Office Space (1999)
One Of The Greatest Films Ever Made!
9 February 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I honestly don't think there's enough good things to say about Office Space. It has everything a great film needs: A great story, great acting, great jokes, great soundtrack, great everything! Hell, we even get to like the characters, as with most films no one cares. Even though this is a comedy, it actually deals with a very big issue: disillusionment. And most comedies of this type don't do that sort of thing.

The disillusioned Peter Gibbons (Ron Livingston) has an office job at Innitech that he really hates to the point where he confesses that everyday is the worse day of this life because of it. He has two disillusioned friends there: Michael Bolton (David Herman), who gets a lot of harassment due to him having the same name as the singer, and Samir (Ajay Naidu), an Indian immigrant who just wants to keep his job. Two other men who work with them are Tom (Richard Riehle), a man who wants to make a `Jump To Conclusions Mat' to get rich, and Milton (Stephen Root), a mumbling man who can't stand up for himself. Their boss is the evil Bill Lumbergh (Gary Cole), who makes them work on the weekend and torments everyone, especially Milton. Peter loves Joanna (Jennifer Aniston), a waitress at a restaurant he often goes to that he loves, but can't ask her out due to having no confidence and a pushy girlfriend named Anne (Alexandra Wentworth). After being hypnotized by a hypnotist that dies before he can complete the process, Peter gains all the confidence he needs to decide to not quit his job, but just not to go, ask Joanna out and leave Anne. But surprisingly, instead of getting fired, he gets promoted, while his hardworking friends get fired. After this, they decide to get their revenge by putting a computer virus in Innitech's computers to slowly make millions, but it goes horribly wrong.

I love this movie. I really do. Even when I first show the trailer for this in cinema about 5 or 6 years ago when I was about 11 years old I thought it'd be a good movie, and how right was I? Beyond 100% right! All the actors do a great job in this, especially Ron Livingston, who should've got a lot of acclaim for this film. I honestly hope his career becomes really successful someday. I also loved Peter's neighbor Lawrence (Diedrich Bader), who is hilarious. There are other great comedies out there, like Wayne's World (1992) and Joe Dirt (2001), but this is just movie magic! Director Mike Judge is a comic genius! Who thought that the toilet humour of Beavis and Butthead could be beaten by office humour? I hope everyone involved in this film continues to make great films like this.

Oh, and just before I finish this review, I have to say one thing. Even though I love this film to death, I honestly hope they don't make a sequel. This is just one of those rare films that are perfect, and I don't want an inferior sequel(s) to ruin this. A sequel should only be done if it's just as funny (if funnier) than this. And besides, the plot has no where to go, so they should leave this alone. The best way I can sum this film up: A brilliant classic!

Rating: 5/5!!!
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