Big Business (1988)
A Comedy of Errors that didn't make me laugh............
4 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I know farce is supposed to be fast and furious but it is also supposed to be funny and unfortunately "Big Business"(absolutely no connection with the Laurel and Hardy masterpiece of the same name)isn't.Miss Midler and Miss Tomlin squeal,shout,wriggle and giggle to very little effect indeed. Whether playing country gals from Jupiter Holler or Manhattan sophisticates they merely go into their respective schticks no matter if it helps or hinders the creaking plot that was old when Shakespeare gave it a lick of paint. Both ladies have large vociferous followings whom I would hate to offend but I must in all honesty say that I find them an acquired taste.Perhaps it's me. The whole ragbag of identity jokes is ravaged without shame but "Big Business" brings nothing new to the party. However,if you are amongst the Midler/Tomlin fanbase you will already be ignoring me and settling down in front of your DVD with your cans of Stella and Indian Takeaway ready to belch and burp your way through it.Er,sorry,did I get that bit wrong?
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