Review of First Knight

First Knight (1995)
16 October 2005
I absolutely loathe this movie - it is one of the most awful screen adaptations of the Arthur story to date.

First of all the casting is all wrong - Julia Ormond as Guienevere and Richard Gere as any kind of historical person is simply laughable. Sean Connery could have been OK as Arthur but he delivers a very weak performance, mostly due to the horrid script I believe. Perhaps he realised what kind of sheep dung they were creating and lost interest.

The story in itself is does unforgivable changes to the Arthur mythology, the idea to take a minor villain from an obscure medieval romance and turn him into the one that overthrows Arthur's reign is simply atrocious. Arthur's realm is portrayed as a weak little kingdom that topples over at first sight of trouble, and Arthur himself comes across as a jealous despot. The Arthur story, especially the love triangle between Arthur, Guinevere and Lancelot, contains a lot more depth than this movie shows you.

Also, the fight scenes are meek and the armour worn by the knights seems more like something from Star Trek than any kind of actual medieval protective gear.

If you want to see a good Arthur movie, I'd recommend Excalibur, Merlin or even the latest installment; King Arthur. Avoid this heinous atrocity of a movie at all costs!
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