Review of Two Much

Two Much (1995)
Talented cast keeps it going.
4 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers

This zany screwball comedy isn't going to win any awards but I liked it. One reason for that is probably the main players in this movie: Bandarus, Hanna and Griffith. All play their roles well and the movie, though not a classic or a perfect 10, is surprisingly enjoyable in some places and a good summer's pick.

There are times when this movie really drags and I wont say it is the type of movie that makes you roar with laughter. It's a classic romantic comedy in many respects, with a great setup as Bandarus basically plays two people and Daryl Hanna and Melody Griffith play the sisters who both fall in love with him.

Everyone works well together here and this, I believe is the movie where Bandarus and Griffith fell in love off camera, and man do they have chemistry on screen. In fact, Bandares has chemistry with both ladies and Hanna and Griffith work very well together So I think that's primarily what makes the movie work because let's face it, it's quite silly in some places and the draggy factor is indeed there.

But when Bandarus and one of his respective leading ladies are on screen together, it's actually interesting and if not hilarious, then highly entertaining. I'd give Two Much about a 6.5, it's not anywhere as bad as some have said though it's far from a 10. It's a good enough movie to watch though when one just wants an entertaining, fun screwball comedy.
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