Review of Druids

Druids (2001)
11 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
In the wonderful world of bad b movies, we have this. THIS! This. This is another one of 'those' movies, the movies that everyone begs you to see because it's THAT TERRIBLE! Oh my God you won't believe it, it's sooooooo baddddd... You know that type of movie.

Of course if you've seen other movies of this type, you may be asking, "But what sets this one apart from all the other bad movies out there? I mean I'm a Bela Lugosi fan, afterall. I've seen Plan 9 from Outer Space. Heck I'm a regular MST3K fan, only without the silly commentary by that dude and his robots!" So in answer to that question, here is what Druids has that other terrible movies hasn't: -A complete plot arc that ends fifteen minutes into the movie, leaving an hour and forty five minutes for nothing really to happen before the most anticlimactic ending in human history.

-Poor editing even by bad movie standards, where in most movies the editing is just successful enough to not notice, but in this one every single cut sticks out like a papercut thumb.

-An obscenely ugly woman. Who appears in almost every scene. And causes retches of revulsion with each appearance. And even has a nudey part.

-'Druids' that cut down trees.

-A director who thinks he's making Braveheart when he's not even making Hercules vs the Romans.

-The experience of what it's like to see where a scene is going, and then have it not only not go that way, but not go anywhere at all... every single scene.

So there we go, ladies and gentlefanboys, go out and see the new cult classic of our generation! --PolarisDiB
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