Macbeth (I) (2006)
Seize a night at home
18 August 2013
If you're familiar with this Shakespearian tragedy, just blend it into a crime movie, while keeping the dialogue in tact, as if spouted out of fellow stage thespians. But remember here, this is film. An interesting and experimental idea, unfortunately while being immensely entertaining, fails ultimately on one level, cause the thespian uttered dialogue doesn't work or gel. If done like 1990's Men of Respect, who knows how this would of turned out. Probably not much better I reckon'. But still, this is a bloody good show helped by some colorful performances from some actors, you'll underestimate. I'm chiefly speaking about Mick Molloy who does his best work, as a merciless hit-man, killing a mother and child with barbwire. The photography is fantastic, from it's hand-held opening. Macbeth boasts style and is something different, from a director who makes very few movies. Wright's 4th pic is almost up with Romper Stomper, although I have yet to see Cherry Falls.
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