16 August 2003
As a true Nightmare On Elm Street (NOES) Fan, I found this movie entertaining and was surprised that it was a more than half-way decent movie produced by Hollywood (the surprise being that American Hollywood hasn't produced a good horror movie in a long time because of over-used CGI effects and lame plots).

I was biased and was rooting for Freddy because I prefer the NOES to the Friday the 13th series. I think that Freddy is more creative with his death routines, which I find this adds charm to his character. I also liked the surreal dream sequences, which Freddy vs. Jason had.

The ending was a little predictable, but was a nice surprise still. Without spoiling anything, I can easy see American Hollywood producing another horror movie centered around Freddy or Jason, especially if the money comes in on this flick. "Sad but True" it seems.

Kelly Rowlands' character was very annoying and I was not impressed with her at all. She should stick to her lame music because her character was rude, ignorant, and plus Kellys' acting skills were less than to par. I think she should have been "whacked" first.

The rest of the characters were average to slightly above average in their respective acting skills. Nice surprise from Robert Shaye from New Line Cinema!

As a true NOES fan, I give Freddy vs. Jason a 9/10.
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