A very creepy film
28 February 2012
Daniel Radcliffe's first film role after the end of Harry Potter is playing a lawyer in the early 1900s. OK, that's cool. This film is both an adaptation, and a remake, but I have neither read the book, nor saw the original film, so I went into this film with just one wish, please creep me out.

And for the most part this film does that pretty well. I was creeped out throughout a lot of this film, and jumped a descent number of times. I think the reason it works so well is because it has great atmosphere, there is a twenty minute long sequence with almost no dialog with Daniel Radcliffe just walking around the house. And for a PG-13 horror movie, there are some pretty terrible ways in which KIDS, get killed. The ending has balls, it is both sad and happy at the same time. The acting is good, and it has really good production value, it really looks like the early 1900s.

Now there are a few problems I had, the first twenty minutes have a few of the cheap jump scares, like a crow flying across the screen. Thankfully the scares get more real as the film goes on. There were a few times where I did feel kind of bored. And this may just be a personal problem, but Daniel Radcliffe, looks way too young to have a four year old kid. I mean he's 22, I know they had kids early back then but come on, but like I said, maybe it's just because I'm so used to him being Harry Potter.

The Woman in Black is the best horror film of 2012 so far, granted the only other one I saw was the Devil Inside, but I did enjoy this film, and recommend you check it out.
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