Batman at his best.
7 September 2008
Batman the animated series is one of the best cartoon series ever. Originally aimed at young viewers it also is a series that is watched just as much by adults.

This cartoon is different than most other cartoons. It is not just non stop action with no plot. The plots of the episodes from this series were amazingly good, good enough to be used for drama series. The dialogue and voice over work was amazing and the animation always remains the same through much of the series, spectacular.

Batman is well portrayed in this series. He has no tolerance for anyone who violates the law. Relentless, he will not stop until he has accomplished what he sets out to accomplish. Batman has no fear in this cartoon. Bruce Wayne is also well portrayed in this show. He is a more than capable heir who keeps Wayne Enterprises running. Has a great sense of who to trust and what to do.

One of the best things about Batman in general has been his villains. That is true here as well; Batman's villains in "Batman the animated series" are awesome. The Joker and his diabolical evil schemes. The Penguin and his various umbrella weapons. Poison Ivy and how she uses her evil plants against Batman. Two-Face(my personal favorite) and his good heads bad head coin that decides if he does evil deeds or not. The Mad Hatter and his obsession with controlling others minds. Scarecrow and his constant use of fear. Catwoman and her stealth not to mention her feelings for Batman. The Riddler and his mind twisting puzzles. Other great villains in this series are Killer Croc, Harley QUinn, Rupert Thorne, Clay face, and Mr. Freeze.

I found it awesome how Mark Hamill and Roddy Mcdowell are the voices of the Joker and The Mad Hatter respectfully. I have the utmost respect for Hamill and his role in Star Wars and Mcdowell and his role in Planet of the Apes. So it is good to see such notable actors as characters in this show.

In this D.V.D. (volume one) there are numerous great episodes, many of them two parters. Ones that I really like are "Two-Face", a part episode that explains the origin of how Harvey Dent became Two-Face. Also great is another two part episode titled "Feat of Clay", another two parter telling the tragic story of Matt Hagen who became Clayface. But you really cant go wrong with any episodes. They are all great.

This is a great show. Must see. Check out Batman the Animated Series. After watching a few episodes you will see how good it is.
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