21 September 2003
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of the worst films I've ever seen. Not the good kind of 'bad' which you'd expect to see on MST3K, but BAD.

(Slight spoiler follows) Why exactly should Hilary Duff (who plays the female agent that assists Cody) have to 'playfully' shield her breasts from a boy that's (meant to be) barely a teenager? These days, it's not even acceptable when James Bond does it! It made me feel sick. All in all, that was the main thing that got to me. Throughout the film, adult women are sexualised for the juvenile fantasies of thirteen year-old boys.

Incidentally, I don't hate films aimed at children. I saw 'Finding Nemo' shortly after seeing this and thoroughly enjoyed it. I recommend you see that instead.
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