"You see this isn't the first time that we've had this conversation. "
3 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Why do we go to the movies? To be entertained, to laugh, to be amused, to be pulled into situations that are far from ever happening to us. The only certainty in today's film world that the film that you pick to watch in cinema is Tom Cruise. If you go into cinema and see any of Cruise's films you can be damn sure that that film won't disappoint you. Tom Cruise sure picks great projects. Frankly, I have to say that I haven't seen a bad film starring Tom Cruise.

Edge of Tomorrow is described by the director himself as "Groundhog Day meets Starship Troopers". The former mentioned is actually quite important since the trailers made this film look pretty dark, which is not the case. This is fun action film with lots of humor. Humor that perfectly fits this film. The time-loop allows the Cruise's Colonel Cage to remember exactly the situation he repeats over and over, which is many times very funny. At films with time-loop I am alway worried that the film might get repetitive. Well you don't have to when Doug Liman is at helm. The film has no time to get repetitive when it is moving at such fast pace. An action scene follows an actions and the scope is just mind blowing. This film packs in so much in just two hours. Other films usually keep the best scenes for the big finale. In Edge of Tomorrow all the action scenes are the best scenes of the film.

Tom Cruise doesn't act as his usual self here, he plays against type. He always tries to come up with something new in his films. So in what role you haven't seen him yet? A wimpy coward. He once again shows what a versatile actor he is. Emily Blunt, as the kick ass Rita, has never been more likable in any of her films than here. she handles the action and the drama perfectly. Bill Paxton mostly just repeats his commands and lines about victory, but he is just so great at that he ends up as one of the funniest characters in the film

To me this comes as no surprise, that Edge of Tomorrow is yet another sci-fi Tom Cruise film, which kick ass from start to finish. What roller-coaster ride! This will be hard to top in the upcoming summer season. There is nothing wrong with this film. It's got everything. Even a helicopter crash!
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