Mrs. Brown's Boys (2011– )
A slightly vulgar version of Faluty Towers but equally brilliant
19 November 2012
Being a fan of Faulty Towers, which I consider the best TV comedy series of all time, I was leery when my son suggested I watch "Mrs Brown's boys". I was blown away by the sheer hilarity of the show. I could not stop laughing long enough at one gag when the next one hit. I had to take a painkiller after the show to mitigate the pain of laughing so hard. Even the unseen dog is funny! The bad language (hence my comment of vulgarity in the summary) actually gets a bit lost among all the gags, great lines and situations, to the pint that it becomes hardly noticeable. And it is clear it is not used for the sheer shock, but as a part of the character's personality, since it is mostly Mrs Brown who uses the f word the most. Don't waste time, watch it. If you don't laugh, check for a pulse.
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