The Final Sacrifice (1990 Video)
MST3K Episode #910
1 August 2003
Wow. This one hurts. Don't want the original un-MSTied version or your eyes will probably burst into flames...

This movie comes from Canada, need I say more? A banal movie. One of the protagonist is named "Zap Rowsdower". Lets throw in the label Stupidity with the aforementioned banal bit.

Anywho, Troy and Zap fight some dumpy hood-wearing canadians, meet an old prospector who has a wire brush in his throat, and save the legend of the Ziox society.

The MST3K comments on the movie are a riot and this is a very good episode of MST3K that I recommend to anyone to watch. Crappy Movie. Good Heckling.

10/10 for MSTied version.
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