The Hunted (1995)
Incredible stupid movie!
17 October 2010
When viewing "The Hunted" you wonder who this movie is meant for. It could not be action fans since the action scenes are horrible. Sure there is a lot of blood. But none of the fighters showed any extraordinary skill. Here you have this so called ninja who has to kill this woman (Joan Chen) and in stead of just doing so he takes his time and asks her how she wants to be killed. Not only that he even shows his face to her.(Which of course is always a big no no for an assassin.) You might think that he is a decent ninja. When she answers him to die slowly with a lot of pain he says he is under orders to do it quickly so he can't fulfill her request. And all this portrayed by the same man who played the last Emperor of China. Good god,and this is only in the first ten minutes. Christopher Lambert is a witness to this killing and has seen John Lone's face. These super skilled ninja's failed to kill him off and they chase him. Lambert gets help from a samurai but only to use him as bait. Now the most ridiculous thing is that everything is taken so seriously. But how could you. It is basically one silly scene to another. Lambert fans will be disappointed since he has more of a supporting role and only comes into action a couple of times.Do yourself a favor and forget about this movie!
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