Pure Hype!
17 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
The good news is: as a horror movie, this movie is watchable.

The bad news is: hype is what is driving this movie, and I can already see that by the sparse amount of movie-goers who were in the theater on a late Saturday afternoon, people are catching on that this is not "the scariest movie you will ever see" or that "this movie will give you nightmares." What a load of crap.

It seems like Hollywood is already struggling to profitably fill movie theaters with the garbage they are putting out these days. This is the first movie we have been to in over two years, and it was mostly due to all the hype, that we went to see this one. $32 dollars later ($14 to get into the movie and $18 for a tub of popcorn and two cokes!) it was at best, a watchable but mediocre movie. To put it very plainly, I wish we had ordered it from Netflix instead of blowing the price of a meal at a decent restaurant on an over-hyped B-movie.

There were some creepy but anti-climatic moments: when Katie stares at Micah for hours, and the scenes leading up to when he finds her out on the patio were rather suspenseful. But the very predictable ending was quite a letdown, and the acting was a tad atrocious.

The bottom line is, don't rush to a theater to waste your money paying ridiculous prices to see this mediocre movie; order it from Netflix (is it even available?) or wait till it shows up in the Red Box DVD dispenser.

"Steven Spielberg was apparently so scared that he stopped watching it halfway through." Who posted this crap on IMDb under the movie's trivia? Who would honestly believe this after seeing this movie?
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