The Vidiot Reviews...
3 June 2011
License to Drive

Driver's exams are the only assessment wherein, after you've passed, you can disregard everything you learned.

Unfortunately, the new driver in this comedy must retain proper road etiquette a while longer, because he failed.

Passing the road test, but not the written portion, Les (Corey Haim) is accidentally granted a license, which is later revoked.

Being unlicensed, however, doesn't stop him from lying to his parents (Carol Kane, Richard Masur), so that he can take out the hottest girl in school, Mercedes (Heather Graham).

While his fib fails, Les is not impeded. After dark he absconds with his grandfather's Cadillac and goes on a disastrous joyride with his drunken date and loser buddies (Corey Feldman, Michael Manasseri).

Revving with riotous laughs, License to Drive is an ode to adolescent autoerotism and rebellion.

Besides, it doesn't matter if a 16-year-old male doesn't have a license; he's paying triple for car insurance. (Yellow Light)

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