the film he's a man of action and that actor is a really talented martial artist it was really cool seeing him do his moves despite not hitting anyone.

Another favorite character is Stella, the actress that plays her is hot I had kinda a crush on her when I was a kid. Not just physically but has the persona to boot as it seems she has sort of has this dry sarcastic charisma. I wish she had a few more scenes which I'll admit is one weak point of the film.

Tabatha despite not in the film very long which I'll admit that's another weak point of the film, I think she's a fun character. She could almost be a resident of Pawnee from the TV show "Parks and Rec" as her character is supposedly a Wican but is most of all just really weird which makes her an outsider. But she does that because she feels like it or likes it which is something I can empathize with. Even like a bit of the chemistry with both Magnus and her which is decent, though I wish both had more scenes together.

Dr. Vader is a fun villainous you love to dislike. Yeah, she's an over the top villain but I'm fine with that I like my villain having high energy. She basically a fascist tyrant that wants to rule the school with an iron fist (literally she's got one). But what makes her stand out even more is the fact that underneath that demeanor of order she is completely insane. From putting up an electric fence to the school turning the school into a penitentiary, trying to make the Erratacators lives (including most others) a living hell for no reason probably just to get a sick kick, let alone that clawed prosthetic hand that is clearly dangerous.

The comedy is solid and memorable, though not all the jokes work some are a little cheesy and stupid. But most of them do which makes them great like that infamous urine testing scene, it's toilet humor (literally) but it's good because it's suggestive and what happens is just fraking hilarious. A few "Star Wars" in jokes, the writer was obviously a "Star Wars" fan (so am I). The frog decetion eating where Stella is just giving grief to a yuppie scumbag. Down to the prom which well is lets just say one no one will forget.

I even like the music soundtrack, this film wasn't called Rock n Roll High School Forever for nothing, rock music is a big part of the film and there are a lot of memorable and fun tracks it's a shame they didn't have a CD or even some of the song to download on Ipod. I really like the theme song "Rock n Roll High School Forever" I think it's very good almost catchy, not quite one of my favorite themes but close. And even some of the songs that the Eradicators sing my favorite Rocksteady. It was surprising the Cory Felman could actually sing and dance I thought he was really solid, he actually turned out to be sort of a triple threat for his acting career, shame he didn't do a musical.

Overall, it's a solid sequel, yeah it's no comedy masterpiece let alone one of the best sequels ever but like any good rock song it's just plain fun and worth a listen.

Rating: 3 stars
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