Review of Teen Wolf

Teen Wolf (1985)
Where's the beef?
24 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I remember first seeing this movie on TV, about a year or two after it hit the theaters. At the time, I thought it was a really cool movie, but I was only 8 or 9 then. Having recently watched a tape of it that I borrowed from the library, my opinion has changed. I think the premise was a really good idea, but the writers/producers don't seem to have done much with it. The entire plot can be summed up like this: "High school student turns into werewolf, becomes popular, then discovers that his true friends are the ones who liked him for himself." There's really no "meat" to the story. Scott's father tells him that he'll have "great powers" but we only see two of them: the ability to play basketball really well, and the ability to find a stash of marijuana by smelling it. I think they should have shown some of Scott's other powers, or how his day-to-day life had changed (aside from his popularity). To me, concentrating on the wolf aspect of the story would have been more interesting than Scott's pursuit of the snobby blonde girl. I also agree with the other reviewers about the wolf costume/makeup. Scott looks more like a gorilla than a wolf - the makeup artist should have concentrated on making him look more like a wolf, rather than just throwing on a lot of hair.
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