Review of Lucas

Lucas (1986)
Lucas would never have dropped ball in real life, but a worthy movie
25 April 2006
Lucas was a very interesting movie, which gave extra dimensions to the young characters and explored their level of maturity. I only gave the movie a 6 because of a few major flaws. First the good points. The characters who were in different stages of physical and emotional maturity. Note how the Sheen character is allowed to grow early. By being a sort who shoots up in physical growth early he capitalizes (Cappy) on the chance to mature as a leader as well, preferring some intellectual friends to the immature teammates who still pick on Lucas. The fun loving offensive lineman character and his middle level of maturity is also interesting. Lucas is a nerd, but tries to expand his horizons. And the casting crew and director made sure to make this a female appeal movie by casting the ugly duckling girls as the glamor girls, and the gorgeous girls as the nerds. The major flaw was Lucas dropping the ball in the end. We've all played different roles in life, and any guy can tell you that in that situation Lucas catches the ball 100 times out of 100. The character of the coach who is well defined as a punk from the beginning is very hard to envision as keeping his job (maybe he didn't.) One weird bit, a woman must have had the most say in the casting, because easily the best looking girl was the one in the band, and I remember being a high school boy. There is no way the boys would be chasing the two plain girls in the movie and ignoring the foxes like that girl in the band. Looks like a female fantasy. All in all, a worthy movie.
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